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Tom Paine | 27.06.2003 10:17


Gilligan is the unelected twat who fabricated the dossiers that sent us to disarm the children of Iraq and leave our boys stuck in an unending guerrilla war.

Scarlett and Hamill are busy finding the evidence that Gilligan has WMD.

It is know that Gilligan had access to pen and ink over a decade ago.

Reliable sources within the BBC have revealed that Gilligan now has a weapons grade computer with a mike that looks like a scud.

Chalabi's men say Gilligan intends to use his radio active computer against Spin Ali and to launch his mike in the direction of Downing Street.

This man must be stopped.

It is not the time for this person, indeed this nation, to shrink from it's duty.

Gilligan must be invaded and bombed.

Our children, nay even our children's children, will never ever forgive us if we do not act.

Forward against Gilligan and The BBC.

Tom Paine