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Tom paine | 27.06.2003 09:33

Straw is so used to misleading MPs and Parliament that he tried to bully the FA Committee when asked simple questions.

Straw could not wait to get into private session at the FA Committee this morning.

Straw is just a rubber stamp for the clique at Downing Street.

His disrespect for the MPs and The committee was blatant.

Spin Ali (the real Foriegn Secretary) was up all night fabricating another load of nonsense for the FA Committee.

The ommissions in this letter to the FA Committee will be more significant than what's in it.

As the member said, the FA Committee is more senior and democratic to any other Committee as it is not appointed by the accused or answer to them.

The only way to get to the truth is for the FA Committee to examine Scarlett and the documents.

Otherwise, our boys will be left to die in Iraq on the say so of fabricated evidence invented by an arrogant and unelected liar.

Tom paine
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27.06.2003 11:39

FA COMMITTEE = footbal = weapon of mass distraction
who gives a fuck
FOOTBALL at best is just to keep you from thinking how bad you'r treated and at worst another multi national trying to make loads of money out of you and exploit the world
hey who makes football shirts..children in sweat shops and footballs too
football is just a bunch of millionairs running around a green feild supported by a bunch of racists and thugs who know no better
i say let em all stew in their own shit


Wrong FA

27.06.2003 14:18

I think by 'FA committee' he meant 'House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee' whose job it is to politely ask Jack Straw and Alistair Campbell if they told lies in order to convince us all that it was right and proper to invade someone elses country and kill something like 8000 civilians.
Jack Straw generally doesn't have to answer to the Football Association.

Hope this helps.

Aim Here


27.06.2003 14:19

You never hear about the links with the straw man and the CIA any more ,
that he was given money by them when leader of the students union to spy on fellow students?

butros butros gali
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another case of

28.06.2003 12:42

another case of friendly fire !!!!

damn shame
forign affairs similar to footbal association

(private eye photos of look the same)


who cares