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The Camcorder Guerilla Weekend

Imc Scotland + Camcorder Guerillas | 09.02.2003 23:00 | Indymedia | Technology

Camcorder Guerillas’ Weekend
MARCH 7-9 – GLASGOW INDYMEDIA SCOTLAND is organising a weekend event for Scotland ’ s “camcorder guerillas ” , bringing together radical underground film – makers with activists who want to know more about how the alternative media works and how Indymedia and political film – makers can be of use in political campaigning.

Print out the descriptions of the weekend:
[short description | long description | timetable | link to all pdf]


The weekend will start with a screening at the GFT on Friday night of “ Seeing Is Believing: Handicams Human Rights And The News ” a timely documentary that explores the political and social uses of new technology.
More than 150 million handicams have been sold worldwide since they hit the market in 1985 and they are being used for much more than weddings and family vacations, Canadian filmmakers Katerina Cizec and Peter Wintonick examine the phenomenon that has made people worldwide take action to document realities that the rest of us would otherwise easily ignore. Katerina Cizec will be attending the screening for a Q&A and will be available during the Saturday practical workshops for advice and inspiration.
[Seeing is believing]

Also screening will be the most recent Indymedia Newsreel , a forthmonthly video produced by a network of regional European production and screening groups covering issues ignored or distorted by the corporate media.

And lastly we will show the 10 minutes of archive footage that workshop participants will have to work with during their Saturday workshop – the finished 1 minute films will be screened at the GFT on Sunday night.

Tickets for this event can be bought directly from the GFT on 0141 332 8128. If you are booking for the Saturday workshop tickets for this event included in cost.

The workshop programme is being held at The Glasgow Media Access Centre (Gmac) beginning with an introduction to camcorder activism followed by a series of Practical hands on technical workshops; learn how to work a camera, edit and out-put your film/material onto tape or disc. The day will be hosted by Paul O ‘Connor from Undercurrents, the film – makers Katerina Cizec and Lucinda Broadbent and other local video artist/activists. The day aims to give 3 groups of 10 people a basic introduction to the technical process and inspire them to experiment and explore with video in their own campaigns and struggles. By the end of Saturday – using a bank of recently shot footage and interviews with people taken during the workshops we will output 3 micro-videos which will be streamed on the internet and screened at the GFT on Sunday night.

Please note that this workshop has been designed for beginners and also that priority may be given to film-makers and activists who are already involved with issues and campaigning groups, priority will also be given to people who book for the whole weekend.

In the evening there will be a screening of Franny Armstrong ’s powerful and empowering film, “ Drowned Out ” about an Indian family who decide to stay at home and drown rather than make way for the Narmada Dam. Director Franny Armstrong will be attending and answering questions – this screening is open to non-workshop participants.
[Description of Drowned Out | Spannerfilms]

On Saturday night we will be launching the Indymedia Scotland website at MONO cafe/bar with local V – J ’s, D – J ’s, organic food, drink, internet connection and books and videos on sale. Tickets for this event can be bought separately from Gmac.

Following a hearty breakfast at Mono cafe/bar, Sunday ’s workshop programme will start at 11.15am with a discussion on filming actions, occupations and events covering issues around your rights and the law and aims to answer the frequently asked question “ what if I get nicked ? ”

There will be a lunchtime talk on the subject of getting your footage onto the mainstream media Deborah Rayner from ITN will be talking and taking questions.

In the afternoon New York based independent film maker and organiser Judith Helfand will taking a master-class on creating films to be seen by a wider public with her co-director Daniel Gold , they will be looking at structure, narrative, humour and character – the aim of this master-class is to give participants the tools and inspiration to move into making films which can reach a wider public. Judith and Daniel are the makers of “ Blue Vinyl ” – a toxic comedy look at Vinyl, the world ’s second largest selling plastic. On the one hand “ Blue Vinyl ” is a powerful piece of activism, on the other a slightly dry comedy with a human face. The film challenges people to take responsibility for their choices and to consider the entire life cycle and impact of a product when considering what is “ cheap ” or “ easy to use ”.
[Blue Vinyl | Next Wave Films ]

Please note that this workshop is aimed at people with some experience of constructing films as well as the previous days workshop participants.

“ Blue Vinyl ” will be screened at The GFT (at 8.15pm) followed by a Q&A with Judith .
Also screening will be the 3 one minute films constructed by workshop participants during Saturday ’s workshop.

Contact Address for booking forms;

Camcorder Guerilla ’s
Glasgow Media Access Centre,
3rd Floor,
34 Albion Street,
G1 1LH.

Tel: 0141 553 2620

Whole weekend including all screenings, workshops and social events
– £ 30 / £ 50
(limited to 30 places)

Friday screening of “ Seeing Is Believing ” and “ Indymedia Newsreal ” - buy directly from GFT
(£ 3.50 / £ 4.90) on 0141 332 8128

Friday screening at GFT, Saturday Practical workshop & Screening of “ Drowned Out ”
– £ 20.00 / £ 35

Saturday screening of “ Drowned Out ” at Gmac
– £ 2 (suggested donation)
Party Ticket
– £ 3 / £ 5

Sunday workshops/master-class & screening of “ Blue Vinyl ”
– £ 10 / £ 20

Sunday screening of “ Blue Vinyl ” ; buy directly from GFT (£ 3.50 / £ 4.90)

Tickets for workshops, screenings and discussions to be booked through Gmac tel: 0141 553 2620. Unless you only want to attend the GFT screenings tickets must then be booked directly with GFT on 0141 332 8128

This weekend is a collaboration between Indymedia, Glasgow Film Theatre, Glasgow Media Access Centre and supported by The Glasgow Film Office . Docspace will be monitoring cinema audiences as part of a Pilot scheme to increase cinema audiences for documentary.

Imc Scotland + Camcorder Guerillas


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