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What's happened to the pictures???

Thomas J | 02.06.2003 00:32

Pictures are not loading properly on the IMC-UK newswire, edtioral team - sort out ASAP

Articles on the IMC-UK newswire are not displaying at all, this needs rectifying ASAP, with all the G8 stuff going on important infomation is not getting out.

P.S.: Once the problem is sorted, this article can be hidden, so that more useful stuff can take its place.

Thomas J


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no pics are not working

02.06.2003 01:07

Until the migration to the new software, MIR, is complete, it is recommendable not to upload pictures on this site.

Pictures on this site have to be repared MANUALLY one by one. So we'd be thankful if you could post your pictures to other sites, and post the link here.

This is a major software problem that the techies thought it is not worth working on since we are changing the software very shortly.

Once we have migrated it should be all right. You will know that we have migrated when you see a radically different design of the UK site.

Things are going slow in that front, but they would go faster if more people got involved. Check the contact page,
and join in some of the email lists.

Another software is possible.

one of indy

So basically

02.06.2003 01:53

If I wanted to post pictures to the newswire, I should post them to another IMC (such as the global newswire) first, then link it from an article on the UK wire, rather than post it directly to IMC-UK, until the update is complete. OK, I get it.

Thomas J