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Question to th readers.

Guido | 27.06.2003 11:05 | Indymedia

At, some editors say that Stalin was just an old man with a moustache, nothing to worrie about. And one of this editors said in October that he wen to Iraq and did not see the dictatorship that always is portretted in de media.

At, some editors say that Stalin was just an old man with a moustache, nothing to worrie about. And one of this editors said in October that he wen to Iraq and did not see the dictatorship that always is portretted in de media. He even said that we, Belgium people, had to support Saddam.
Articles and commenst get hidden and emptied at random, there is no editopolicy at all.

His name is Han Soete and he uses for his own profit.


Han Soete [ co-founder of Belgium Indymedia ]: « 10 years ago we were demonstrating against the Vlaams Blok [ fascist party ] here in Antwerpen. We were 10,000. Today more people chosed for RESIST. »

Saddam, Saddam, ons leven voor Saddam
by han Soete Thursday March 27, 2003 at 11:03 AM

Han Soete tijdens persconferentie van STOPUSA
by christophe callewaert

“Volgens de media zouden we immers terecht komen in één van ergste dikaturen die deze planeet ooit gekend had : "het land van Saddam". Tot onze grote verbazing konden we vrijuit met iedereen spreken en ons vrij bewegen. Dit was een volledig ander land dan het Irak dat de media ons voorspiegelden, het was zeker niet de dikatuur die de media ons voorspiegelde.”

Translated it means:

“according to the media we would arrive in one of the biggest dictorships of the world: the land of Saddam. We were amazed that we could talk with everybody and move free in the country. This was surely not the dictatorship the media said it was.”

Overview anti-war manifestations in Belgium

Hi, i've got again a stupide question which torture my spirit, you say "we
have decided to remove the hidden page", so who have decided that ? I'm searching in the archives but i still don't find this anwser. This must be
by a collective decision, if it has been discussed on ag, i think we have to be consulted before by the mailing-list like the question of the comment function.

The answer from another edito-member:

"we talked about that on the process meeting were you didn't want to come."

Another one on the same subject:

A mail from me when I was still in the edito-team to complain about hiding and emptying articles by Han Soete without reason:

A mail were in I explain why taking away my code was not correct/

A mail from june 12:


I've closed the site for the moment.
articles are still browsable (frontpage that is)

I think people need to come back to their senses (that's generally speaking), people starting changing passwords at random isn't good policy
(guido was added again with a password that changed twice, christophe's password was changed, ...).

So maybe you need to come back to senses.
I'll check the maillinglist archives tomorrow mo(u)rning. and then I put the users & site back online if things are a bit normal.

I'll check mail tonight till 19h15."

Election propaganda on

[Overview] Resist! : De stem van het verzet
by mara - jessie Monday April 14, 2003 at 12:32 AM

Overview Sabena tribunaal - Maria
by Mara Sunday April 13, 2003 at 10:20 PM

[Overview] Action Resist @ Ostend Aeroport
by jessie Monday April 07, 2003 at 06:44 PM

Overview: Antiglobalisation and elections
by christophe Wednesday May 07, 2003 at 04:27 PM

Overview actie voor de rechten van de moslimvrouw
by christophe Tuesday May 13, 2003 at 12:51 PM

Betoging AEL: Hoofddoek = ons recht !! [picture report]
by han Soete Sunday May 11, 2003 at 11:14 PM

election propagandapicture:

Overview lastercampagne tegen Resist
by christophe Tuesday May 13, 2003 at 07:30 PM

Overview: Antiglobalisation and elections II
by christophe Friday May 16, 2003 at 10:35 PM

Editors of good friends of ANSWER?

Overview verslaggeving/reportages actie-weekend d'actions
by christophe Saturday January 18, 2003 at 03:34 PM is a shame in the network. It has become the party instrument of a Stalinist party.

You can ask people from the French imc’s to be witness.

Or you can contact , one of the last not partypolitics member of edito.

- e-mail:


Display the following 3 comments

  1. The guy guido — Bebop
  2. Hum. — turlututu
  3. Humm. — turlututu