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Russian report on RF standardization - Re: NTSB-Cell Phone Use and Novice Drivers - Petition To Help Animals on U.S. National Lands - Blair aide concedes error on Iraq dossier - Delusions of empire - My America vs the Empire - Biotech woes ... and the culprits
Russian report on RF standardization FYI (from Iouri Grigoriev)
Report on The Third International Conference "Electromagnetic Fields
and Human Health. Fundamental and Applied Research. September 17-24,
2002. Moscow-Saint Petersburg, Russia
Grigoriev Ju.G.1, Shafirkin A.V.2, Vasin A.L.3
1SRC RF - Institute of biophysics at the Ministry of health of RF,
Moscow, Russia
2SRC RF - RAS Institute of medical-biological problems, Moscow, Russia
3Center of bioelectromagnetic compatibility, Moscow, Russia
Singularity of our report lies in our wish to reconstruct for you the history of EMF standardization in the USSR, system of this process organizing, conducting of corresponding experiments and at last to represent you partly the main factual material taken into consideration in standardization. In this connection we have provided you with supplement in English in form of charts with basic parameters of experiments.
Already in 70-es Ministry of health protection, Council of Ministers of the USSR, Ministry of defense paid great attention to the problem of EMF biological effect research considering its effect on human health both in professional conditions and on population as a whole. In our report we will concentrate only on radiofrequency EMF range.
Researches were carried out in several directions at the same time according to the scheme on picture 1:
- study of EMF biological effect mechanisms;
- study of EM acute and chronic effect in experiments;
- hygienic evaluation of working conditions in manufacturing connected with EMF effect and showing up of professional pathology development features;
- analysis and summarizing of received data and working out of sanitary rules (EMF standards) for professionals (controlled
terms) and population.
Conducting of EMF biological effect research (EMF biological effect mechanisms study, analysis of bioeffects under acute and chronic influences, hygienic research and working out of RF EMF standards) was commissioned to hygienic institutes in Kiev, Kharkov, Leningrad and Moscow, Military medical academy, Central aerospace institute at the USSR Ministry of defense, Institute of medical radiology of the USSR AMS, USSR AS Institute of biophysics and Institute of biophysics at the USSR Ministry of health protection. These institutes had been funded for fifteen years.
Special interdepartmental problem commissions, problem commissions of USSR AS, USSR Ministry of health protection and USSR Academy of medical sciences and Commission of military-industrial establishment exercised control over this research. Research results were regularly discussed in different scientific and administrative forums.
I would like to emphasize especially that there was no spontaneity in studying this problem in the USSR. It's important that some parts of these complex research were analyzed, summarized and represented in more than 100 Ph.D. and doctoral theses that preliminarily underwent a thorough approbation and control of the USSR Supreme attestation commission after presentation.
Among the leaders of problem research on EMF biological effect were academicians: Letavet, M.G. Shandala and L.A. Iljin and also professors: Ju.D. Dumansky, Z.V. Gordon, A.G. Subbota, I.G. Akoev, B.I. Davydov, Ju.G. Grigoriev.
Already in the 70-es we had rather convincing data confirming existance of steady biosystems reactions, including integral organism, on low intensity EM acute influence (less than 1 mWt/sm_).
The theme and agenda of the "round table" do not allow considering in detail results of these researches. I would like only to state that results of previous experiments with acute EM-irradiation were taken into consideration in planning of chronic experiments, analysis of the received data and in the future in working out of standards.
Furthermore results of hygienic research were used as basic materials (working conditions evaluation, establishing of the so called professional route, data on repeated clinical-physiological examinations of professionals comparing with corresponding control groups). Upon request of L. Kheifets some results of hygienic research will be represented in reports of doctors L. Tomashevskaya, V. Nikitina and N. Rubtzova, though it was not planned to report on the results of this research direction (hygienic research data) at this "round table".
Allow me to turn to the main topic of the "round table": results of chronic experiments with low intensity RF EMF conducted in the 70-s.
We picked out twelve experiments on evaluation of RF EMF influence on immune system. They are all combined by unified conditions of irradiation execution, chosen tests and approaches to the results evaluation.
Before starting to give an account to the results of these experiments I would like to point out the preliminary research work that preceded the conduct of experiments with chronic RF EMF irradiation of animals and also the methodological part connected with EM-influence providing in these experiments.
I think it's necessary to draw your attention to the fact that mathematical planning of experiments preceded conducting of numerous chronic experiments with EMF with a view of standardization in the USSR.
Corresponding publication is represented for your attention: "Mathematical planning of experiments in EMF biological evaluation" (See App. _ 1). Three tasks were formulated in this publication:
1) to randomize as much as possible the conditions of
experiment conducting with the aim to reduce inaccuracies;
2) to receive in each test a polynom model of the studied factors effect for their comparative evaluation from the point of view of reproducibility, sensibility and definition of factor ranges;
3) to define inoperative level by calculated method in the received levels with the aim of EMF hygienic regulation.
It was also recommended in this work to use the blind method. Experimentalists didn't know as a rule, to what level of factor influence certain animals were exposed. The leading executor conducting a certain experiment didn't study the tests but had all information.
Report "Modeling of irradiation conditions in anechoic chambers and evaluation of absorbed energy in conducting of biological-hygienic research" (Djachenko et al) was presented at the USSR AS scientific conference (Pushchino, 1982). These materials were published more in detail in the leading hygienic magazine "Hygiene and sanitary" (_ 10, 1985, pp.40-43). The report extract and article text are given in App. _ 2. The irradiation was conducted in anechoic chambers in the area of shaped field. It's known that anechoic chamber effectiveness depends a lot on what materials absorbent is made of. Thin-layer material based on ferrite was chosen as such material. Its working frequency range was 0,3-15 GHz under reflection coefficient 1-3 %. Chamber size was 2,5 _ 2,5 _ 2,5 m, that allowed to place animals in the area up to 3 m2 under upper irradiation in 10% field inhomogeneity.
Good condition parameters of animal keeping were created in anechoic chamber (temperature, humidity and air exchange speed). These parameters had been kept during experiments for many months.
All irradiation conditions and dosimetry results were also published in detail in a hygienic magazine (App. _ 3).
Retrospective evaluation of experimental research on RF EMF influence on immune system (Results of twelve chronic experiments taken into consideration in working out of standards in the USSR)
Immunological criterion for harmfulness evaluation was declared the theoretical and method base of EMF standardization by Soviet sanitarians in the 70-s. (Vinogradov G.I., Hygiene and sanitary, 1984, _4, pp.4-6). It was noticed that EMF influence negatively on nonspecific protection factors. It's the opinion of professors N.N. Klemparskaya 1972 (IBPh MHP), Vinogradova G.I. 1984,1987 (Kiev scientific-research institute of general and communal hygiene) that the role of autoimmune autoallergic organism reactions in biological activity evaluation is great both under ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
It's known that autoimmune reactions development is connected with the fact that antibodies or sensibilized lymphocytes directed against their own tissues are generated as a response to the changed albuminous structures.
Immune system in norm provides constant functioning of natural immunological tolerance that is one of the main conditions of existence of the organism as integrated system. Protection function failure leads to the situation when specific immune reaction is directed against their own tissues, cells and their constituent parts, i.e. phenomenon of the so called autosensibilization appears.
Theoretical and methods basics of autoallergic reactions evaluation under environment physical factors influence for ionizing radiation were worked out earlier by USSR AS academician R.V.Petrov and professor N.N. Klemparskaya in 50-60s in the IBPh MHP and USSR AMS academician M.G. Shandala and professor G.I. Vinogradov in Kiev scientific-research institute of general and communal hygiene. Later in the 70-s similar results were received for non-ionizing radiation and for EMF specifically.
Already first exploring researches at the beginning of the 70-s showed that RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm2 disturbs antigen brain structure that leads to appearing of sensibilized lymphocytes and autoimmune reactions development.
In experiment with the goal of tissue antigen structure studying rats were exposed to irradiation for fourteen days under RF EMF (2450 MHz) with PFD 50 mcWt/cm2 (chart 1). Using method of active anaphylaxis with desinsibilization the authors showed that antigen tissue content changed after irradiation: in brain, liver, kidney, spleen, new antigens appear. In this experiment they particularly studied dynamics of antibody formation for brain tissue in RF EMF irradiated animals. Twenty-five rats were taken for the experiment, twenty of which were irradiated with RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ for fourteen days. Serum of these rats and of 5 control ones was investigated in complement binding reaction (CBR) for content of antibodies for brain tissue of normal and irradiated rats. The
reaction was given before irradiation, right after it and every week
after EMF influence for a month. In plate 1 (chart 1) data on complement binding reaction are given in rats of experimental groups and of control one.
Complement binding reactions (CBR) in serum studies before irradiation and in control animals were negative*. Experimental rats had antibodies both for normal and changed in antigen brain tissue as a result of RF EMF influence. The highest antibrain antibody titers were registered in 2-3 weeks after irradiation (titer logarithm was correspondingly 2,46 ± 2 and 2,51 ± 0,6). In four weeks antibody titer began to decrease, and so did the amount of positive reactions. Formation of antibodies for healthy tissue antigens occurred similarly though the titers were much lower.
Thus already the beginning of research showed that RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ influence could bring to changes in tissue and serum albumen antigen structure. These changes are characterized with appearing of a new antigen feature that was unusual for normal albumen and with disappearing of some normal antigens, i.e. tissue antigen structure change happened. But this conclusion demanded its confirmation and development. In this connection several experiments in more complex modifications were carried out later.
An experiment was carried out with the aim to find antitissue circulating antibodies in animals irradiated be EMF for a longer time (30 days) using complement binding reaction CBR (chart 2). As an antigen for the considered reaction the authors took 20% water-saline extract (dilution 1:15) of brain tissue of healthy animals and animals that were exposed with RF EMF for 30 days, 7 hours a day with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_.
In order to get antigen from irradiated brain tissue donor-animal brain was used that were in the same conditions as the experimental animals. Donors were killed right after irradiation finishing. The experiments were given in three kinds of animals: rats, guinea pigs and rabbits.
Blood for complement binding reaction (CBR) was taken before and right after irradiation finishing, and then in 2,4,6 and 8 weeks. The results of this experiment in guinea pigs and rats are represented in plate 2.1 (chart 2). The investigators noticed that irradiation of animals (guinea-pigs and rats) by RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ brings to violation of brain cell albumen structures and development of circulating antibrain
There was certain dynamics of this process showing from our point of view a possible cumulation of the noticed effects in time after irradiation. Guinea-pig antibody titer increased greatly after irradiation finishing and reached its maximum in two weeks after it (titer logarithm was 2,77 ± 0,04).
*A positive reaction was complement-binding reaction CBR if the antibody titer was higher than 1:20; in control group this value was not determined.
Similar direction of complement binding reaction (CBR) changes was when using healthy guinea-pig brain tissue as an antigen. But the antibody titer height was lower and antibodies were found in fewer experimental animals. Control guinea pigs had negative complement binding reactions (CBR). Similar changes were found in rats (see plate 2.1, chart 2). Though rabbits were exposed to radiation only for 10 days, the same CBR changes dynamics was received as in guinea pigs and rats.
Thus experiments on guinea pigs, rats and rabbits showed statistically reliably that antibodies for brain tissue appear in animals as a result of chronic RF EMF exposure with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_. This process was noticed also when using brain tissue of both irradiated and non-irradiated animals as antigens. The highest complement-binding antibody titers were on 10-14 days after irradiation.
The data of the next experiment show sufficient durability of this process (chart 3). Using Yerne method in N. Kleparskaya's modification, cellular autoimmune reaction was studied by determining the amount of plaque-forming cells, synthesizing antybodies for their own red corpuscles in blood. The experiment was carried out on guinea pigs and white rats that were exposed to radiation for a month with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_. Yerne reaction was conducted before irradiation, right after it and then in 2 and 4 weeks. The study results are given in plate 3.1 (chart 3).
The given data show that statistically important increase of plaque-forming cells took place on the 2nd week after irradiation and was rather stable. In 4 weeks after EMF influence the rate of these cells was still high.
Attention should be paid to correlation in content of cells producing antibodies for red corpuscles in blood and in increased circulating antibody titer shown in the previous experiment (plate 2.1 chart 2) with maximum changes in 2 weeks after irradiation.
Later the following experiment was carried out with the task of studying damaging features of blood serum under RF EMF exposure on the basis of changing in cell ability for phagocytosis (chart 4).
Fifteen guinea pigs were taken for the experiment that were exposed
to RF EMF for a month with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_. Phagocytosis reaction was
evaluated three times: before irradiation, in 2 and 4 weeks after its
finishing. Results of phagocytosis reaction in aftereffect period
(after irradiation finishing) are given in plate 4.1 (chart 4). The
mentioned data show that serum of EMF irradiated animal organism
brings expressed oppressive effect both to phagocytosis value and
phagocytosis index mark. This influence was especially expressed in 2
weeks after irradiation and kept for 2 weeks.
Summarizing these three experiments we can make a conclusion about autoallergic character of the process under study in animals exposed to low intensity RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_.
Later in repeated experiment (chart 5) rats were exposed to EMF for 7 hours daily for 30 days with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_. At the end of irradiation basophile degranulation degree in blood serum, plaque-forming cell rate and complement-binding antibody level was evaluated. In complex these reactions were autoimmune process activity indicator as they showed forming of complement-binding antibodies for tissue antigen and forming of autoimmune hemolysis plaques.
25% water-saline extract of brain tissue of donor-animals irradiated with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 30 days. This experiment results are given in plate 5.1 (chart 5).
Analysis of results represented in plate 5.1 indicates that low intensity EMF 500 and even 50 mcWt/cm_ for 30 days and 7 hours daily facilitated forming of antibrain complement-binding autoantibodies level of which was reliably higher than in control.
Even sharper differences from control were in basophile degranulation degree that increased in 4,6 and 5,5 times (_<0,001) after irradiation with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_ and in plaque-forming cell quantity that increased in 5,5 and 10 times (_<0,001).
Brain, spleen, marrow and peripheral blood morphological research was also carried out under the same conditions of animal RF EMF irradiation. Spleen and marrow morphological research data after EMF irradiation with 500 mcWt/cm_ are represented in plate 6.1 (chart 6). Attention is paid to the processes of differentiation and reproducing of reticuloendotelium, blasts, lymphocytes and plasmatic cells.
As the data in plate 6.1 show, after animal irradiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ reticuloendotelium cell quantity marrow increased 2,2 times and in spleen about 2 times. Plasmatic cell quantity in marrow and in spleen increased 4 times and small lymphocytes decreased in marrow for 40%. In the group of animals exposed to EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ only increase of reticuloendotelium cell quantity in spleen was noticed that can indicate some increase in reticuloendotelium system activity.
In the next experiment the model is reproduced that allows showing that low intensity EMF are able to induce autoimmune reactions (chart 7). In this experiment irradiated donor brain extract was inserted into healthy animals. For immunization 25% water-saline resolution of brain tissue extract of donor-animals exposed to microwaves with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_ for 30 days that contained 0/9 g/l albumen. Immunization scheme provided six-time intraperitoneal brain tissue insertion every 24 hours. In 2-3 weeks after immunization finishing animals were studied for basophile degranulation degree, plaque-forming cell content and complement-binding antibody rate. This experiment results are given in plate 7.1 (chart 7). It is shown that in the group of animals immunized with brain tissue of irradiated rats with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ all indicators differ statistically reliably from the ones in control being 2 ½ 8 higher, that shows autoimmune reaction development in experimental animals. Intact rats' immunization with brain tissue of
donor-animals exposed to EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ didn't bring to development of firm autoimmune pathology. Significant changes were noticed only in 2 weeks in basophile degranulation degree indicator (see data in plate 7.1).
Thus insertion of brain tissue of rats exposed to microwaves with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ to intact animals induces in them autoimmune reactions. 50 mcWt/cm_ exposure induces less expressed immune reaction.
As we mentioned before, according to the literature data the evidence of autoimmune nature of this or that status induced by an exogenous factor is transfer of this status into another organism with the help of lymphoid cells (Vitebsky E. Immunology and immunopathology modern problems. M. Medicina 1970, pp. 129-137).
Essence of adaptive immunity phenomenon is that immunologically active tissue continues to function immunologically being transferred into another host. According to F.Bernet's theory "excluded" cell clones exercise immunology aggression against normal tissues (F.Bernet. Cellular immunology. M.: Mir,543 p.). And haematogenous tissue in contrast with other tissue under replanting stimulates immune response of recipient remaining inert and immune-competent cells are able themselves to respond to recipient (Petrov R.V. Immunology and immunogenetics. _.: Medicine, 1976 336p.).
Reasoning from these notions the following experiment was carried out (chart 8). Experiments were given on male Fisher rats. On the first stage preparation of the donor-animals was exercised (12 rats) that were exposed to RF EMF radiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 15 days, 7 hours daily. The same amount of animals was in control group ("false" irradiation). After irradiation finishing immunological indicators of animals were studied, then they were killed, brain was taken for histological studies and lymphatic glands were extracted for preparation of lymphoid cell soliquid.
On the second stage lymphoid cells amounting 5 106 in 1 ml were inserted intraperitoneally into 12 animal recipient from irradiated rats (experiment) and into 12 rats from "false-irradiated" animals (control). In 6 days after soliquid insertion brain immunological research was carried out.
The following indicators (A) of donors' and recipients' humoral
immunity were studied:
- basophile degranulation degree;
- plaque-forming cell quantity;
- complement-binding antibody rate in complement consumption
reaction (25% water-saline extract of not irradiated animal brain tissue was used as antigen). Among cellular immunity indicators (B)
lymphocyte blasttransformation reaction was also studied.
The results of irradiation of donor-animals by RF EMF with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 15 days were the following: antibodies for brain tissue appeared, basophile degranulation degree increased a lot, plaque-foming cell quantity increased 4-5 times in peripheral blood, two-times oppression of both spontaneous blastforming and one modified by different mitogens (phytohemagglytinin (FGA) and concanavalin-A (CON-A) occurred. These data are given in plate 8.1 (chart 8).
In brain histological study nidal soft brain sheath loosening, its moderate plethora, nucleus ectopy and their irregular form in some sensomotor bark neurocytes and cerebellum ganlionic layer cells were noticed. Most animals had microglia proliferation and some vascular reactions.
In this repeated experiment same results were received as in monthly irradiation that I represented before, i.e. previous research results were confirmed on possible stimulation of autoimmune processes in animal organisms exposed to RF EMF with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ against cellular immunity oppression.
Thus the represented results in experiments with insertion of immunecompetent cells from animals exposed to irradiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 15 days to recipients (plate 8.1 chart 8) indicate the development of autoimmune reactions and antibody formation against normal brain tissue in them. Basophile degranulation degree significantly grew, plaque-forming cell and complement-binding antibody quantity rose, lymphocyte blastforming process was oppressed. In histological study of experimental animal-recipient brain insignificant changes were noticed in different brain structures.
Immune deficiency in lymphocyte thymusdependant cell population (cellular immunity status) plays an important role in autosensibilization. In experiment with rats under their long irradiation with EMF 2375 MHz for a month, 7 hours daily with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_ significant oppression occurred of rat peripheral blood T-lymphocyte blasttransformation that was more expressed in a higher PFD level (plate 9.1. chart 9). Under 500 mcWt/cm_ function restoration didn't take place even in 3 months of afterwards observation.
EMF influence on pregnancy development, foetus and posterity
It's known that natural tolerance in foetus development antenatal period forms only against its own antigens accessible for immunecompetent cells. Speaking of the antigens of organs, that are isolated in embryogenesis and not available for immune system, there is no immunological tolerance.
In case of appearing of such antigens in circulation of grown-up organisms immune reaction with antitissue antigen and sensibilized autoaggressive lymphocyte accumulation develops. Such "over-barrier" organs and systems include also brain. Antigens contained in brain are able to induce immune reactions when inserting in blood of their own organism, as they are alien for their own immune system.
In the experiment on Wistar rats' low intensity RF EMF influence (500 mcWt/cm_) was researched on possible development of autoimmune reaction in pregnant female rats (chart 10). It was received that non-irradiated animal pregnancy development doesn't bring to significant appearing of antibodies in blood. Percentage of plaque-forming cells was 1,1±0,2, at the same time their content in peripheral blood of irradiated females increased by the pregnancy end in 6,5 times and reached 7,3 ±1,5 % (plate 10.1, chart 10).
Peripheral blood basophile indirect degranulation reaction data also point out to pregnant rat autosensibilization development. It was shown that when using foetus liver as antigen basophile degranulation degree increases in pregnant rat exposed to EMF irradiation (experiment 56,7±2,6 %, control 12,9 ±1,9 %).
Pregnant female irradiation brings also to non-specific oppression of
immunogenesis apparatus as a whole that can be seen in almost two-times decrease of immunecompetent cell ability to stimulation under influence of lymphocyte FGA blasttransformation (see plate 10.1).
Thus EMF influence with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ during the whole rat pregnancy period brought to oppression of non-specific immunogenesis, antibody formation increase against foetus tissues and also led to autoimmune reaction stimulation in pregnant female organism.
Experiments were carried out on evaluation of possible influence on foetus development and posterity status of autoimmune processes in pregnant female organism under RF EMF effect (chart 11). Donor-rats were exposed to EMF (2375 MHz) for 30 days, 7 hours daily, with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_. After determination of antiliver antibodies in serum it was intraperitoneally inserted into rats on the 10th day of pregnancy. The received data are summarized in plate 11. Thus fall amount, posterity number decreased and the amount of females with amblosis. Embryo mortality was significant (28 %) and missed in control. Significantly higher posterity mortality was noticed for the end of the 1st month of life (30,7 % compared to 17,1 % in control).
Thus EMF irradiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ brings to appearing of circulating autoantibodies directed against foetus tissue, i.e. mother and foetus immunology conflict condition develops, that leads to expressed unfavorable effects in posterity.
In some other works cellular immunity of posterity from parents irradiated by RF EMF with PFD in the range of 10-500 mcWt/cm_ was studied (chart 12). The results of these works indicated that both foetus and posterity had blastformation process oppression for the next 4 months. Non-irradiated females' foetus (in control) blastforming lymphocyte percentage was 24 ±1,4, and under exposure with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ it decreased four times indicating significant oppression of their blastformation process (plate 12.1).
Data on lymphocyte blasttransformation quantity in young rats of different ages (1-4 months) under different ranges of low intensity EMF effect (PFD 10, 50 _ 500 mcWt/cm_) on pregnant females are given in plate 12.2. These data show distinctly that posterity of irradiated females with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ in all study times for 4 months had peripheral blood lymphocyte blasttransformation process oppression. The authors noticed also cellular differentiation violations in posterity of white rats irradiated by EMF with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_.
Thus the represented materials of a small part of experiments bring us to a single conclusion that long RF EMF effect (2375-2450 MHz) on experimental animals in the range of PFD 50-500 mcWt/cm_ (when the role of the so called thermal effect is absolutely insignificant) brings to appearing of distinct stable bioeffects.
On the basis of results of experimental studies for the latest 30 years and the received distinct repeated true results under RF EMF chronic influence standardization strategy in the USSR and later in Russia in this frequency range was and still is built on the following principles:
1. Acute one-time RF EMF irradiation bioeffects are taken into account in the nearest period with different PFD values (thermal and non-thermal mechanisms).
2. Chronic low intensity EMF exposure results on experimental animals are considered, and so are results of clinical-physiological observations and hygienic studies in controlled conditions.
3. Influencing factor rate is admitted unfavorable if there is reliable deviation of any vitally important organism function that leaves the limits of physiological swings of this function and is firmly kept for the period of chronic influence and after its cessation.
4. Reduction of adaptation abilities of the organism and its regulations shown with the help of functional physiological and extreme loads is considered as dangerous one.
5. Fractional part of electromagnetic field minimum rate able to induce any reaction exceeding normal adaptive response of the organism in certain EMF influence conditions is taken for limit allowable level for population. This influence should not cause even temporary homeostasis violation (including reproduction function) and protective and adaptation-compensatory mechanism tension either in the nearest or in the remote time period.
Exactly from these positions the received data represented already by myself and those that will be represented by doctors L.Tomashevskaya, V.Nikitina and N.Rubtsova were evaluated by the specialists in the USSR (Russia).
There is one more aspect of this problem. Whether we can use SAR concept for such low PFD (100-500 mcWt/cm_) that still has been actively incorporated in working out of standards and hazard evaluation? And if we also take into consideration the great role of EMF modulation in bioeffects developing and strengthening it becomes clear why the issue of this concept revision is so often raised in some European countries and in the USA. (W. Ross Adey, 1999). From Paper by W. Ross Adey (Review of Radio Science, 1996-1999. Oxford Univ.Press,1999, pp 845-872):
"Observation of these modulation frequency - dependent bioeffects would appear to raise significant question concerning validity of continued use of thermally based Specific Absorbtion Rate (SAR) as a universally valid predictor of bioeffects atributable to RF field exposure. It is clearly a blanket measure blind to specifics of field characteristics that may be critical determinats of the biological response in many athermal exposures".
Thank you very much for your attention!
Informant: Don Maisch
Communications firm vows to appeal against precedent-setting judgement
A summary of Environment Daily stories published Monday 25 June to
Friday 29 June 2001
Environment Daily 1020, 29/06/01
A Spanish mobile telephone operator is to appeal against a judge's decision last week ordering the removal on health grounds of a mobile phone transmitter from the roof of a residential building.
Thought to be the first decision of its kind in the EU, the judgement made at a court in Bizkaia, northern Spain, requires mobile telephone operator Airtel to remove the equipment until it can demonstrate that the radiation emitted poses no health risks to residents in the building.
The judge decided that "reasonable grounds exist for suspecting that the radiation from the transmitter is not innocuous to people permanently exposed to its effects". Residents had previously agreed to installation of the equipment in return for financial compensation from the company.
A spokesperson for Airtel told Environment Daily that the company will
appeal against the verdict "to the Supreme Court if necessary to
prevent the decision establishing a legal precedent". A company
statement described the decision as "the first time in Europe a court
has ordered the removal of a legally-installed transmitter". A
spokesperson for GSM Europe, which promotes international mobile telephone communication, said she had no knowledge of any other European court passing a similar judgement.
Follow-up: Airtel, tel: +34 60 713 3333; GSM, tel: +44 20 75 18 05 30.
Environment Daily. ISSN 1463-1776
Published by Environmental Data Services (ENDS)
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Informant: Robert Riedlinger from a message from Manuel Nuno Alcada to Roy Beavers
Re: NTSB-Cell Phone Use and Novice Drivers
In Ireland, it is illegal (and rightly so) for any driver to use a hand
held cellphone when driving.
Informant: intuition
Petition To Help Animals on U.S. National Lands
Blair aide concedes error on Iraq dossier
Delusions of empire
My America vs the Empire
Biotech woes ... and the culprits,03538.cfm
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Report on The Third International Conference "Electromagnetic Fields
and Human Health. Fundamental and Applied Research. September 17-24,
2002. Moscow-Saint Petersburg, Russia
Grigoriev Ju.G.1, Shafirkin A.V.2, Vasin A.L.3
1SRC RF - Institute of biophysics at the Ministry of health of RF,
Moscow, Russia
2SRC RF - RAS Institute of medical-biological problems, Moscow, Russia
3Center of bioelectromagnetic compatibility, Moscow, Russia
Singularity of our report lies in our wish to reconstruct for you the history of EMF standardization in the USSR, system of this process organizing, conducting of corresponding experiments and at last to represent you partly the main factual material taken into consideration in standardization. In this connection we have provided you with supplement in English in form of charts with basic parameters of experiments.
Already in 70-es Ministry of health protection, Council of Ministers of the USSR, Ministry of defense paid great attention to the problem of EMF biological effect research considering its effect on human health both in professional conditions and on population as a whole. In our report we will concentrate only on radiofrequency EMF range.
Researches were carried out in several directions at the same time according to the scheme on picture 1:
- study of EMF biological effect mechanisms;
- study of EM acute and chronic effect in experiments;
- hygienic evaluation of working conditions in manufacturing connected with EMF effect and showing up of professional pathology development features;
- analysis and summarizing of received data and working out of sanitary rules (EMF standards) for professionals (controlled
terms) and population.
Conducting of EMF biological effect research (EMF biological effect mechanisms study, analysis of bioeffects under acute and chronic influences, hygienic research and working out of RF EMF standards) was commissioned to hygienic institutes in Kiev, Kharkov, Leningrad and Moscow, Military medical academy, Central aerospace institute at the USSR Ministry of defense, Institute of medical radiology of the USSR AMS, USSR AS Institute of biophysics and Institute of biophysics at the USSR Ministry of health protection. These institutes had been funded for fifteen years.
Special interdepartmental problem commissions, problem commissions of USSR AS, USSR Ministry of health protection and USSR Academy of medical sciences and Commission of military-industrial establishment exercised control over this research. Research results were regularly discussed in different scientific and administrative forums.
I would like to emphasize especially that there was no spontaneity in studying this problem in the USSR. It's important that some parts of these complex research were analyzed, summarized and represented in more than 100 Ph.D. and doctoral theses that preliminarily underwent a thorough approbation and control of the USSR Supreme attestation commission after presentation.
Among the leaders of problem research on EMF biological effect were academicians: Letavet, M.G. Shandala and L.A. Iljin and also professors: Ju.D. Dumansky, Z.V. Gordon, A.G. Subbota, I.G. Akoev, B.I. Davydov, Ju.G. Grigoriev.
Already in the 70-es we had rather convincing data confirming existance of steady biosystems reactions, including integral organism, on low intensity EM acute influence (less than 1 mWt/sm_).
The theme and agenda of the "round table" do not allow considering in detail results of these researches. I would like only to state that results of previous experiments with acute EM-irradiation were taken into consideration in planning of chronic experiments, analysis of the received data and in the future in working out of standards.
Furthermore results of hygienic research were used as basic materials (working conditions evaluation, establishing of the so called professional route, data on repeated clinical-physiological examinations of professionals comparing with corresponding control groups). Upon request of L. Kheifets some results of hygienic research will be represented in reports of doctors L. Tomashevskaya, V. Nikitina and N. Rubtzova, though it was not planned to report on the results of this research direction (hygienic research data) at this "round table".
Allow me to turn to the main topic of the "round table": results of chronic experiments with low intensity RF EMF conducted in the 70-s.
We picked out twelve experiments on evaluation of RF EMF influence on immune system. They are all combined by unified conditions of irradiation execution, chosen tests and approaches to the results evaluation.
Before starting to give an account to the results of these experiments I would like to point out the preliminary research work that preceded the conduct of experiments with chronic RF EMF irradiation of animals and also the methodological part connected with EM-influence providing in these experiments.
I think it's necessary to draw your attention to the fact that mathematical planning of experiments preceded conducting of numerous chronic experiments with EMF with a view of standardization in the USSR.
Corresponding publication is represented for your attention: "Mathematical planning of experiments in EMF biological evaluation" (See App. _ 1). Three tasks were formulated in this publication:
1) to randomize as much as possible the conditions of
experiment conducting with the aim to reduce inaccuracies;
2) to receive in each test a polynom model of the studied factors effect for their comparative evaluation from the point of view of reproducibility, sensibility and definition of factor ranges;
3) to define inoperative level by calculated method in the received levels with the aim of EMF hygienic regulation.
It was also recommended in this work to use the blind method. Experimentalists didn't know as a rule, to what level of factor influence certain animals were exposed. The leading executor conducting a certain experiment didn't study the tests but had all information.
Report "Modeling of irradiation conditions in anechoic chambers and evaluation of absorbed energy in conducting of biological-hygienic research" (Djachenko et al) was presented at the USSR AS scientific conference (Pushchino, 1982). These materials were published more in detail in the leading hygienic magazine "Hygiene and sanitary" (_ 10, 1985, pp.40-43). The report extract and article text are given in App. _ 2. The irradiation was conducted in anechoic chambers in the area of shaped field. It's known that anechoic chamber effectiveness depends a lot on what materials absorbent is made of. Thin-layer material based on ferrite was chosen as such material. Its working frequency range was 0,3-15 GHz under reflection coefficient 1-3 %. Chamber size was 2,5 _ 2,5 _ 2,5 m, that allowed to place animals in the area up to 3 m2 under upper irradiation in 10% field inhomogeneity.
Good condition parameters of animal keeping were created in anechoic chamber (temperature, humidity and air exchange speed). These parameters had been kept during experiments for many months.
All irradiation conditions and dosimetry results were also published in detail in a hygienic magazine (App. _ 3).
Retrospective evaluation of experimental research on RF EMF influence on immune system (Results of twelve chronic experiments taken into consideration in working out of standards in the USSR)
Immunological criterion for harmfulness evaluation was declared the theoretical and method base of EMF standardization by Soviet sanitarians in the 70-s. (Vinogradov G.I., Hygiene and sanitary, 1984, _4, pp.4-6). It was noticed that EMF influence negatively on nonspecific protection factors. It's the opinion of professors N.N. Klemparskaya 1972 (IBPh MHP), Vinogradova G.I. 1984,1987 (Kiev scientific-research institute of general and communal hygiene) that the role of autoimmune autoallergic organism reactions in biological activity evaluation is great both under ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
It's known that autoimmune reactions development is connected with the fact that antibodies or sensibilized lymphocytes directed against their own tissues are generated as a response to the changed albuminous structures.
Immune system in norm provides constant functioning of natural immunological tolerance that is one of the main conditions of existence of the organism as integrated system. Protection function failure leads to the situation when specific immune reaction is directed against their own tissues, cells and their constituent parts, i.e. phenomenon of the so called autosensibilization appears.
Theoretical and methods basics of autoallergic reactions evaluation under environment physical factors influence for ionizing radiation were worked out earlier by USSR AS academician R.V.Petrov and professor N.N. Klemparskaya in 50-60s in the IBPh MHP and USSR AMS academician M.G. Shandala and professor G.I. Vinogradov in Kiev scientific-research institute of general and communal hygiene. Later in the 70-s similar results were received for non-ionizing radiation and for EMF specifically.
Already first exploring researches at the beginning of the 70-s showed that RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm2 disturbs antigen brain structure that leads to appearing of sensibilized lymphocytes and autoimmune reactions development.
In experiment with the goal of tissue antigen structure studying rats were exposed to irradiation for fourteen days under RF EMF (2450 MHz) with PFD 50 mcWt/cm2 (chart 1). Using method of active anaphylaxis with desinsibilization the authors showed that antigen tissue content changed after irradiation: in brain, liver, kidney, spleen, new antigens appear. In this experiment they particularly studied dynamics of antibody formation for brain tissue in RF EMF irradiated animals. Twenty-five rats were taken for the experiment, twenty of which were irradiated with RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ for fourteen days. Serum of these rats and of 5 control ones was investigated in complement binding reaction (CBR) for content of antibodies for brain tissue of normal and irradiated rats. The
reaction was given before irradiation, right after it and every week
after EMF influence for a month. In plate 1 (chart 1) data on complement binding reaction are given in rats of experimental groups and of control one.
Complement binding reactions (CBR) in serum studies before irradiation and in control animals were negative*. Experimental rats had antibodies both for normal and changed in antigen brain tissue as a result of RF EMF influence. The highest antibrain antibody titers were registered in 2-3 weeks after irradiation (titer logarithm was correspondingly 2,46 ± 2 and 2,51 ± 0,6). In four weeks antibody titer began to decrease, and so did the amount of positive reactions. Formation of antibodies for healthy tissue antigens occurred similarly though the titers were much lower.
Thus already the beginning of research showed that RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ influence could bring to changes in tissue and serum albumen antigen structure. These changes are characterized with appearing of a new antigen feature that was unusual for normal albumen and with disappearing of some normal antigens, i.e. tissue antigen structure change happened. But this conclusion demanded its confirmation and development. In this connection several experiments in more complex modifications were carried out later.
An experiment was carried out with the aim to find antitissue circulating antibodies in animals irradiated be EMF for a longer time (30 days) using complement binding reaction CBR (chart 2). As an antigen for the considered reaction the authors took 20% water-saline extract (dilution 1:15) of brain tissue of healthy animals and animals that were exposed with RF EMF for 30 days, 7 hours a day with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_.
In order to get antigen from irradiated brain tissue donor-animal brain was used that were in the same conditions as the experimental animals. Donors were killed right after irradiation finishing. The experiments were given in three kinds of animals: rats, guinea pigs and rabbits.
Blood for complement binding reaction (CBR) was taken before and right after irradiation finishing, and then in 2,4,6 and 8 weeks. The results of this experiment in guinea pigs and rats are represented in plate 2.1 (chart 2). The investigators noticed that irradiation of animals (guinea-pigs and rats) by RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ brings to violation of brain cell albumen structures and development of circulating antibrain
There was certain dynamics of this process showing from our point of view a possible cumulation of the noticed effects in time after irradiation. Guinea-pig antibody titer increased greatly after irradiation finishing and reached its maximum in two weeks after it (titer logarithm was 2,77 ± 0,04).
*A positive reaction was complement-binding reaction CBR if the antibody titer was higher than 1:20; in control group this value was not determined.
Similar direction of complement binding reaction (CBR) changes was when using healthy guinea-pig brain tissue as an antigen. But the antibody titer height was lower and antibodies were found in fewer experimental animals. Control guinea pigs had negative complement binding reactions (CBR). Similar changes were found in rats (see plate 2.1, chart 2). Though rabbits were exposed to radiation only for 10 days, the same CBR changes dynamics was received as in guinea pigs and rats.
Thus experiments on guinea pigs, rats and rabbits showed statistically reliably that antibodies for brain tissue appear in animals as a result of chronic RF EMF exposure with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_. This process was noticed also when using brain tissue of both irradiated and non-irradiated animals as antigens. The highest complement-binding antibody titers were on 10-14 days after irradiation.
The data of the next experiment show sufficient durability of this process (chart 3). Using Yerne method in N. Kleparskaya's modification, cellular autoimmune reaction was studied by determining the amount of plaque-forming cells, synthesizing antybodies for their own red corpuscles in blood. The experiment was carried out on guinea pigs and white rats that were exposed to radiation for a month with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_. Yerne reaction was conducted before irradiation, right after it and then in 2 and 4 weeks. The study results are given in plate 3.1 (chart 3).
The given data show that statistically important increase of plaque-forming cells took place on the 2nd week after irradiation and was rather stable. In 4 weeks after EMF influence the rate of these cells was still high.
Attention should be paid to correlation in content of cells producing antibodies for red corpuscles in blood and in increased circulating antibody titer shown in the previous experiment (plate 2.1 chart 2) with maximum changes in 2 weeks after irradiation.
Later the following experiment was carried out with the task of studying damaging features of blood serum under RF EMF exposure on the basis of changing in cell ability for phagocytosis (chart 4).
Fifteen guinea pigs were taken for the experiment that were exposed
to RF EMF for a month with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_. Phagocytosis reaction was
evaluated three times: before irradiation, in 2 and 4 weeks after its
finishing. Results of phagocytosis reaction in aftereffect period
(after irradiation finishing) are given in plate 4.1 (chart 4). The
mentioned data show that serum of EMF irradiated animal organism
brings expressed oppressive effect both to phagocytosis value and
phagocytosis index mark. This influence was especially expressed in 2
weeks after irradiation and kept for 2 weeks.
Summarizing these three experiments we can make a conclusion about autoallergic character of the process under study in animals exposed to low intensity RF EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_.
Later in repeated experiment (chart 5) rats were exposed to EMF for 7 hours daily for 30 days with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_. At the end of irradiation basophile degranulation degree in blood serum, plaque-forming cell rate and complement-binding antibody level was evaluated. In complex these reactions were autoimmune process activity indicator as they showed forming of complement-binding antibodies for tissue antigen and forming of autoimmune hemolysis plaques.
25% water-saline extract of brain tissue of donor-animals irradiated with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 30 days. This experiment results are given in plate 5.1 (chart 5).
Analysis of results represented in plate 5.1 indicates that low intensity EMF 500 and even 50 mcWt/cm_ for 30 days and 7 hours daily facilitated forming of antibrain complement-binding autoantibodies level of which was reliably higher than in control.
Even sharper differences from control were in basophile degranulation degree that increased in 4,6 and 5,5 times (_<0,001) after irradiation with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_ and in plaque-forming cell quantity that increased in 5,5 and 10 times (_<0,001).
Brain, spleen, marrow and peripheral blood morphological research was also carried out under the same conditions of animal RF EMF irradiation. Spleen and marrow morphological research data after EMF irradiation with 500 mcWt/cm_ are represented in plate 6.1 (chart 6). Attention is paid to the processes of differentiation and reproducing of reticuloendotelium, blasts, lymphocytes and plasmatic cells.
As the data in plate 6.1 show, after animal irradiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ reticuloendotelium cell quantity marrow increased 2,2 times and in spleen about 2 times. Plasmatic cell quantity in marrow and in spleen increased 4 times and small lymphocytes decreased in marrow for 40%. In the group of animals exposed to EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ only increase of reticuloendotelium cell quantity in spleen was noticed that can indicate some increase in reticuloendotelium system activity.
In the next experiment the model is reproduced that allows showing that low intensity EMF are able to induce autoimmune reactions (chart 7). In this experiment irradiated donor brain extract was inserted into healthy animals. For immunization 25% water-saline resolution of brain tissue extract of donor-animals exposed to microwaves with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_ for 30 days that contained 0/9 g/l albumen. Immunization scheme provided six-time intraperitoneal brain tissue insertion every 24 hours. In 2-3 weeks after immunization finishing animals were studied for basophile degranulation degree, plaque-forming cell content and complement-binding antibody rate. This experiment results are given in plate 7.1 (chart 7). It is shown that in the group of animals immunized with brain tissue of irradiated rats with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ all indicators differ statistically reliably from the ones in control being 2 ½ 8 higher, that shows autoimmune reaction development in experimental animals. Intact rats' immunization with brain tissue of
donor-animals exposed to EMF with PFD 50 mcWt/cm_ didn't bring to development of firm autoimmune pathology. Significant changes were noticed only in 2 weeks in basophile degranulation degree indicator (see data in plate 7.1).
Thus insertion of brain tissue of rats exposed to microwaves with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ to intact animals induces in them autoimmune reactions. 50 mcWt/cm_ exposure induces less expressed immune reaction.
As we mentioned before, according to the literature data the evidence of autoimmune nature of this or that status induced by an exogenous factor is transfer of this status into another organism with the help of lymphoid cells (Vitebsky E. Immunology and immunopathology modern problems. M. Medicina 1970, pp. 129-137).
Essence of adaptive immunity phenomenon is that immunologically active tissue continues to function immunologically being transferred into another host. According to F.Bernet's theory "excluded" cell clones exercise immunology aggression against normal tissues (F.Bernet. Cellular immunology. M.: Mir,543 p.). And haematogenous tissue in contrast with other tissue under replanting stimulates immune response of recipient remaining inert and immune-competent cells are able themselves to respond to recipient (Petrov R.V. Immunology and immunogenetics. _.: Medicine, 1976 336p.).
Reasoning from these notions the following experiment was carried out (chart 8). Experiments were given on male Fisher rats. On the first stage preparation of the donor-animals was exercised (12 rats) that were exposed to RF EMF radiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 15 days, 7 hours daily. The same amount of animals was in control group ("false" irradiation). After irradiation finishing immunological indicators of animals were studied, then they were killed, brain was taken for histological studies and lymphatic glands were extracted for preparation of lymphoid cell soliquid.
On the second stage lymphoid cells amounting 5 106 in 1 ml were inserted intraperitoneally into 12 animal recipient from irradiated rats (experiment) and into 12 rats from "false-irradiated" animals (control). In 6 days after soliquid insertion brain immunological research was carried out.
The following indicators (A) of donors' and recipients' humoral
immunity were studied:
- basophile degranulation degree;
- plaque-forming cell quantity;
- complement-binding antibody rate in complement consumption
reaction (25% water-saline extract of not irradiated animal brain tissue was used as antigen). Among cellular immunity indicators (B)
lymphocyte blasttransformation reaction was also studied.
The results of irradiation of donor-animals by RF EMF with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 15 days were the following: antibodies for brain tissue appeared, basophile degranulation degree increased a lot, plaque-foming cell quantity increased 4-5 times in peripheral blood, two-times oppression of both spontaneous blastforming and one modified by different mitogens (phytohemagglytinin (FGA) and concanavalin-A (CON-A) occurred. These data are given in plate 8.1 (chart 8).
In brain histological study nidal soft brain sheath loosening, its moderate plethora, nucleus ectopy and their irregular form in some sensomotor bark neurocytes and cerebellum ganlionic layer cells were noticed. Most animals had microglia proliferation and some vascular reactions.
In this repeated experiment same results were received as in monthly irradiation that I represented before, i.e. previous research results were confirmed on possible stimulation of autoimmune processes in animal organisms exposed to RF EMF with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ against cellular immunity oppression.
Thus the represented results in experiments with insertion of immunecompetent cells from animals exposed to irradiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ for 15 days to recipients (plate 8.1 chart 8) indicate the development of autoimmune reactions and antibody formation against normal brain tissue in them. Basophile degranulation degree significantly grew, plaque-forming cell and complement-binding antibody quantity rose, lymphocyte blastforming process was oppressed. In histological study of experimental animal-recipient brain insignificant changes were noticed in different brain structures.
Immune deficiency in lymphocyte thymusdependant cell population (cellular immunity status) plays an important role in autosensibilization. In experiment with rats under their long irradiation with EMF 2375 MHz for a month, 7 hours daily with PFD 50 and 500 mcWt/cm_ significant oppression occurred of rat peripheral blood T-lymphocyte blasttransformation that was more expressed in a higher PFD level (plate 9.1. chart 9). Under 500 mcWt/cm_ function restoration didn't take place even in 3 months of afterwards observation.
EMF influence on pregnancy development, foetus and posterity
It's known that natural tolerance in foetus development antenatal period forms only against its own antigens accessible for immunecompetent cells. Speaking of the antigens of organs, that are isolated in embryogenesis and not available for immune system, there is no immunological tolerance.
In case of appearing of such antigens in circulation of grown-up organisms immune reaction with antitissue antigen and sensibilized autoaggressive lymphocyte accumulation develops. Such "over-barrier" organs and systems include also brain. Antigens contained in brain are able to induce immune reactions when inserting in blood of their own organism, as they are alien for their own immune system.
In the experiment on Wistar rats' low intensity RF EMF influence (500 mcWt/cm_) was researched on possible development of autoimmune reaction in pregnant female rats (chart 10). It was received that non-irradiated animal pregnancy development doesn't bring to significant appearing of antibodies in blood. Percentage of plaque-forming cells was 1,1±0,2, at the same time their content in peripheral blood of irradiated females increased by the pregnancy end in 6,5 times and reached 7,3 ±1,5 % (plate 10.1, chart 10).
Peripheral blood basophile indirect degranulation reaction data also point out to pregnant rat autosensibilization development. It was shown that when using foetus liver as antigen basophile degranulation degree increases in pregnant rat exposed to EMF irradiation (experiment 56,7±2,6 %, control 12,9 ±1,9 %).
Pregnant female irradiation brings also to non-specific oppression of
immunogenesis apparatus as a whole that can be seen in almost two-times decrease of immunecompetent cell ability to stimulation under influence of lymphocyte FGA blasttransformation (see plate 10.1).
Thus EMF influence with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ during the whole rat pregnancy period brought to oppression of non-specific immunogenesis, antibody formation increase against foetus tissues and also led to autoimmune reaction stimulation in pregnant female organism.
Experiments were carried out on evaluation of possible influence on foetus development and posterity status of autoimmune processes in pregnant female organism under RF EMF effect (chart 11). Donor-rats were exposed to EMF (2375 MHz) for 30 days, 7 hours daily, with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_. After determination of antiliver antibodies in serum it was intraperitoneally inserted into rats on the 10th day of pregnancy. The received data are summarized in plate 11. Thus fall amount, posterity number decreased and the amount of females with amblosis. Embryo mortality was significant (28 %) and missed in control. Significantly higher posterity mortality was noticed for the end of the 1st month of life (30,7 % compared to 17,1 % in control).
Thus EMF irradiation with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ brings to appearing of circulating autoantibodies directed against foetus tissue, i.e. mother and foetus immunology conflict condition develops, that leads to expressed unfavorable effects in posterity.
In some other works cellular immunity of posterity from parents irradiated by RF EMF with PFD in the range of 10-500 mcWt/cm_ was studied (chart 12). The results of these works indicated that both foetus and posterity had blastformation process oppression for the next 4 months. Non-irradiated females' foetus (in control) blastforming lymphocyte percentage was 24 ±1,4, and under exposure with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ it decreased four times indicating significant oppression of their blastformation process (plate 12.1).
Data on lymphocyte blasttransformation quantity in young rats of different ages (1-4 months) under different ranges of low intensity EMF effect (PFD 10, 50 _ 500 mcWt/cm_) on pregnant females are given in plate 12.2. These data show distinctly that posterity of irradiated females with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_ in all study times for 4 months had peripheral blood lymphocyte blasttransformation process oppression. The authors noticed also cellular differentiation violations in posterity of white rats irradiated by EMF with PFD 500 mcWt/cm_.
Thus the represented materials of a small part of experiments bring us to a single conclusion that long RF EMF effect (2375-2450 MHz) on experimental animals in the range of PFD 50-500 mcWt/cm_ (when the role of the so called thermal effect is absolutely insignificant) brings to appearing of distinct stable bioeffects.
On the basis of results of experimental studies for the latest 30 years and the received distinct repeated true results under RF EMF chronic influence standardization strategy in the USSR and later in Russia in this frequency range was and still is built on the following principles:
1. Acute one-time RF EMF irradiation bioeffects are taken into account in the nearest period with different PFD values (thermal and non-thermal mechanisms).
2. Chronic low intensity EMF exposure results on experimental animals are considered, and so are results of clinical-physiological observations and hygienic studies in controlled conditions.
3. Influencing factor rate is admitted unfavorable if there is reliable deviation of any vitally important organism function that leaves the limits of physiological swings of this function and is firmly kept for the period of chronic influence and after its cessation.
4. Reduction of adaptation abilities of the organism and its regulations shown with the help of functional physiological and extreme loads is considered as dangerous one.
5. Fractional part of electromagnetic field minimum rate able to induce any reaction exceeding normal adaptive response of the organism in certain EMF influence conditions is taken for limit allowable level for population. This influence should not cause even temporary homeostasis violation (including reproduction function) and protective and adaptation-compensatory mechanism tension either in the nearest or in the remote time period.
Exactly from these positions the received data represented already by myself and those that will be represented by doctors L.Tomashevskaya, V.Nikitina and N.Rubtsova were evaluated by the specialists in the USSR (Russia).
There is one more aspect of this problem. Whether we can use SAR concept for such low PFD (100-500 mcWt/cm_) that still has been actively incorporated in working out of standards and hazard evaluation? And if we also take into consideration the great role of EMF modulation in bioeffects developing and strengthening it becomes clear why the issue of this concept revision is so often raised in some European countries and in the USA. (W. Ross Adey, 1999). From Paper by W. Ross Adey (Review of Radio Science, 1996-1999. Oxford Univ.Press,1999, pp 845-872):
"Observation of these modulation frequency - dependent bioeffects would appear to raise significant question concerning validity of continued use of thermally based Specific Absorbtion Rate (SAR) as a universally valid predictor of bioeffects atributable to RF field exposure. It is clearly a blanket measure blind to specifics of field characteristics that may be critical determinats of the biological response in many athermal exposures".
Thank you very much for your attention!
Informant: Don Maisch
Communications firm vows to appeal against precedent-setting judgement
A summary of Environment Daily stories published Monday 25 June to
Friday 29 June 2001
Environment Daily 1020, 29/06/01
A Spanish mobile telephone operator is to appeal against a judge's decision last week ordering the removal on health grounds of a mobile phone transmitter from the roof of a residential building.
Thought to be the first decision of its kind in the EU, the judgement made at a court in Bizkaia, northern Spain, requires mobile telephone operator Airtel to remove the equipment until it can demonstrate that the radiation emitted poses no health risks to residents in the building.
The judge decided that "reasonable grounds exist for suspecting that the radiation from the transmitter is not innocuous to people permanently exposed to its effects". Residents had previously agreed to installation of the equipment in return for financial compensation from the company.
A spokesperson for Airtel told Environment Daily that the company will
appeal against the verdict "to the Supreme Court if necessary to
prevent the decision establishing a legal precedent". A company
statement described the decision as "the first time in Europe a court
has ordered the removal of a legally-installed transmitter". A
spokesperson for GSM Europe, which promotes international mobile telephone communication, said she had no knowledge of any other European court passing a similar judgement.
Follow-up: Airtel, tel: +34 60 713 3333; GSM, tel: +44 20 75 18 05 30.
Environment Daily. ISSN 1463-1776
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Informant: Robert Riedlinger from a message from Manuel Nuno Alcada to Roy Beavers
Re: NTSB-Cell Phone Use and Novice Drivers
In Ireland, it is illegal (and rightly so) for any driver to use a hand
held cellphone when driving.
Informant: intuition
Petition To Help Animals on U.S. National Lands
Blair aide concedes error on Iraq dossier
Delusions of empire
My America vs the Empire
Biotech woes ... and the culprits,03538.cfm
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Citizens' Initiative Omega