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statement by a geneva person hit by german police

sprout | 02.06.2003 13:31

statement by geneva resident, hit by german police
Witness statement taken by IMC Dispatch from a geneva resident, not a protester, beaten by the german police.
I arrived in central Geneva at 21h, on June 1st. I didn't join the demo. I left the station at the junction. Near Planpalais, on Rue de la Confederation. I saw groups of CRS, dressed in green. German police were wearing helmets and had truncheons/batons.The protesters were running to get out of the Rue du Strand, heading for the lower side streets. You had to press yourself up against the walls of the pavements to get out of their way. Some teargas grenades had already been fired by 21h30.
I turned my head to the right and saw 2 german police running towards us with batons. Then they began to hit us, I received 2 blows on the back. The batons were black and telescopic, and made of metal. I managed to cry out ' I'm from Geneva, I'm going home, I'm not a protester.'
Then they chased after the protesters, without saying a word.

