The police did cut a rope on which one demonstrator did hang. He did fall down more than 20 meters. First, the police didn't let through the ambulance, later, the demonstrator was picked up by a chopper but died later. Another demonstrator is still hanging on a rope, cops tried to cut it also.
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legal team says the person is still alive
01.06.2003 11:47
What now?
01.06.2003 11:55
01.06.2003 12:01
La mirringa
not dead
01.06.2003 12:18
IMC Geneva
this article is being hidden for now
01.06.2003 12:42
It would be very damaging for the morale of activists out there if they were just able to read the headline, so a team of imc uk who are on the case have decided to hide it.
Please check the newswire for news about this as we are going to publish more updates as they come.
If you want to complain, you can write to us in the features lists - thank you
imc uk admin
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