Thessaloniki Prisoners Solidarity | 28.06.2003 09:22 | Thessaloniki EU | Globalisation | Migration | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World
* Write to Simon
Letters of support can make all the difference to keep up his spirits as he waits for a decision form the panel of judges. Knowing that others are out there thinking about you is vital to remaining strong while inside. Advice on letter writing is available by emailing us at the address at the bottom.
Write letters to:
Dikastikes Fylakes Diavaton
T.K. 540 12
* Write or email letters of protest to the Greek Ambassador to the UK
Greek Ambassador to the UK
Embassy of Greece
1A Holland Park
London, W11 3TP
Tel: 020 7229 3850
Fax: 020 7229 7221
* Take action
It is vital that we continue the actions of international solidarity that have started in other European cities. There will be an international day of action in support of the 8 on July 10. We need to mobilise ourselves and continue to take action in our demand that all charges against the prisoners are dropped and they are immediately released.
* Donations
A Greek bank account has been set up for Simon to access funds. There are no limitations on the amount of money a prisoner can have. We are coordinating the transfer of money from the UK to this account. If you would like to make a financial donations please send cheques payable to “ABC” to BM Automatic, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Books (paperback only) and newspapers can also be sent, direct to Simon at the prison address.
* Keep up to date with events
To receive regular email updates and for info on the forthcoming solidarity actions in the UK email:
Letters of support can make all the difference to keep up his spirits as he waits for a decision form the panel of judges. Knowing that others are out there thinking about you is vital to remaining strong while inside. Advice on letter writing is available by emailing us at the address at the bottom.
Write letters to:
Dikastikes Fylakes Diavaton
T.K. 540 12
* Write or email letters of protest to the Greek Ambassador to the UK
Greek Ambassador to the UK
Embassy of Greece
1A Holland Park
London, W11 3TP
Tel: 020 7229 3850
Fax: 020 7229 7221

* Take action
It is vital that we continue the actions of international solidarity that have started in other European cities. There will be an international day of action in support of the 8 on July 10. We need to mobilise ourselves and continue to take action in our demand that all charges against the prisoners are dropped and they are immediately released.
* Donations
A Greek bank account has been set up for Simon to access funds. There are no limitations on the amount of money a prisoner can have. We are coordinating the transfer of money from the UK to this account. If you would like to make a financial donations please send cheques payable to “ABC” to BM Automatic, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Books (paperback only) and newspapers can also be sent, direct to Simon at the prison address.
* Keep up to date with events
To receive regular email updates and for info on the forthcoming solidarity actions in the UK email:

Thessaloniki Prisoners Solidarity