Global Project > Communicative Disobedience
Global Project | 30.05.2003 17:35
GlobalProject is a multifaceted project, a location of intersections and multiple interactions that releases itself in three articulations: a monthly publication GlobalMagazine, a radiophonic circuit GlobalRadio, and a television GlobalTV.
GlobalProject is born from a new political condition that is that of the disobbedienti movement; opposite the /democratic/ media imbroglio—impartial, abstract—we claim our belonging to a real and shared political context. Our community practices the contamination prioritizing communicative agitation for the creation of a transversable mediactic public space of the multitudes, with the knowledge that there is no separation from action and communication, from praxis and the production of sense, from life and desires. The media today is the site of political conflict as a means of the production of the real, of economic production, and of the production of collective imagination; of needs and desires. The discussion is therefore not to create a media more correct or more beautiful, but to destroy homogeneous thought to create a new community. In the society of communication, it is not that we need ulterior information, even if they are more “true” and possible objectives, but of creativity, collective myth formation, guerrilla communication. It is a guerrilla communication in continual movement that experiments with new languages, a new collective narration, and an unlimited and effective relation with new technologies.
GlobalProject began in November 2002 in Florence, and from that moment has never stopped crossing boundaries, walking with the Movement of Movements. And now, in what they insist on calling “postwar”, GlobalProject will follow the caravan to Iraq launched by Association Ya Basta that will cross Palestine and Jordan and will be held simultaneously with Evian where the multitudes will demonstrate in protest, refusing the legitimacy of the G8. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of June 2003 the summit of the G8 will be held in Evian, France, in the heart of Europe but blinded by an enormous red zone. The first reunion of the G8 of the “postwar” period is the occasion to divide and distribute the wealth of Iraq between the world powers. At the same time as all of Europe is reaching Evian to demonstrate--crossing the European frontiers, refusing the legitimacy of the G8--the caravan will simultaneously reach Amman. From Jordan we will enter Iraq to support, with an active and visible presence, the projects of cooperation and solidarity that several associations and NGOs are initiating with the Iraqi social network outside of the partnership with the occupying forces.
GlobalProject in Action
>>May 15-18 – Informative/communicative space with TV, Radio, and the presentation of the new issue
of GlobalMagazine. [Complete program available on the website]
>>May 17 – Live transmission on GlobalRadio of the seminar “War and Democracy: The Empire and the Movements After Iraq” promoted by GlobalMagazine in Venice, at Aula Magna IUAV Tolentini. Presentations by: Toni Negri, Christian Marazzi, Papi Bronzini, Peppe Allegri, Beppe Caccia, Ida Dominjanni, Franco Piperno, Gianfranco Bettin, Anubi D’Avossa Lussurgiu, Luca Casarini, and Francesco Raparelli. Video material will be availible on the website of GlobalTV.
>> May 22 – Csoa Corto Circuito via Serafini (zone Cinecittà- metro line A, stop subagusta)
6:30pm GlobalMagazine forum “From G8 to G8: Global equilibrium and movements to the appointment at Evian” with presentations by: Toni Negri, Guido Lutario, Benedetto Vecchi, Marco Bascetta. The rebel voice of GlobalRadio will transmit live from the forum.
9:00pm GlobalTV projection – Live video set > Riot Generation Video – 10:00pm GlobalRadio concert live. Evening to sustain GlobalProject, entrance: subscription.
>>May 24 – Subsonica live for GlobalProject, 1st date of GlobalTour 2003 Foro Boario / Centro Fiere - Villa Potenza (Macerata) h. 21:30
>>May 30 – June 8 – Participation in the Caravan to Iraq/Palestine organized by Association Ya Basta []
>>June 1,2,3 –Mobilization against the G8 summit in Evian.
>>June 26-29 “No work, No Shop” activity laboratory with creation, production/assembly audio/video at Sherwood Festival at Stadio Euganeo in Padua. On this occasion, there will be a satellite transmission by GlobalTV on channel 498.
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GlobalProject began in November 2002 in Florence, and from that moment has never stopped crossing boundaries, walking with the Movement of Movements. And now, in what they insist on calling “postwar”, GlobalProject will follow the caravan to Iraq launched by Association Ya Basta that will cross Palestine and Jordan and will be held simultaneously with Evian where the multitudes will demonstrate in protest, refusing the legitimacy of the G8. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of June 2003 the summit of the G8 will be held in Evian, France, in the heart of Europe but blinded by an enormous red zone. The first reunion of the G8 of the “postwar” period is the occasion to divide and distribute the wealth of Iraq between the world powers. At the same time as all of Europe is reaching Evian to demonstrate--crossing the European frontiers, refusing the legitimacy of the G8--the caravan will simultaneously reach Amman. From Jordan we will enter Iraq to support, with an active and visible presence, the projects of cooperation and solidarity that several associations and NGOs are initiating with the Iraqi social network outside of the partnership with the occupying forces.
GlobalProject in Action
>>May 15-18 – Informative/communicative space with TV, Radio, and the presentation of the new issue
of GlobalMagazine. [Complete program available on the website]
>>May 17 – Live transmission on GlobalRadio of the seminar “War and Democracy: The Empire and the Movements After Iraq” promoted by GlobalMagazine in Venice, at Aula Magna IUAV Tolentini. Presentations by: Toni Negri, Christian Marazzi, Papi Bronzini, Peppe Allegri, Beppe Caccia, Ida Dominjanni, Franco Piperno, Gianfranco Bettin, Anubi D’Avossa Lussurgiu, Luca Casarini, and Francesco Raparelli. Video material will be availible on the website of GlobalTV.
>> May 22 – Csoa Corto Circuito via Serafini (zone Cinecittà- metro line A, stop subagusta)
6:30pm GlobalMagazine forum “From G8 to G8: Global equilibrium and movements to the appointment at Evian” with presentations by: Toni Negri, Guido Lutario, Benedetto Vecchi, Marco Bascetta. The rebel voice of GlobalRadio will transmit live from the forum.
9:00pm GlobalTV projection – Live video set > Riot Generation Video – 10:00pm GlobalRadio concert live. Evening to sustain GlobalProject, entrance: subscription.
>>May 24 – Subsonica live for GlobalProject, 1st date of GlobalTour 2003 Foro Boario / Centro Fiere - Villa Potenza (Macerata) h. 21:30

>>May 30 – June 8 – Participation in the Caravan to Iraq/Palestine organized by Association Ya Basta []
>>June 1,2,3 –Mobilization against the G8 summit in Evian.
>>June 26-29 “No work, No Shop” activity laboratory with creation, production/assembly audio/video at Sherwood Festival at Stadio Euganeo in Padua. On this occasion, there will be a satellite transmission by GlobalTV on channel 498.
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Global Project