English Summary of Thessaloniki 2003, #3
sc | 22.06.2003 22:52 | Thessaloniki EU | World
English summary of Thessaloniki 2003, #3
1) Article by: Comrades of the Occupation of the New Philosophy School
Posted: 22/06/2003 01:28
Summary: Article:
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2) Article by: Trans: manos - IMC Cam
Posted: 22/06/2003 02:59
Summary: Inside the Law school, during the march, around 50 people stayed from indymedia, the medical team and radio.
Article: Original:
How things happened this afternoon
Inside the Law school, during the march, around 50 people stayed from indymedia, the medical team and radio. Half an hour after the begining of the march people started comming back. They were drowned in tear gas they were probably random people. Imediately the kids from the medical team strated work taking care of them and their organization was very good. At the same time people were comming in the building to wash themselves, to change clothes or drink water. Generally the kids from the occupation were very careful about the building because they did not want to create dangerous situations or transform the building into a battle field. There was a lot of tension and the news were comming from everywhere, by mobiles and people arriving.
At some point and while things were quite difficult, voices and fighting was heard. People came along with a guy that was beaten up, with a black eye, along with other that were saying that he was an undercover cop. Safe, along with an escort he came in the law building and was given first aid. Additionally he did not have any documents identifying him as a police officer. He left much later from the building and people were taunting him. When he was being treated and until things calm down the door of the building was shut. While the battle was raging, there was a serious issue about if the centre would remain open or not.
After hours, when it became clear that the asylum would not be lifted, the centre opened again and the indymedia centre works normally again, after the two sites are back up. Outside things are very calm and everyone that has managed to come back is going to sleep here, but tomorrow they are preparing a text and an action of support to the arrested. People are slowly going to sleep while the legal team has a lot of work.
...article at:
3) Article by: assembly of comrades still staying inside
Posted: 22/06/2003 03:48
Summary: @
Article: In the occupied by police and strictly controlled city of Thessaloniki because of the E.U. leaders summit, certains spaces inside the university were chosen by anarchists and anti-authoritarians as places for meeting and communication between comrades from Greece and abroad, as place for staying as well as for counter-information.
The days before and during the summit, there were inside assemblies, discussions, film-shows, and there were self-organized groups for food, medical and legal support.
During the demonstration of June 21 against the summit of the 25 E.U. criminal and murderers, after the clashes between the black bloc and the police in the center of the occupied city, the massive use of tear gas and even the use of rubber bullets that led to injured, the police proceeded to making mass arrests and beating people.
At the end, riot police squads surrounded the space of the universities where the people from the demo were withdrowing, and fired tear-gas inside, while the campus authorities had a meeting about wether they would allow the police invasion.
This moment, the universities that continue to host activities of counter-information and assemblies are still encircled by a police army.
We, comrades who continue to stay inside, demand that all police forces who conserve an atmosphere of keeping the people hostages retreat now! We demand the immediate release of all the arrested from the June 21 demo and we call anyone to make mobilizations of solidarity.
...article at:
4) Article by: free
Posted: 22/06/2003 11:13
Article: The article describes how the 4 individuals were stopped by the riot police on returning to the University late that night, their bags were searched and the materials found and confiscated. They were then drilled with questions, handcuffed and taken down to the station and put in a cell – joining about 20 other people - where they were held overnight and released 8.30 in the morning.
It continues to say that they have information of tens of arrests, and that Sunday morning there was a large presence of police including at the British Council and the Turkish Consulate. It continues to describe the intense presence of police, use of teargas continues, etc. The article finishes by saying that at 18.00 they’d be at the Polytechnic in order to collect information on the arrestees and to decide upon a course of action with the participation of the Legal Team who would also be there.
...article in Gr. at:
5) Article by: Koume
Posted: 22/06/2003 12:34
Summary: 22/6
...in Gr. at:
6) Article by: Koume
Posted: 22/06/2003 14:32
Article: The article chronicles in detail the events: the various groups that participated, their courses of march and of action, the teargas and chemicals they confronted, the arrests, and finally the reactions of some of the political Parties and the Mass Media.
...article in Gr. at:
7) Article by: Kritiban
Posted: 22/06/2003 15:34
Summary: Two days of mobilization in the city center.
Artcle: There were mobilizations Friday and Saturday with the microphoned announcements and the suspension of a banner over Plateia Eleftherias against the Summit in Thessaloniki. On Saturday, as soon as the first arrests were made known, a solidarity banner for the arrestees was raised.
Today we have an appointment to discuss things – solidarity actions we can do (always taking into account our diminished strength), we’ll also discuss Kastro more .
Onward comrades.
.. .in Gr. at:
1) Article by: Comrades of the Occupation of the New Philosophy School
Posted: 22/06/2003 01:28
Summary: Article:
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2) Article by: Trans: manos - IMC Cam
Posted: 22/06/2003 02:59
Summary: Inside the Law school, during the march, around 50 people stayed from indymedia, the medical team and radio.
Article: Original:

How things happened this afternoon
Inside the Law school, during the march, around 50 people stayed from indymedia, the medical team and radio. Half an hour after the begining of the march people started comming back. They were drowned in tear gas they were probably random people. Imediately the kids from the medical team strated work taking care of them and their organization was very good. At the same time people were comming in the building to wash themselves, to change clothes or drink water. Generally the kids from the occupation were very careful about the building because they did not want to create dangerous situations or transform the building into a battle field. There was a lot of tension and the news were comming from everywhere, by mobiles and people arriving.
At some point and while things were quite difficult, voices and fighting was heard. People came along with a guy that was beaten up, with a black eye, along with other that were saying that he was an undercover cop. Safe, along with an escort he came in the law building and was given first aid. Additionally he did not have any documents identifying him as a police officer. He left much later from the building and people were taunting him. When he was being treated and until things calm down the door of the building was shut. While the battle was raging, there was a serious issue about if the centre would remain open or not.
After hours, when it became clear that the asylum would not be lifted, the centre opened again and the indymedia centre works normally again, after the two sites are back up. Outside things are very calm and everyone that has managed to come back is going to sleep here, but tomorrow they are preparing a text and an action of support to the arrested. People are slowly going to sleep while the legal team has a lot of work.
...article at:

3) Article by: assembly of comrades still staying inside
Posted: 22/06/2003 03:48
Summary: @
Article: In the occupied by police and strictly controlled city of Thessaloniki because of the E.U. leaders summit, certains spaces inside the university were chosen by anarchists and anti-authoritarians as places for meeting and communication between comrades from Greece and abroad, as place for staying as well as for counter-information.
The days before and during the summit, there were inside assemblies, discussions, film-shows, and there were self-organized groups for food, medical and legal support.
During the demonstration of June 21 against the summit of the 25 E.U. criminal and murderers, after the clashes between the black bloc and the police in the center of the occupied city, the massive use of tear gas and even the use of rubber bullets that led to injured, the police proceeded to making mass arrests and beating people.
At the end, riot police squads surrounded the space of the universities where the people from the demo were withdrowing, and fired tear-gas inside, while the campus authorities had a meeting about wether they would allow the police invasion.
This moment, the universities that continue to host activities of counter-information and assemblies are still encircled by a police army.
We, comrades who continue to stay inside, demand that all police forces who conserve an atmosphere of keeping the people hostages retreat now! We demand the immediate release of all the arrested from the June 21 demo and we call anyone to make mobilizations of solidarity.
...article at:

4) Article by: free
Posted: 22/06/2003 11:13
Article: The article describes how the 4 individuals were stopped by the riot police on returning to the University late that night, their bags were searched and the materials found and confiscated. They were then drilled with questions, handcuffed and taken down to the station and put in a cell – joining about 20 other people - where they were held overnight and released 8.30 in the morning.
It continues to say that they have information of tens of arrests, and that Sunday morning there was a large presence of police including at the British Council and the Turkish Consulate. It continues to describe the intense presence of police, use of teargas continues, etc. The article finishes by saying that at 18.00 they’d be at the Polytechnic in order to collect information on the arrestees and to decide upon a course of action with the participation of the Legal Team who would also be there.
...article in Gr. at:

5) Article by: Koume
Posted: 22/06/2003 12:34
Summary: 22/6
...in Gr. at:

6) Article by: Koume
Posted: 22/06/2003 14:32
Article: The article chronicles in detail the events: the various groups that participated, their courses of march and of action, the teargas and chemicals they confronted, the arrests, and finally the reactions of some of the political Parties and the Mass Media.
...article in Gr. at:

7) Article by: Kritiban
Posted: 22/06/2003 15:34
Summary: Two days of mobilization in the city center.
Artcle: There were mobilizations Friday and Saturday with the microphoned announcements and the suspension of a banner over Plateia Eleftherias against the Summit in Thessaloniki. On Saturday, as soon as the first arrests were made known, a solidarity banner for the arrestees was raised.
Today we have an appointment to discuss things – solidarity actions we can do (always taking into account our diminished strength), we’ll also discuss Kastro more .
Onward comrades.
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