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water demo update

sprout | 02.06.2003 19:17

water demo update from today
the 3 people presumed arrested, were in fact a detachment of the cooking collective detail who were going to support activists with water and vitals;-) - they left, but haven't got back yet. There is still no eye witness reports of ANY arrests = no arrests?
Actually the 200 activists on the train, and their mates who went by car to Geneva were surrounded by the forces of 'law and order' on the Rue de Lausanne.
The latter wanted to escort the activists towards the place neuve -site of another demo (anti repression demo), and therefore away from the wto buildings
the group was on the ground and on the move, but decided collectively to try and get back to the original location as many wanted to rejoin the water demo in front of the wto.

v.v. Rough translation, original in french at link above.
