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Setting the Lake on Fire around Evian

pingouin / yossarian | 31.05.2003 14:56

A call to whoever is interested (people and organizations).

We are setting the lake on fire ("le feu au lac") as a protest against the G8.

The G8, including Russia, will have its meeting in Evian starting the 31st of May. Numerous initiatives and projects are being worked on. We are calling on everyone to perform a small thing that can have both a unifying and popular impact as well as a profound media and symbolic significance : Saturday the 31st of May in begining of the evening, we could light up fires that would symbolized resistance and hope against the current world order and that, in as many places as possible.

Therefore all around Lac Leman in French as well as Swiss territories, groups of people would organize a town, city or neighbourhood fire that would light up all at the same time, in the begining of the evening.

Indeed the idea is to suround Evian and the G8 with this demonstration. Fires could come with local decentralized picnics and parties.

We feel that we need to stress out the symbolic importance of the very big outreach that such a demonstration can have. It can unify, despite differences in opinions, all people that are against inhuman globalization that we are witnessing today.

We have already contacted people and collectives that are interested in our proposition. We need to create and put in place "fire groups" that will prepare such a demo as fast as possible.

We therefore ask you if you are interested in this idea, to sign this public call.

On our side we are commited to set up a first meeting to organize the coordination of this activity.

We hope to see you at this demonstration to set the "lake on fire".

pingouin / yossarian
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and the wildlife?

31.05.2003 17:30

very environmentally friendly! i presume you will be using petrol or similar- genius, the fish will love that.


i think if you READ it

31.05.2003 18:09

you'll see that they dont ACTUALLY plan to set the lake its self on fire. which would be, utter stupidity.

no apologies


31.05.2003 18:25

sounds kind of we imagine aaron brown viewing areial footage of the "fire(s)" will be speechless, possibly a tear in his eye?


Heart of Darkness

01.06.2003 10:07

I think it sounds fantastic. Powerful both visually and spiritualy. Add some drumbeats travelling across the water. The 'natives' are restless....


American's 2 cents

08.06.2003 02:40

Sounds great to me. Wish I would be there.

Btw, be sure to give Blair a hard time about the war for me. I'm doing my part against Bush over here. Asses.

- Brendan

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