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G8 - one activist in hospital

report from laussane | 01.06.2003 12:55

According to the legal defense team, the activist who fell 20 metres is in a stable condition in hostpital.

Two activists hang themselves with ropes from a bridge. One of them fell from a 20 metres height - confusing reports as how this happen.

Confirmed reports say that the police did stop the ambulance that went to the scene and delayed them, but eventually the activist was taken to hospital, where he is stable.

The other two activists hanging were arrested.

report from laussane


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Deserve all they get

01.06.2003 15:33

Hang 'em high

Highly strung

to highly strung

01.06.2003 23:14

You are sick! This is an actual human life you're talking about! Can't you see that? What the hell is wrong with you?

It's this insensitivity, inability to see others as real humans beings, -as fucking real!- deserving of respect and rights, that is causing all the problems here today.

I can't believe someone, (you) actually wrote this. This was an actual person, with friends, and family, who thought... felt... saw the world some way... contemplated... Do you actually see that? How can you act this way?

Do you really think someone deserves death, for caring, taking a risk? Just cause their policital views are supposedly different from yours?

Jesus, I want to slap you around for hopes you might wake up. But I hope this is enough. Take some deep introspection of your life and your self. Something needs to change.

If this is happening around the world, a lot of things need to change.
