Jail this dangerous nutter - Aaron Barschak before he kills someone!
Martin Hammond | 24.06.2003 09:21 | London
Yesterday an intruder managed to get into Windsor Castle. He was a well known prankster and phycopath with an extreme hatred of the Royals who managed to get past four security cordons to gain acces to the Royal Family. If he had been carrying a bomb he could have wiped out the entire Royal Family. He is obviously extremely dangerous and a major threat to the public. He is obviuosly insane and could easily turn violent or cause someone very serious harm!
If anyone knows of his where abouts please publish them online soon! Aaron Barschak you avil insane bastard we are going to get you. How dare you fucking target the Royal Family! Anyone who targets the Royal Family should be fucking shot for treason! I hope he gets at least ten years hard labour the fucking bastard!!!!
Martin Hammond
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