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[DSEi] Globalise Resistance Communique

Globalise Resistance | 28.06.2003 13:57 | DSEi 2003 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | London

Globalise Resistance are now affiliated to the Disarm DSEi campaign against Europe's biggest arms fair which takes place 9th till 12th September this year. Our main protest will be on the 9th along with the Campaign Against the Arms Trade and plenty of other people.

Having taken part in many protests to oppose the imperialist wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, we feel obliged to target one of the root causes of war. Without the arms trade there could be no war.

DSEi arms fairs have a history of selling weapons (and also torture implements) to governments with appalling human rights records. Many of which are governments of third world countries which would do far better to spend these huge sums of money on healthcare and education for their impoverished people.

Such irresponsible sales are by no means restricted to the DSEi. The entire arms trade is a very murky business, rife with corruption. So we intend to use the occasion to make a statement against the whole of the so called "defence" industry.

Globalise Resistance believes that "defence" is but one particularly unethical sector of a morally bankrupt global economy and we recognise the role which it plays as the military wing of the kind of corporate globalisation which is being forced on the world by the western powers, through the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organisation (etc!). As the saying goes, "You can't have McDonald's without McDonnel Douglas".

So we support the international call, for the scene of *Europe's biggest arms fair* to function as a European convergence point for anti-corporate globalisation protests, to coincide with the WTO meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Within the GR bloc we will certainly be making the link between the arms trade and the WTO, as we take a stand against the bigger picture of capitalist imperialism in general.

GR's main mobilisation will be on September 9th. Look out for the distinctive orange flags and some enormous pink tanks.

Globalise Resistance
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Display the following 7 comments

  1. How can I find out more about DSEi and the groups involved...? — Disarm DSEi
  2. Correction (web link) — me again
  3. DESTROY DSEi - open meetings — DESTROY DSEi
  4. sarcasm ;-) — mr sarcastic
  5. Address of LARC and DSEi website — AYNer
  6. Next open meeting — Destroy DSEi
  7. Dont forget... — sqoo