What should be the official Evian report
Equal Earth | 01.06.2003 17:42
The last 50 years of unprecedented “economic growth” has done nothing other than increase the 20% of greedy, avaricious humans who consume 80% of global resources from 500 million to 1300 million which is endlessly misrepresented as a success story whereas the 80% who subsist on 20% of resources have increased from 2000 million to 5200 million which is cunningly misrepresented as an endless opportunity for ever more debt-financed “economic growth/sustainable development and ever lower interest rates”.
Politicians are too busy lining their pockets/running football clubs/scratching the backs of the Vested Interests who pay them lucrative secret consultancy backhanders via offshore nominee companies…..other than huddling together like thieves amongst thieves….”let’s not interfere with the run-away planet destruction economy which pays our feudal lifestyles….” ( whispered a political charlatan in Evian)….Union leader….imagine if there were less workers=no unemployment=higher wages.…I’d be out of a cosy job….
Criminals/Dictators/Politicians/Union leaders/the media don’t like to read this and they will do anything to prevent you from reading/knowing the truth: the BBC claims – on behalf of the Vested Interests – which sponsor its “Earth Report” that “poverty” and “environmental damage” are linked: this kind of false propaganda helps the Vested Interests to globalise their debt/spam/sales rackets, i.e. the deceptive advertising/marketing that drives “development and economic growth” at the expense of the global habitat/environment which humans share with millions of other species: you can’t beat terrorism while being a terrorist: Economic Growth is unsustainable terrorism and those advocating/promoting it are unsustainable terrorists:
The last 50 years of unprecedented “economic growth” has done nothing other than increase the 20% of greedy, avaricious humans who consume 80% of global resources from 500 million to 1300 million which is endlessly misrepresented as a success story whereas the 80% who subsist on 20% of resources have increased from 2000 million to 5200 million which is cunningly misrepresented as an endless opportunity for ever more debt-financed “economic growth/sustainable development and ever lower interest rates”. According to the ILO more than 1600 million additional planet-destruction “jobs” must be invented by 2010…..while real global unemployment already exceeds 40% of the global working age population which is using/destroying/polluting/wastelaying more than 94% of global landspace. All this is the consequence of the anti-contraception/anti-abortion hillbilly mentality that is still pervading amongst the human cretins i.e. those who have never read or would never read Wittgenstein (on language), Sartre (La Nausée), Chomsky (on globalisation), Godwin Sogolo (African Philosophy), Leisinger (Prof.Patnaik lecture Cuttack/India on Global Macro-Economics and the Survival of the Species etc)....... After some 50 years of education/media/UN indoctrination (UN=never have so many achieved nothing) less than 10% of humans vote for “green” parties because they remain totally ignorant of environmental=overpopulation issues.
All institutions/universities/sport etc. are now financed by the vested interests and thus teach how to camouflage/cover up/hide the effects of human overpopulation= planet destruction - under the false pretences of “sustainable” development/economic growth/ever lower interest rates and commensurate statistical misrepresentation/manipulation/fixed results which are driving the mass-production/mass-consumption, debt-financed planet destruction; thereby sanctioning/condoning endless recidivism and in effect rubberstamping/perpetuating the origins of ecological crime….whilst its most ardent “humanists” and proponents keep on waffling about “peace/justice/egalitarian society” whilst wiping out the last scraps of natural habitat and bio-diversity…..sustained by a corrupt/conniving or ignorant/incompetent/hobnobbing/could not give a damn other than a big lunch/feebill judiciary/legal/accounting professions who are running a local, national and global corruption/protection racket for thieves, crooks, racketeers, looters and every kind of eco-criminals.
As long as Humans need charities/environmental protection organisations you know that there’s over-population hence charities/environmental protection organisation which do not oppose human overpopulation are deceiving/defrauding global society.
The perpetrators and puppets who benefit financially from the growth racket in humans and their destructive activities must be stopped now.
Ultimately every human can end up a millionaire on a desertified “moonscape” where even a billion dollars won’t buy a glass of water or a bowl of rice.
There can be no sustainable development until humans reduce their numbers to a quantum which permits sharing the local/global habitat/resources equitably with Nature and Wildlife within a balanced bio-diversity equilibrium. There are more than 2500million under 24 year old humans – a 30 year breeding stop would restore human population to what it was in 1950. It would also help to improve the living standards of all. It is insane that 20% of humans consume 80% of resources/wealth and income. Since 1950 the “wealthy” 20% of humans have increased by 800 million (an increase of 160%) while the “poor” 80% have increased by 3200 million (an equal increase of 160%) – the only people who benefit from this madness are the Architects of Planet Destruction and the religious/development charlatans who pretend/profess that poverty drives over-population so they can expand their high-security/salary/expenses/pension charity rackets.
The world’s media is owned by the Vested Interests whose “journalists” would not dare to tell you the underlying truth - i.e. the fact that human overpopulation drives the global chaos - for fear of being fired and blacklisted. The world’s multinational/globalised corporations which have grown as a result of human overpopulation are also owned by the Vested Interests whose Directors/Management/Staff aka Sales Gumps/racketeers must deliver quarterly profit targets regardless of ethics and losses to victims. The world’s political/bureaucratic/military/academic/judicial/religious crowd are also owned by the Vested Interests whose representatives must indoctrinate the young to acclimatise to the global chaos and deliver vote-catching lies/deceptions/falsehoods; i.e. denying that overpopulation is the cause of the global chaos. The Vested Interests are the crooks who finance the global madness/chaos and promote overpopulating nepotism and feudalism amongst each other. All of it “legalised/approved” by the corrupt/conniving or ignorant/incompetent judiciary/legal/accounting professions:
When the 17 or 18 lackeys/megalomaniacs of the global vested interests (idiots who believe planetdestruction can be endless) meet in Evian protected - from the people whose welfare/living standards they claim to protect/improve - by tens of thousands of ignorant soldier/police/security robots/uniformed thugs/killers it exemplifies the global deception that is handed down: of a planet that is being destroyed by the very powers that claim to sustain it; of Nature/Wildlife/Animals being exterminated through applied/enforced Apartheid – the consequence of global human dictatorship.
The planet Earth’s most prolific and dangerous weapons of mass-destruction are the 6500 million humans who have colonised, polluted, deforested, contaminated and wastelaid more than 94% of global landspace while poisoning the oceans, rivers and lakes with the residues of “environmental clean-ups”…..
The degree of corruption in governments/corporations/religions can be measured by the degree to which they advocate/promote/reward breeding of ever more humans in the same way as the degree of low IQ/ignorance/selfishness can be measured in humans by the number of children they have made or want to make….a legacy of Hitler’s mothercross for multiple mothers now substituted with ever lower interest rates to incite ever more debt-riddled mass-consumption by ever more debt-riddled consumption robots of ever more debt-riddled mass-produced throw away rubbish which drives ever more debt-riddled planet-destructive mass-construction/development/traffic/pollution/resource depletion/wastelaying.
Consumo ergo sum is the new philosophy of idiots/catholics/planetdestruction…..USA/Britain/Poland mass-consumption/retail figures higher again (according to French TV5 “c’est une excellente nouvelle…”)…..Saddam Hussein’s Cadillac still in America….a reminder that the USA financed him as a trusted (arms)-consumption friend for decades….
Human over-population means ever more debt-financed mass-consumption means ever more debt-financed mass-production means ever more debt-financed global trade means ever more debt-inciting low interest debt/money supply flows means ever more debt-financed “free” market manipulation by the debt-financed vested interests/racketeers/criminals who unleash/cause/finance the globalised insanity/planetdestruction means ever more pollution, resource depletion, air, water and soil contamination, wastelaying, habitat and wildlife extermination and market saturation with mass-produced throw away rubbish so that more human over-population/breeding is needed to soak up/consume the surplus goods and services that destroy the planet.
It takes one shoemaker to make a pair of shoes but it does not take one million shoemakers to make 100 million pairs of shoes…..Ever more Competition from ever more “developed” former Third World countries and consequential market saturation with ever more mass-consumption products/services/tourism is the beginning of the planet turning into a bursting balloon.
The degree of collusion in governments/corporations/religions can be measured by the degree to which they advocate/promote/reward breeding of ever more humans to consume the global over-production of products/services in the same way as the degree of connivance can be measured in humans by the number of children; i.e. victims of this global madness they have made or want to make which in turn is the result of centuries of miseducation. During the last 50 years the multiplying humans have caused more deforestation/planet/habitat/wildlife-destruction/pollution/resource depletion and wastelaying than in the previous 60 million years under the corrupt aegis of the expense-riddled/toothless/useless/lame duck United Nations playboy organisation (apart from UNEP the most scandalous UN racket “taskforce” are the ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction charlatans in Geneva) and its dud United Nations University run by overpaid/illiterate morons for morons hence its need to advertise on CNN….not that the others are any better…..after some 50 years of education/media indoctrination less than 10% of humans vote for “green” parties because they remain totally ignorant of environmental=overpopulation issues. Politicians are too busy lining their pockets/running football clubs/scratching the backs of the Vested Interests who pay them lucrative secret consultancy backhanders via offshore nominee companies…..other than huddling together like thieves amongst thieves….
THE DEBT FINANCED HUMAN PLANET COLONISATION THAT OPPRESSES, PERSECUTES, DISENFRANCHISES, DEFRAUDS AND EXTERMINATES ALL MAJOR FELLOW SPECIES AND THEIR HABITAT; effected under the pretence of the political party Democracy/Bureaucracy, an anachronistic corrupt system where the compliant serfs have the right to vote/pay for the crooks and their cronies who promise them more “legalised” habitat/wildlife/planet destruction/APARTHEID; i.e. so-called “sustainable” development/economic growth and slave jobs that are played out under the pretence of conviviality when in reality they are nothing other than a ratrace!
The socio-economic global standard of living – now consisting of a debt-financed hovel in a noise/traffic/crime infested polluted slum town, a car, a mobile phone, a TV/stereo system, a chemical fast food/meat cocktail and other mass-produced throw up/away rubbish - is measured in deceptive statistical terms whereby the numbers of additional humans per year exceeds the numbers of those who are edged out into poverty – a scenario that is exponentially growing at both extremes. Massive expansion of slave jobs at wages which only sustain self-perpetuating poverty/mass-consumption are created to serve the global crime bosses’ rackets/feudal lifestyles. The average crime boss siphons off more money per week from his debt-financed corporate planet destruction/theft vehicle into some offshore haven -conveniently advertised/promoted in the Financial Times- than the average slave earns in a year of compliant servitude! Nobody knows how much money the Swiss bank Zuerich gangsters steal from innocent account owners/beneficiaries to buy up/bribe/intimidate the rest of the world they don’t already own. Pope to visit Switzerland in 2004.
The bankrupt/self-serving/self-obsessed humans continue to steal/loot the wealth/resources/livelihood of Fellow Species and Nature to finance their suffocating over-population; what’s happening in Irak and everywhere is a mirror image of the global looting/destruction:
The looting, debt-financed, growth obsessed humans have turned the entire planet into one gigantic feedlot/agri/arms-factory surrounded by ever larger urbanised tourist/leisure/shopping/airport/carpark/housing and infrastructure complexes which are breeding grounds for aggression, violence, terrorism, noise, crime, fraud, extortion, exploitation, deception, dishonesty and war all of which camouflaged under state/religion initiated media propaganda of human rights; i.e. the rights to deplete natural resources without limits; the rights to kill/murder/exterminate/imprison/torture wild animals without limits; to inflict violence/aggression/destruction against Nature without limits: in effect to commit all the crimes which the humans indict amongst each other but consider a religious right against Nature and Fellow Species. The sole purpose is to feed, house, clothe, transport, employ, entertain and defend ever more humans under the collusive indoctrination of the religious/political/academic/business/vested interests and their parroting media puppets who benefit financially from the growth racket in humans and their destructive activities. The endless repetitive media propaganda served up as “news” is to confuse/infuse/manipulate the drivelling/breeding masses with the global chaos which is perpetrated by the vested interests/racketeers/criminals to sustain subservience/mass-consumption and political/religious/social allegiance. Consumo ergo sum is the new philosophy of idiots…..USA mass-consumption/retail figures higher again…..lackey countries are desperate to follow suit….
FACTS: 1. The globally promoted explosive mass-reproduction of humans is unprecedented. When so-called religious humans- now icons- like Buddha or Jesus were around there were perhaps less than 20 million humans on the planet. By 1760 they had grown to 600 million. By 1850 to 1200 million. By 1950 to 2500 million and today to more than 6500 million. Every year some 170 million humans are born after deduction of 50 million abortions: the result of the religious charlatans’ opposition to contraception and consenting adult sexual pleasure other than reproducing more humans. About 70 million humans die ever year. Thus every ten years some 1000 million more humans want/need to join the global planet/habitat destructive/WILDLIFE EXTERMINATING, resource depleting, polluting, contaminating, wastelaying mass-consumption/employment frenzy.
2. This global madness fuels the ongoing frenzy for economic growth and development: EVERYTHING HAS GROWN EXCEPT FUNDAMENTAL VALUES OF RESPECT FOR NATURE AND FELLOW SPECIES, QUALITY, SPACE, KINDNESS AND KINSHIP TOWARDS FELLOW SPECIES. A fact that is totally ignored by the criminal mafia which drives the madness with debt/ever lower interest rates which punishes the low-consumption pensioners and incites hysterical or subliminal cries/whispers for economic growth/mass-consumption/debt to bury the effects of planet destruction under the infantile propaganda/false, misleading, deceptive advertising of local material “wealth and success: the fraudulent “win win” scenario that leaves the Planet/Nature/Wildlife/Animals as losers and which is turning the planet into a global mass-production factory of artificial/man-made mass-consumption-zombie slave robots/computer game freaks and sales gumps.
3. Scientific evidence exists that over-proliferation/OVER-POPULATION of species leads to aggression, violence, discrimination, oppression and exploitation – Humans are the only example of a species that has evolved into a reprehensible, egocentric, self-adulating, self-serving, warring mutation of evil UNDER THE PRETENCE OF SOME GOD INSPIRED GUIDANCE AND PROTECTION dished up by the cunning dialectics of the moralising fraternity.
4. Every day more than 50,000 humans perish from the effects of malnutrition despite the oil-based fertiliser industry scraping the barrel with 120 bushels of grain harvests per acre and contaminated water lately even recycled from disease infected urine/excrement because more than 50,000 major dams are silting up the world’s river systems.
5. More than 180 countries out of 240 Nature/Wildlife/Forest depleted countries are food import dependent; they could not feed their populations on a local home grown food basis. When the oil-depleting pesticide/fertiliser/fungicide/herbicide/algicide agri-industry must revert to organic: harvests will be less than 20 bushels of grain per acre.
6. In Calcutta the average living space per person is 8m2 if you divide all infrastructure/public spaces amongst the overpopulating masses. There are now 1400 million Indians and less than 2000 Indian Tigers. In basketcase Bangladesh there are now 250 million humans and no Bengal Tigers left. In overcrowded Europe Lions, Bears, Wolves and many other indigenous animals have been exterminated since the “Renaissance” with the collusion of the corrupt judiciary. In Africa all wildlife is being exterminated except for tiny pockets like the Serengeti and Masai Mara as their legal habitat is being wiped out due to massive human population explosion. Nobody gives a damn about this because Hitler’s motto has been expanded into “Humans Ueber Alles”.
7. The OVER-POPULATION DRIVEN global construction madness is hailed as an economic miracle with more than 1,800,000 new houses built in the USA in 2002 – on a global equivalent development basis more than 36 million habitat/nature destructive houses would have to be built every year to accommodate the growing families, the slum-dwellers, the homeless and the young adults leaving home. Such housing construction necessitates ever larger infrastructure construction of shopping/leisure/tourist/airport/carpark/road/health and community centres which grow like a malignant cancer. False and illegal justification for War and massive bombing raids are a new pretence to promote/sustain/develop the debt-financed construction based economic growth.
8. Ever more countries are short of safe drinking and irrigation water – desalination and other technological water production is dependent on energy that is simultaneously depleted – in over-populated Singapore urine is recycled as drinking water.
9. The recycling tomfoolery that’s been promoted as a panacea of environmental salvation in fact uses up more energy than is saved. In its ultimate form recycling to feed the overpopulating humans caused BSE and ongoing new and old epidemics; overcrowded cities are catalysts in spreading infectious diseases such as Tuberculosis etc. Recycling, Eco-Tourism and Eco-Architecture are the biggest fraud concocted to justify human over-population other than British charter airlines where humans are turned into/treated as cockroaches: not a single square mile of natural/wildlife habitat has been re-created. The only recycling that works well of its own accord is that of pollution, waste, media hype and diseases; an exponential moneyspinner for the racketeers that cause them in the first place. CNN part of the bankrupt media group that managed to lose USD100Billion in one year keeps operating because it is now the official global USA/CIA/Pentagon/Vested Interests propaganda weapon that misleads/deceives the public to believe that Technology can save the planet and restore its biodiversity/natural habitat….other than a SARS-infected/hongkongised Disneyland…..
10. Since 1950 an area larger than China and India combined has been desertified due to soil erosion as a consequence of deforestation and land clearance for agri-chemical food-production and feedlot grazing. Growing desertification of Europe due to systemic agri-industrial soil erosion can be witnessed in Spain where giant olive plantations are promoted/misrepresented as “Nature Reserves”. The remaining scraps of Forest and the United Nations protected Natural Habitat has been sold to the developers.
11. The resulting Global Climate Change, Ozone layer destruction, melting Glaciers, silted up rivers, salinization of top soil facilitate floods, droughts and massive habitat destruction throughout the world. In the world’s largest wetland – the result of deforestation: Brazil’s Pantanel has more than 12 million cattle preventing reforestation. Massive church inspired population explosion drives ever more slash and burn slum dwellers/gold/precious stone diggers into what’s left of the Amazon forest.
12. Less than 6% of global landspace remains as natural habitat for the 2,5 million major fellow species/mammals with whom humans share the planet. Extinction of all major mammals other than humans which are not locked up in zoos, safari parks or circus arenas is an ongoing event as ever more habitat is wiped out by humans for humans.
13. More than 36 million feedlot animals are slaughtered every day to feed the human carnivores. A form of systemic terrorism and torture of which only humans are capable of. Fish stocks are being depleted through massive overfishing. Mass-production of feedlot animals causes ongoing disease epidemics which lead to mass-destruction of diseased animals – Holland has just slaughtered its 15 million disease-riddled chicken: yet like pollution, waste and contamination there is no safe disposal of toxic material because the planet is a closed system.
14. Oil will be depleted within the next 50 years; gas within 80 years and coal within 90 years at current consumption of some 72 million barrels a day – depletion which is accelerated by the rapidly advancing global Over-population/Development and Economic Growth frenzy. The infernal, habitat/wildlife-destructive Windmill and resource-depleting Solar Panel ideology can never make up the shortfall in carbon fuels.
15. There are more than 1300 million motor vehicles causing more than 100 million accidents every year – within less than 20 years the numbers will double if not triple as over-population, development and economic growth drives the global transport gridlock beyond the already exceeded sustainability. When oil is depleted there won’t be sufficient hay to feed the horses and mules as agriculture reverts to organic.
16. Massive deforestation of virgin forests continues either for timber or as slash and burn to provide ever more agri-factories to feed, house, clothe, transport, employ, entertain and defend ever more humans and their destructive activities. Reforestation of fast-growing, quick-buck cash-crop timbers is as soil destructive as it is unsuitable habitat for fellow species yet hailed as “eco-friendly regeneration” when it is just another moneyspinner to finance more destruction.
17. Mining of ever more resources is mirrored in more than 50,000 golf courses which serve less than 1% of humans as recreational relaxation from the stress of being at the forefront of planet destruction – golf as a symbol of excellence of leadership. When mass tourism turns away from the filthy, overcrowded beach slums – millions of additional golf courses would be needed as an alternative though the land has already been covered in brick, mortar, asphalt, concrete and agri-industries. The global war for resources is in full swing; if Irak didn’t have oil it would not be worth a bullet…..
18. The humans have more Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Conventional weapons of mass-destruction to wipe out the planet a thousand times. And there are going to be ever more irrational excuses to use them! The massive systemic bombing/contamination of Vietnam with war crime exempt chemical weapon agent “Orange” during the Vietnam war was just a microcosm of what humans have and continue to inflict on the natural habitat regardless of consequences.
19. The humans have more than 480 operating Nuclear Power Stations; more than 400 additional Nuclear Power Stations under construction. China and India – when fully developed – will need more than 2000 Nuclear Power plants to fuel their mass-production economies.
20. There is more than 1kg of radio-active plutonium waste with a half-life of 25,000 years for every human on the planet and there is no safe disposal or storage available.
21. Planet-destruction, pollution, air/water/soil contamination, wastelaying, resource-depletion and terrorism is further accelerated when the evil humans attack and bomb each other and bash in their own braindead bodies.
22. There will be no peace on Earth until the VIOLENT, DEBT-FINANCED, GROWTH OBSESSED humans stop their OVER-POPULATION and consequential overwhelming planet/wildlife/habitat-destruction/pollution/air, water, soil contamination, deforestation, wastelaying. The sick/self-righteous/lying political hypocrites who are against the death penalty are daily meting it out to innocent fellow species – in a mirror image of global war.
23. Despite unprecedented advances in medicine, pharmaceuticals and heavily propagandised “healthy” lifestyles and diets – less than 10% of humans die of old age.
24. The global dictatorship by humans of unprecedented violence, malignance, oppression, destruction, pollution, wastelaying and exploitation that can only be called terrorism of the worst kind that has ever been inflicted by one species on fellow species and their rightful habitat must be stopped now!
Hence; it is time to set limits and stop the global war!
Equal Earth is a world-wide, non-profitmaking, religious Philosophy and association of friends with a common purpose of truth, justice, free speech, freedom of expression and opposition to ignorance, self-indulgence, political feudalism, bureaucratic oppression, over-proliferation and over-population. Equal Earth stands for equal democratic responsibilities, rising standards and quality of life for all species; renovation, restoration, reforestation and restitution of the natural wildlife habitat within a stable, responsible co-existential balance/equilibrium to sustain our mutual life support system: the planet Earth.
EQUAL EARTH stands for less quantum and more values, quality of life for all within a balanced, stable and self-regenerating eco-system that provides sufficient natural habitat for all species to guarantee a peaceful, co-existential, syncretic symbiosis of mutual tolerance. Make Love – Not Victims – And Give The Planet A Chance!
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