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Mbile labs found in Iraq are NOT capable of producing biological weapons.

Jamil Ahmad | 02.06.2003 19:18

In the last few weeks, our national leaders have claimed that mobile labs found in Iraq are capable of producing biological weapons. This article highlights inconsistencies between those claims and a CIA document on the matter. I made a link to the CIA document, which is titled "Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants" (dated May 28th) as a source in my argument.

In the last few weeks, our national leaders have claimed that mobile labs found in Iraq are capable of producing biological weapons. This article highlights inconsistencies between those claims and a CIA document on the matter. I made a link to the CIA document, which is titled "Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants" (dated May 28th) as a source in my argument. This document is available on the CIA's website: . However page numbers are referenced through the pdf version: .

In the document, the CIA claims that the U.S. has found three trailers. One trailer could be used for many purposes (p. 6, paragraph 8) and is not heavily discussed in the CIA document.
The other two trailers are identical types and could have two purposes. The first possible purpose is the CIA's claim that they could be used as part of a mobile biological weapons production system. The other possible purpose is the Iraqi scientist's claim that they where used to produce hydrogen. Examination of the CIA document places higher credibility on the Iraqi claim.

The CIA's Claim

The CIA's claim is that the type of trailer found (two where found) could be combined with two (or at least one) other types of trailers which are needed in order to produce biological weapons (page 2, paragraph 6). The other two (or one) types of trailers have yet to be found. In itself, the single type of trailer found is insufficient to produce biological weapons according to the report (page 2, paragraph 11). The notion that we have found the facilities necessary to produce biological weapons is simply not true according to the facts in this report.
The CIA claims that 7 sets of three (or two) types of trailers exist or where planed (page 2, paragraph 1) to be made. Since production of biological weapons operation requires all three (or two) types of trailers, one would expect the other two (or one) types of trailers to be in close proximity to the first type. Although two trailers of the first type have been independently found, none of the required two (or one) other types have been found. Since these trailers can only produce biological weapons when all three (or two) types are together, why would the Iraqi's keep the different types of trailers separate?
According to the report, residue was found and tested (page 5, paragraph 5). This would mean that the plant was operated. Therefore, if the plant was used to produce biological weapons, two things would exist.
First, the collected reside would have elements signifying that biological weapons existed. However tests on the residue turned up negative "As expected" for biological agents as well as growth media (page 5, paragraph 6). The reason stated for this is that the Iraqi's cleaned the trailer (page 5, paragraph 4). This is in direct conflict with the fact that residue was found (page 5, paragraph 5).
Additionally if the plant was used to produce biological weapons, the biological weapons would be somewhere. However, no biological weapons have been found in Iraq.

In summary, the CIA report claims that they have found two mobile laboratories. If those labs are combined with other types of labs, they could be used to produce biological weapons. The other necessary types of labs have not been found, the traces of biological agents have not been found, traces of growth media have not been found, and the biological weapons have not been found.

The Iraqi Scientist's Claim

The Iraqi Scientists claim that the units where used for hydrogen production (page 5, paragraph 1). The CIA claims that the trailer can be used for hydrogen production (page 5, paragraph 2, 3). In fact traces of a caustic substance that was found would indicate that possibility (page 5, paragraph 2). Several reasons are cited by the CIA as to why these units where not used to produce hydrogen.
The first reason is that the Iraqi scientists "have used sophisticated denial and deception methods that include the use of cover stories that are designed to work." (page 5, paragraph 2). However use of cover stories at other times does not mean that they are using them now. The CIA's claim about cover stories is in itself meaningless.
The second reason is that there are more efficient devices that are commercially available (page 5, paragraph 3). However the Iraqi scientists stated that the hydrogen was used for hydrogen artillery balloons, which is a military purpose (Page 5, paragraph 1). The arms embargo on Iraq would prohibit importation of any such devices. If the Iraqis wanted to produce hydrogen for military purposes, they legally needed to create there own production devices.
The final claim is that indications where found of "sodium azide and urea, which do not support Iraqi claims that the trailer was for hydrogen production." (page 5, paragraph 6). This statement should be taken literally, the traces do not support the Iraqi claims. However, nor do they disprove the claims. Nothing in the CIA report states that the traces of sodium azide and urea provides any evidence relevant to supporting or refuting the CIA's claims or the Iraqi's claims.

In summary, the Iraqi scientists claim that the two mobile labs were used to produce hydrogen. The Iraqi claims do not require the need for other mobile labs that have not been found. Some evidence exists in the CIA report that the mobile labs where used to produce hydrogen. No evidence exists in the CIA report that the trailers where not used to produce hydrogen. No evidence exists in the CIA report that the trailers where used for a purpose other than hydrogen production.

Claims made by our national leaders and others that we have found labs capable of producing biological weapons are false according the CIA report. The claim that we have found labs that are part of a biological weapons lab system lacks evidence and contains inconsistencies according to the CIA report.
The claim that the Iraqi's used the mobile labs for the production of hydrogen has been stated as possible and supported by some evidence in the CIA report. The hydrogen production claim has not been refuted by the CIA report.

Call to Action
Please do not take our leaders interpretation of the CIA document as true. Please do not take the interpretation of the CIA document presented in this article as true. Please examine the actual CIA document and examine the evidence within it. In addition, if our leaders try to misrepresent the report to the American people, it is our duty to expose them.

-Jamie Ahmad

Jamil Ahmad
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