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G8: Injured Photographers Report on Police Repression

Guy Smallman via imc | 03.06.2003 15:12

Pics and report by Guy Smallman. (article 1)

G8: Injured Photographers Report on Police Repression
G8: Injured Photographers Report on Police Repression

G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression
G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression

G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression
G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression

G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression
G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression

G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression
G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression

G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression
G8: Injured imcuk Photographers Report on Police Repression

The demo from Geneva to the border was loud large and peaceful. With the exception of a few people who smashed some windows at a BP station the whole event had passed off without incident. They demo was mostly made up of NGOs, Socialist groups, pacifists and environmentalists.

After a brief party at the border people started to wander back into Geneva. Upon arrival they were greeted by the sight of dozens of German speaking riot police forming lines and cordoning off the junction. They then started pushing people back and then withdrawing their line and starting the process all over again, Some people started trying to reason with them, ask them what the hell they were doing? They just ignored them. This was the most blatant provocation that I have ever seen.

Some senior representatives from the organisations behind the protests asked to speak to the senior officer and were led through the cordon to get an explanation. About 50 yards down the road some people started building a barricade anticipating a police attack. The police then outflanked them, sending in a squad charging in from behind, while the police in front of them did the same. Suddenly the air was filled with concussion grenades.

People began to escape up an open staircase onto an adjacent road. I was nearly at the top of the staircase when a volley of grenades was fired, and i felt something burning on my left leg. Some demonstrators came back and made a tourniquet around my leg to stop the bleeding, and kept me calm until the ambulance arrived. I've had surgery, but dont yet know how bad the long term damage is; i've lost half the feeling in one foot. I've been given enough morphine to sedate all of the Happy Mondays for a month. Big thanks to those who helped me put this report together.

Hopefully back soon

Guy Smallman via imc


Hide the following 7 comments

What langugage did you speak?

05.06.2003 08:13

Sorry for what happened to you. The title of my comment only refers to the first paragraph where you are complaining that the police didn't talk to you. Maybe they didn't speak English? And even if they did they wouldn't have to ,because Switzerland is neither part of the U.K., the U.S. nor a colony of either. This is by no means an excuse for the violence, it actually has nothing to do with it, just something I've noticed with English native speakers. Make an effort when you go travelling (including summit-hopping), the "good ol' days" of the British Empire are over and I don't suppose you intend to further Americanisation of the rest of the world .


neither is switzerland part of germany is it

05.06.2003 16:44

ANNE ! why did the swiss regime draft in 1000s of german riot cops with equipment ?


best wishes

06.06.2003 18:14

all the best for a quick recovery & a rapid return to trouble.


David Hoffman

just a note...

10.06.2003 04:30

Switzerland has 3 distinct official languages, French, German, and Italian, and they're only spoken in certain parts of the country. Genevea is in the French territory, so the German-speaking troops probably came from the interior of the country. Bern, the capital is located there.
...And yes, many people in Western Europe speak at least a smattering of English.


just another note...

10.06.2003 14:10

Switzerland has 4 distinct official langages,German,french,Italian and Rumantsch!
Go to "" and see!


activsts criminal actions

11.06.2003 12:49

Well, you play with fire, your going to get burned!!

The guy has travelled all that way to interfere with the smooth and efficient running of an foreign state, puts himself in a dangerous situation, and then moans when something bad happens?

He shouldn’t have been there in the first place, he knew he was breaking the law and now were supposed to be all teary eyed for him? I think not

It good to see the French and Swiss security forces seem to be doing an excellent job in ensuring that this important summit goes ahead.

Full marks to the French especially for their excellent security operation and the professional conduct of their security forces; they have been a credit to the whole French nation.

Well done to the Swiss as well, although it has shown that they are not as proficient as dealing with these terrorists who turn up every time there is an important meeting than the French, they seem to have given a good account of themselves so far.

Lets just hope this invasion of two states by a multi national rag bag force of terrorists will continue to be contained with minimum damage, loos of life and injuries to civilians and members of the security forces.

As for the "demonstrator" if the local security forces have to deal with them robustly to contain them and some get injured, then so be it, they wanted a fight, they got one, and now they don’t even have the honour and dignity to take their defeat like the anti capitalist "warriors" they claim to be.

These people deliberately put themselves in harms way, and then complain when they don’t get their own way. When they realise that democracy mean the "will of the people" not the will of a very small percentage of rabble-rousers, they will understand that to ensure the people of France and Switzerland get rid of these undesirables. Their security forces must treat the "protestors" with vigorous methods to ensure that they don’t come back.

Again applause for the French and Swiss security forces and keep up the good work folks, we’ve got these idiots in the UK next year and if the proper, democratically elected states like Italy, France and Switzerland continue to treat these people like the terrorists they are, the numbers will be as disappointing next year to them as this years numbers have been.

I am ashamed that some of my countrymen (British) have went to oppose a force of order, stability and economic growth like the G8, and if they put themselves in the position where like the above mentioned idiot did, and then moan when something happens to them, it makes me even more ashamed.

Andy Mullen

Respect to Guy Smallmann

12.06.2003 01:37

I don't even bother to reply to Andy Mullen's comment - contributions like his are the price for open publishing.

But Anne's comment, which addressed Guy Smallmann directly, needs a reply. It makes me angry if a person hospitalised due to police brutality is being thoughtlessly accused of a colonial attitude. Sorry, Anne, that's just bullshit.

Even if the author of the article would NOT have been hit by a targeted concussion granade, your comment would not make sense.

Guy Smallmann's report doesn't mention in which language the protesters spoke to the German speaking riot cops. A brief look at indymedia germany and ch would have showed you that there was a strong German speaking participation in the G8 protests, even if you don't speak German yourself. Maybe you haven't heard that quite a few locals in Geneva are French/German bilingual either.

I hope that when you wrote your comment, you were not aware that Guy Smallmann's injury is more serious than a broken leg. His leg was hit by a targeted concussion grenade, and at the time of writing his report, his supporters were not sure whether he would ever be able to walk again. For a professional news photographer, that's rather heavy. Luckily, it now looks like he will be able to walk again, after long physiotherapy.
Have a look at the pics of his injury
and of him being hunted by the police

I say respect to Guy for putting together this report with the usual accuracy and quality pics, without moaning and pitying himself.

hopefully back soon!
