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The Postanarchism Listserv

. | 31.05.2003 04:16


The Postanarchism Listserv

This group is being created with the hopes of stirring things up within contemporary anarchist theory and praxis by synthesizing with it concepts and ideas from critical theory, poststructuralism, phenomenology, situationism, postcolonialism, autonomism, postmodernism, existentialism, postfeminism, zapatismo, postleftism, queer theory   and other contemporary critical-theoretical tendencies. Potential anarchist theorists of interest include Osugi Sakae, Todd May, Jacques Ellul, Bakunin, Rolando Perez, Shifu, Saul Newman, Emma Goldman, Ricardo Flores Magon, Luis Gambone, Max Stirner, Andrew Koch, Tolstoy, Hakim Bey, Bhagat Singh, Malatesta, Wolfi Landstreicher, Sam Mbah and Proudhon.   Parallels between the ideas of these thinkers and of theorists like Reiner Schurmann, Edward Said, Merleau-Ponty, Julia Kristeva, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Luce Irigaray, Subcommandante Marcos, Guy Debord, Sartre, Paul Virilio, Giorgio Agamben, Baudrillard, Manuel De Landa, Homi Bhabha, Heidegger, Hardt and Negri, Judith Butler, Claude Lefort, Horkheimer and Adorno, Chris Hables Gray, Donna Haraway, Derrida, George Katsiaficas, Neitzsche and Ian Angus are all on topic.   Discussion includes both theoretical and practical aspects of such syntheses; which includes contemporary movements imbued with an antiauthoritarian sensibility but not a specifically "anarchist" ideological-historical commitment as well as more explicitly anarchist projects as well. The title of the list "postanarchism" is not a sign that signifies a new ideology to rally the troops around but is rather a nod to Newman's call to move beyond the limitations of classical anarchist ideologies into more open, pluralistic and hybrid "anarchistic" critical theories - in other words, a virtual paradigm shift toward a post-normal anarchism, not at all unlike that which has occurred with the post-normal science movement of Funtowicz and Ravetz or the post-Marxist movement of Laclau and Mouffe.



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31.05.2003 22:40

Ooh, all those names really stir up the working classes! ...
All those names mean SHIT to the common working woman and man! They're only relevant to students, historians and
librarians etc ... which most are not, and it's the 'most' who are needed to create revolution. Let's get real and f*ck the bullshit!

No war but the class war!

Inform the people!

The people, in co-operation, will rise when the boss class dies!


not necassarily

31.05.2003 23:48

Couldn't agree more, although i wade thru some of the above basic idea is to keep it simple and not elitist. A revolution does not need the "more", revolutions have never been carried out by the majority, always on their behalf!



01.06.2003 08:01

Um.... I agree.

And I'll add,

Bash the rich.

mr invisible