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Eclipse of the American Empire

Anti-Globalist | 02.06.2003 17:23

Is America Strong?

How the Left are the Last Defenders of the US Empire in Decline

Never before in history has such craven support fron an Empire in decline been so pronounced. Stalinists, ex-stalinists, socialdemocrats, leftists, journalists, radiohosts etc have a craven mentality of servility towards the US Empire. Unable to explain or to shed any light on 9/11 or the Iraq war they repeat the rubbish which appears in the media of mass disinformation.

For the instability in the world read Bin laden. For the insecurity in the world read Saddam Hussein. For world hegemenony read george Bush. Its as if one view complements the other. For Bin Laden to exist, Bush is evil. If another world is possible and Bush becomes good all will be well.

Declining and collapsing capitalism with its Enrons and its fat cats, with imploding economies and the looting of millions silence reigns. Globalisation instead of heralding a new dynamic era for capitalism is making it decline at a rapid pace. Whole companies which spent the 1990's merging are now in freefall. One share drop is replace with another. The spiral of collapse has no bottom. Debt overhangs every aspect of economic life.

Only the organised forces of the left speak about the never ending rise of American power. They speak about thge project of the 21st century as if what goes on in US thinktanks is what happens in reality. Richard Perle was booted out of the Whitehouse due to the inability of the US to impose its will on Iraq in a military fashion. The colonial wars of five decades ago are as dead as the US economy.

Servility towards the US Empire is similar to the servility towards German imperialism before WWII among the ruling classes of France, Belgium etc. Unable to explain the necessity of the US requiring Europe to do its policing the Left argue that US power is neverending when all econonmic indicators point otherwise. But such is the crisis of the left that unable to see the wood from the trees they only repat what the media says. When millions state America is now powerless and weaker the left will not repeat only when and if the media say it first. A case in point are the arguments in the early 1990's. When it was noted that society abhors vacuums and the US will be obliged to intervene in Yugoslavia the left then said that was a figment of conspiratorial imaginations. When it occurred a section argued it was for the good of the peoples. Another section pretended they had never said the US wasn't going to intervene. Now all in tandem argue the US won the war in Iraq as they personify wars in terms of leaders. Saddam is no longer there so they won.

Argentinians haven't go their money back so the IMF won. Russian workers havent taken power so the marketeers have won. Privatisation hasn't stopped so the ruling classes are winning. But on the defining issue of whether more globlaisation solves the crisis of capitalism or heightens is silence reigns. if the situation can get better then there is hope on the horizon in the form of a strong Euro against a weak dollar. Instead of arguing that a stong Euro will equall a collapse of European trade and that a strong dollar equals the same. One cannot even out the contradictions of declining social systems. Reformist ideas in non-reformist times can only aim to slow down the process of collapse but not to stop it. The Iraq invasion had as the purpose to bury bad economic news to forsetall social storms. But lies, half truths and servility to Americanisation never saved anybody. The Left bankrupt and corrupted by eyars of stalinism and the myth of socialism in a single square is seeking to become the last defenders of America in decline. This role will be minimised in the coming social storms.



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03.06.2003 10:15

The issues at work are the competition between ideas on how to distribute wealth. Economic self-interest ("right-wing") competes with economic shared-interest ("left-wing"). In modern economies this equates to corporate capitalism (e.g. USA) versus state capitalism (e.g. USSR).

Corporate capitalism has 'beaten' state capitalism seemingly because it unleashes the ruthless instincts of more people. It is the 'hungrier' form of capitalism, just as tigers (hot-blooded carnivores) consume more than crocodiles (cold-blooded carnivores).

Corporate capitalism plans to control all the world's leading economic assets. Hence 'globalisation' is advocated, ostensibly to share the wealth among the many but actually to focus the wealth on the few. Everything is 'up for grabs'. This includes all communally owned assets, such as water, power, health, education, transport, social security, law and order.

Corporate capitalism is quite happy to take government money. Indeed socialism for the rich and free-enterprise for the poor suits the corporates perfectly well.

Both forms of capitalism can degenerate into totalitarianism. Orwell's vision of Big Brother was a satire of both the USA and the USSR.

The 'left' may be 'left-footed' when it comes to understanding how corporate capitalism can be utterly ruthless in 'shaping' and exploiting situations for its own interests.

Yugoslavia is now seen to be a classic case of 'divide & conquor' for the benefit of corporate capitalism. Its socialism was smashed and the nation turned into statelets. The same result will be thrust upon Iraq. All its assets will be corporatised and sold for a song to overseas interests. How long before it is partitioned into three or more 'provinces'? How much oil wealth will ordinary Iraqis receive? Not much.

The same applies to the poor people everywhere. Corporate capitalism wants everything from them, and will give them nothing in return except misery. The ruthless will inherit the earth.

Charles Darwin (survival of the fittest) meets Karl Marx (survival of the fattest).

The 'Club of Rome' meets 'The End of History'. Are we in for a new Dark Age?
