Thessaloniki: audio interviews with activists of the anti-racist movement
fwd | 21.06.2003 16:39 | Thessaloniki EU | Social Struggles | World
by lucheni productions 07:28am, Tuesday June 17 2003
e-mail: lucheni_productions at
two interviews with activists of the antiracist movement in thessaloniki, about the situation of immigrants, fortress europe,...
interview with an activist of the sudanese community in thessaloniki, about the situation of immigrants in greece and their struggles. (english, 6 min.)
interview with an activist of the "antiracist initiative of thessaloniki" about the 6. antiracist festival, fortress europe, and so on... (english, 10min.)
e-mail: lucheni_productions at
two interviews with activists of the antiracist movement in thessaloniki, about the situation of immigrants, fortress europe,...
interview with an activist of the sudanese community in thessaloniki, about the situation of immigrants in greece and their struggles. (english, 6 min.)

interview with an activist of the "antiracist initiative of thessaloniki" about the 6. antiracist festival, fortress europe, and so on... (english, 10min.)
