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indymedia and the actavist geto

the vagabond | 26.06.2003 14:56 | Thessaloniki EU | Indymedia

Is indymedi being taken over by getto dwellers (:

The frount page is very actavist and forane news centered, only one center colume story is from the UK and the huge majoraty are from YHARN YHARN another sumit hoping righert... i thought the was some sort of consences about a year ago that summit hoping (wile still haveing some value) was passay and we were to creat new more local phocuses for action?

The news wire has no news from thesolanecy on the first page back and only a few postes on the second... have the old hands moved into retirment and been replaced...

what we put on our media sease alot about who we are... the frount page is isepedly dull at the moment... are we?

the vagabond
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26.06.2003 20:46

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