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Welcome to the new imc uk site!

andi / ionnek (17.6.) | 16.06.2003 22:00 | Indymedia

IMC UK has changed to a new codebase (Mir). Welcome to the brand new site!
Users and moderators alike need to get used to the new code - please bear with us during this transition.
Click "Read more" for info on various browsers and instructions for publishing.
We had lots of feedback and hope you'll continue speaking up and getting involved by posting to the imc-uk list or the thread on Urban 75 [thread 1] [thread 2] Check our Documentation of the migration to Mir, the archives of the tech and features lists, and a summary of our working practices.
If you find any bugs please mail to the tech list - thanks!

we'll keep u posted
IMC United Kollektives

Why upgrading?
Imc-uk needed an upgrade, because the number of daily postings has gone up from five per day in September 2000 to 169 per day in June 2003, because lots of people had to be VERY patient trying to upload media files, and because a number of regional IMC groups are ready to maintain their own IMC pages.

Security certificate
When you publish your news, a window will pop up two or three times, and ask you to accept a security certificate. If you don't accept it, you won't be able to upload your reports.

If you use mozilla as a browser, you can tell it to accept and remember the certificate. Then you will be prompted one time less.

If you use explorer on a macintosh browser, you will need to click here instead of the bigger button.

Once on the publish page, (this link for all others) you will be given some options that were not available in the old publishing interface:

Region this is optional. All postings appear automatically on the UK frontpage newswire. If you tick a region, your article will also appear in the local page you choose.

Topic this is optional too. All postings appear automatically on the UK frontpage newswire. If you tick one or two topics, for instance 'ecology' and 'migration', your article will in addition appear in the pages dedicated to 'ecology' and 'migration'. People who only want to read articles on these issues will see it.

We are currently regenerating all old articles including their comments, to make them appear in the new format and colour scheme. They are over 72,000, so this will take some time. Because of this massive activity, the server will be even slower than the old one and you will have to wait some minutes until your article appears in the newswire.

Until the complete 'transfer' of the 72,000 articles is finished, some links will redirect you to the old site, with its white on black colour scheme. Please bear with us and the techies helping us in this transition. See the first welcome message

andi / ionnek (17.6.)


Hide the following 4 comments

thanks 4 brightening the grey

28.06.2003 11:35

reads MUCH better!
thanks vince


points of view

01.07.2003 08:15

The site is looking good but i think its is lacking a forum for people to share there views and ideas. i no that it is difficult to organise but i just thought it might be a good adition to the site. x

* * *

Some constructive thought on the Indymedia change over

01.07.2003 15:47

I had the impression that the UK sight would work like the global sight – that the front-page features on the regional sight would automatically be added as “newswire” entry’s to the UK sight then the editorial crew of the UK site can then write reports based on these regional features as the UK middle column with an added Europe/global perspective.

This would mean that the UK site features and newswire would all be “checked” and verified stuff directly linked back to the grass roots. The whole process would be open and accountable as any one can get involved at any level – but the push of what is “news” would come from the grass roots not from some cleack at the top.

The current way of working with mir is producing sights that are all pretty much a mirror of each other… you are reading the same stuff on each sight… this is envitabel when you have the ability to cross post to all the regional and uk sites… what’s needed as I see it is that the should be a system set-up which encourages people to amalgerment and illustrate in a wider context issues and stores with links back to the original sources.

That is every major story is written at 3 levels:

* First hand immediate reports

* Action summing ups

* Putting the action into the bigger perspective – connecting it to other actions and global events.

The first is the role of regional newswires, the second regional front pages and almgernated onto UK sight newswire. The final on UK front-page stores.

This is how I expected the devolution process to work as did lots of other people I talked to, was quite dismayed to see the MIR system in action which works in quite another way… the metaphor I outline above is kinda how the global site works so it is already tried and tested

(though am sure it has some faults one I can think of is that the articles on the global site are remarkable dull – no humour or personality – read like the were rightern by committee)

When was it decided not to do it this way?

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

features using mir

11.07.2003 14:25

The idea that the uk frontpage newswire would automate itself, displaying simply the title of middle column features displaying on regional pages (as does the global indy portal at, was just one of the many ideas of how a new site might work during the discussions held on email lists, on irc internet chat and at physical indymedia meetings.

There is still the possibility for a function like that, but at the moment there are only a few regional imc pages. So if the uk frontpage newswire only had headlines from the regional features of the current subsections, then an awful lot of the country would be excluded. So there needs to be an open newswire not related to regions. Similarly there needs to be features that may be unrelated to the regional subsections.

As the new site has only recently launched, sure there is quite a lot of similarity between features, but as everything develops there will be a greater diversity. The most important development though is that for example the oxford newswire should contain postings related to oxford - a local newswire.

Time is needed for everyone involved in the new site to develop working practices and info flows to best exploit the new system - to learn how we can all work together and get the best out of the new code.

Further enhancements will of course be developed as things progress.
