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Matthew Morton | 26.06.2003 19:40 | Social Struggles | Oxford

The Human Emancipation Movement is ready to come out.


As Pink Floyd pointed out they are only ordinary men
And yet at times like these we see people moving like
a meniscus on the water to the shelter of the corner.
Strong upright people with hearts of gold have been knobbled
By simple phrases designed to stiffen those hearts.

You are with US or against US he said
And the phrase bounced of my head
Who are you monkey man
Who are you to set the plan
Are you leading US in history
Your incentives are a mystery

I say I am one of THEM
One of THEM who will not follow
From future children I will not borrow
I will not trade my fears for sorrow
And join the eaters of tomorrow

Its US and THEM its hard to see
Which will prevail in the great time sea
Do you give a shit or do you not
For we could divide up the class
And hope the numbers show
That the give a' shitters survive
For if they don't where the hell are we going
I have long held off thinking in the negative
Keeping my dreaming on loud in the positive
And who wants to be part of some Star Wars Style rebel
alliance, with secrets societies in defence of freedom

Hmm, lets think about it for a second
US , what do they represent to me?
Apart from sex and drugs and Rock n' roll
Well I could say universal slavery
Where everyone is chained to the dollar
They didn't outlaw it, they exported it!
There is no such thing as a free lunch they say
So is the American dream a global nightmare?
And if so what must be done to awaken from this sea of fear.

THEM or T.H.E.M.
Could be something
Could stand for something
Something which is in fact the antithesis of U.S.

The Human Emancipation Movement !

Coming to a town near you.
To help your road protest
To chain up the bulldozers outside the forest
To offer support before your court case
Where you stand accused of stopping the race

Emancipation from all slavery.
Should we wait another day ?

Matthew Morton
- e-mail:
- Homepage: http://www.ecocentrus