Left Coast Over the Pond
Andrew Kay Liberman | 01.06.2003 07:48
Coffee House Teach-Ins (CHTI)
You may call 310-208-5177 to purchase tickets with credit card.
In this e-mail:
2) June 8 Pasta for Peace II, film, dinner.
3) June 10 Alternative Medicine, EastWind Books.
4) June 19-22 Summer Solstice CHTI Peace Camp, CA.
5) June 28 Teach-In reseda Liquid Cube, Reseda, CA.
6) July 4 Independence Day, if not for us, then for
Vieques, Puerto Rico
7) Aug. 4,5 NO NUKES days, remembering Japan's 9-11.
Only your reservations and advance payment for
respective events keep CHTI alive, and we are able to
continue as we have since Aug. 2002.
2) * Sunday night, June 8, 7 pm
Los Angeles
for CHTI's Pasta 4 Peace II **
"Sunday night at the Movies"
...to watch together the film Reagan's cronies didn't
want you to see because the film maker, actor spoke
out on Bush's last war...
Bats Not Bombs!
Tim Robbin's
Westwood's Lucia's Pizza
1732 1/2 Westwood Blvd. (Across from Ross)
plenty of parking on the street, after 6
To help build the peace chest for Bush's next war.
RSVP: 310-203-1542
...$15 includes your pizza and the works...PLUS the
film, & good company....
LIMITED SEATING: You can buy your advance tickets at
310-208-5177, with your Master, Visa, AMEX, or
Check or money order: Coffee House Teach-Ins, 958
Gayley Ave. #116, LA, CA 90024
3) Teach-In on "Traditional Chinese
Medicine--'Alternative Medicine'", but not alternative
for much of the world and for centuries. Westwood, at
EastWind Books, just south of UCLA, on Westwood Blvd.,
across from Bank of America, below Le Conte. Dr.
Xiuling Ma, from China, and UCLA's East West Center
and Emepror's College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
RSVP: 310-203-1542. 7 pm.
4) Summer Solstice PEACE CAMP, June 19-21. Join Coffee
House Teach-Ins at Cuyamoca State Park, Southern
California...pls (see)
...for our first camping activist retreat, literally
at the riverside.
More info: 310-203-1542, $90, includes outdoor cooked
dinners, camp site space with fellow teach-iners, and
participation in your choice of
workshops:self-reliance, starting up your own peace
project and special event, media, music, & just kickin
it, hiking, fishing, and meditating in the nearby
meadows. $90 total for this GREAT break from the City
of Angels or from where ever you herald. $25 deposit
now for remaining spots.
5) June 28, Saturday night, 7 pm, return to Liquid
Cube, near Cal State Northridge, in Reseda. Subject?
What else: U.S. wars. RSVP: (310) 203-1542. Ideas for
speakers, performers, poets? E-mail:
, and contact us pls to help
us outreach to the Valley with leafletting and
6) July 4 weekend--"Respect for Independence Day"
Teach-In on Vieques, Puerto Rican Independence
watch for details
Coffee House Teach-Ins has successfully organized now
over 30 small scale peace/anti-war special events from
LA to San Francisco, acting locally--thinking
7) * NO NUKES days, as we remember Japan's 9-11, Aug.
5,6. The U.S. used atomic weapons of mass destruction
on civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, again, as in
Iraq, in the name of peace.
Concert, meditation periods, and educational(s). RSVP
and for more info: 310-203-1542.
** (top) Pasta for Peace I was the acclaimed
successful vegan spagetti teach-in on a Sunday before
the war.
if you have venue ideas or teach-in ideas.
Writer Kurt Vonnegut said: "The other day I asked
former Yankees pitcher Jim Bouton what he thought of
our great victory over Iraq, and he said, "Mohammed Ali
versus Mr. Rogers." To join this free listserve
, send
blank e-mail to: subscribe, in subject. No war with Iran,
Syria, Kora, or ____________ (E-mail:
teachins1@stopuswars.org) Coffee House Teacjoin 958
Gayley Ave., #116, LA, CA 90024. See:
Coffee House Teach-Ins (CHTI)

You may call 310-208-5177 to purchase tickets with credit card.
In this e-mail:
2) June 8 Pasta for Peace II, film, dinner.
3) June 10 Alternative Medicine, EastWind Books.
4) June 19-22 Summer Solstice CHTI Peace Camp, CA.
5) June 28 Teach-In reseda Liquid Cube, Reseda, CA.
6) July 4 Independence Day, if not for us, then for
Vieques, Puerto Rico
7) Aug. 4,5 NO NUKES days, remembering Japan's 9-11.
Only your reservations and advance payment for
respective events keep CHTI alive, and we are able to
continue as we have since Aug. 2002.
2) * Sunday night, June 8, 7 pm
Los Angeles
for CHTI's Pasta 4 Peace II **
"Sunday night at the Movies"
...to watch together the film Reagan's cronies didn't
want you to see because the film maker, actor spoke
out on Bush's last war...
Bats Not Bombs!
Tim Robbin's
Westwood's Lucia's Pizza
1732 1/2 Westwood Blvd. (Across from Ross)
plenty of parking on the street, after 6
To help build the peace chest for Bush's next war.
RSVP: 310-203-1542
...$15 includes your pizza and the works...PLUS the
film, & good company....
LIMITED SEATING: You can buy your advance tickets at
310-208-5177, with your Master, Visa, AMEX, or
Check or money order: Coffee House Teach-Ins, 958
Gayley Ave. #116, LA, CA 90024
3) Teach-In on "Traditional Chinese
Medicine--'Alternative Medicine'", but not alternative
for much of the world and for centuries. Westwood, at
EastWind Books, just south of UCLA, on Westwood Blvd.,
across from Bank of America, below Le Conte. Dr.
Xiuling Ma, from China, and UCLA's East West Center
and Emepror's College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
RSVP: 310-203-1542. 7 pm.
4) Summer Solstice PEACE CAMP, June 19-21. Join Coffee
House Teach-Ins at Cuyamoca State Park, Southern
California...pls (see)
...for our first camping activist retreat, literally
at the riverside.
More info: 310-203-1542, $90, includes outdoor cooked
dinners, camp site space with fellow teach-iners, and
participation in your choice of
workshops:self-reliance, starting up your own peace
project and special event, media, music, & just kickin
it, hiking, fishing, and meditating in the nearby
meadows. $90 total for this GREAT break from the City
of Angels or from where ever you herald. $25 deposit
now for remaining spots.
5) June 28, Saturday night, 7 pm, return to Liquid
Cube, near Cal State Northridge, in Reseda. Subject?
What else: U.S. wars. RSVP: (310) 203-1542. Ideas for
speakers, performers, poets? E-mail:
, and contact us pls to help
us outreach to the Valley with leafletting and
6) July 4 weekend--"Respect for Independence Day"
Teach-In on Vieques, Puerto Rican Independence
watch for details
Coffee House Teach-Ins has successfully organized now
over 30 small scale peace/anti-war special events from
LA to San Francisco, acting locally--thinking
7) * NO NUKES days, as we remember Japan's 9-11, Aug.
5,6. The U.S. used atomic weapons of mass destruction
on civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, again, as in
Iraq, in the name of peace.
Concert, meditation periods, and educational(s). RSVP
and for more info: 310-203-1542.
** (top) Pasta for Peace I was the acclaimed
successful vegan spagetti teach-in on a Sunday before
the war.
if you have venue ideas or teach-in ideas.
Writer Kurt Vonnegut said: "The other day I asked
former Yankees pitcher Jim Bouton what he thought of
our great victory over Iraq, and he said, "Mohammed Ali
versus Mr. Rogers." To join this free listserve
, send
blank e-mail to: subscribe, in subject. No war with Iran,
Syria, Kora, or ____________ (E-mail:

Gayley Ave., #116, LA, CA 90024. See:
Andrew Kay Liberman