short G8 camp report
oj | 31.05.2003 08:46
Sitting in the IMC tent at the intergalactic village in france; just outside of geneva. They tent has around 12 computers going running on linux and wireless net connection functioning mostly as a place to check email and write stories.
The other IMCs are in geneva and lausanne. The geneva space is absolutely spectacular housed in the now legalise L'Usine squat right beside the river that runs out of lake geneva. There is also a bar/theatre etc. IMC lives there temporarily for the G8 protests with about 30 computers going, mostly on linux. there is streaming video and radio running, there is a radio station
running at intergalactic camp, and another at the VAARG camp down the road.
The intergalactic camp is broader than the VAARG, greenpeace are here, as are various authoritarian socialist parties, there are plenty of other anti-authoritarian groups though that make up the majority. The VAARG is more strictly anti-capitalist/anti-authoritarian.
Many meetings going on debating the logistics of blockading the G8 tomorrow Lausanne looking like the major action point.
running at intergalactic camp, and another at the VAARG camp down the road.
The intergalactic camp is broader than the VAARG, greenpeace are here, as are various authoritarian socialist parties, there are plenty of other anti-authoritarian groups though that make up the majority. The VAARG is more strictly anti-capitalist/anti-authoritarian.
Many meetings going on debating the logistics of blockading the G8 tomorrow Lausanne looking like the major action point.