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Anti-democracy protests

diff | 03.06.2003 16:09

Article on the European anti-democracy protests.

Know Thy Fellow Protester
By Jonathan Lewis

"As thousands massed in cities across the U.S. and Europe this past weekend to protest a possible U.S.-led war against Iraq, many anti-war protesters found themselves surprised and somewhat dismayed by the wide-ranging agendas and causes represented by many of their fellow protesters.

Anti-war activists touted this diversity as proof of the broad opposition to President Bush's stance on Iraq. But in truth, the majority of these "diverse" groups are really using the anti-war protests as a platform to further causes as far-ranging as anti-globalization and anti-capitalism to Gay Rights, Anarchy, and anti-Semitism.

While dissent does not necessarily make one un-American, a closer examination of many of these "anti-war" groups reveals a vision for America that the masses would neither recognize, nor want.

Many are openly connected to the Communist and Socialist parties and seek every opportunity to criticize the U.S. They oppose not only the current U.S. administration, but the very principles and foundations that America was built upon.

For example, the co-sponsor of the San Francisco rally is a group called International ANSWER which is closely linked to the extreme left-wing Workers World Party, whose stated goal is "solidarity of all the workers and the oppressed against the imperialist system."

Richard Becker the leader of International ANSWER, and a "party leader" in the Workers World Party vigorously supports Communist China and Kim Jong II's regime in North Korea, and defends the likes of Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic; the Yugoslav war criminal on trial at the Hague for genocide.

Of course anyone who mentions anti-war protesters and communism in same breath is immediately accused of McCarthyism or red-baiting, but all one has to do is go to the ANSWER or STOP THE WAR (UK rally sponsor) websites and follow the links to their "coalition partners" to see the facts. There is no need for allegations, as these groups openly tout their causes.

Some of the more revealing links on the International ANSWER website include:

The Anti-Imperialist League - a pro-communist China and North Korea organization which publishes English language translations of the "Chinese People's Daily" and articles praising the "Chinese People's Volunteers great victory over U.S. aggression in the Korean War."

The International Action Center - Ramsey Clark's group, who accuses the U.S. of war crimes against North Korea and Iraq, and supports former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic and Castro's Communist Cuba.

BANYAN - who supports the Communist Party of the Philippines, Filipino terrorist groups, and calls for the overthrow of the Philippine Government.

Raise the Fist - advocates Anarchy and violence. The groups leader is currently facing criminal charges for the distribution of information related to building explosives and weapons of mass destruction. The website proudly claims that 2,000 of their supporters broke away from last months rally in San Francisco and broke windows at the local INS office.

Other co-sponsors of the San Francisco rally included, United For Peace, Not in Our Name, and Bay Area United Against War. Their supporters range from the American Atheists to the Freedom Socialist Party and includes many of Hollywood's elite.

Across the pond in the UK, STOP THE WAR (formed in September 2001 to protest U.S. military action in Afghanistan) is part of the anti-globalist movement that rejects the war with Iraq as part of their opposition to free-market capitalism. Their supporters include:

Socialist Workers Party - anti-democracy, anti-capitalist, who are against the war in Iraq, yet are committed to violent revolution. During the Gulf war of 1991, the SWP actually called for victory for Saddam Hussein over the allied coalition.

Anarchist Youth Network (UK and Ireland) - Seeks to abolish the State and all institutions of government. Promotes books and articles calling for armed revolt.

Numerous radical Islamic Groups and Communist organizations including the Revolutionary Marxist Group, Communist Party of Britain, Revolutionary Socialist League, Socialist Party, Young Muslims-UK, and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

If there is a common theme to be found among the ANSWER and STOP THE WAR coalitions, its anti-democracy and anti-capitalism. In Europe, the Communist and Socialist Party's mobilized their supporters in mass for this past weekends "anti-war" rallies. A majority of these anti-war protesters are the same people that regularly march in the anti-globalization rallies.

Another common theme to the anti-war protests is little to no criticism of Saddam Hussein. You hear no speeches calling for him to abandon his weapons of mass destruction and no outrage over his human rights abuses. Which truly reveals the disingenuous nature behind much of this "anti-war" movement."

None of these groups can claim they are protesting in the name of the Iraqi people. Not while Iraqis continue to live under Saddam Hussein's repressive regime whose military and security forces are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens. "

Vote out of 10 this article.

1-poor does not criticise protests enough

5-good, fair, well balanced pro-capitalist viewpoint

10-fantastic, brilliant, we the american right wing never support dictators, never, ever, we love freedom.



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03.06.2003 18:01

this is stupid. I guess being anti-capitalist means not liking democracy. If you mean bullshit representative democracy than I am against that. I am for real democracy where everyone has a say with what they want to do. I admit that that the stalinist and trotskyist groups suck though. Anarchism is about real democracy.



03.06.2003 19:38

The people who are anti democrasy are actually the G8 TOTALITARIAN AUTHORTARIAN elite. An elite corporate multinational exclusive few, who control and own most of the global wealth. Is it right that so few selfish rich bastards get to control every aspect of our lives. Tony Blair suspended the right to vote of loyalist and republican Northern irish citizens recently, denying democrasy for Irish people.

captian nairac's ear

democrasy only for the select few very rich

03.06.2003 19:48

we never ever support dictators, why then did CIA americans support, aid and fund Saddam to power. Why did they support, fund, train extremist right wing muslim militia groups, such as the all elusive al-ciaeda network who were trained in bosnia under the guidance of CIA black ops. These faceless securocrats are the real enemy of democrasy, propping up tinpot dictators all over the world, straving most of the world, just to make profits for the elite few.

enoch powell's rent boy

Lets ignore this arsehole

04.06.2003 13:10

He's blatantly just some neo-con dunderhead writing on his sad right wing US think tank website.

He's one of those loonies who thinks that the very notion of a more equal society is "undemocratic" (whatever that means).

Its also interesting to see that one of the terrible things that we anti-caps support is....gasp..."Gay Rights."

Typical US right winger. They blather on about "freedom" but regard people who want equal rights for all - kind of a prerequisite for freedom - as the enemy.

Thieves. Hypocrites and bastards.


Mad Monk