SoIA - Summit of Interventionist Art - Geneva G8
rIP | 30.05.2003 07:46
SoIA - Summit of Interventionist Art - kicked off last night with irish and london heads in full effect alongside the international convergence.
The rst Summit of Interventionist Art has begun running alongside the G8.

This consists in two public sessions of brainstorming and productions destined to be broadcast live on independant media networks (www, radio, tv).
"Equipped with networks and arguments, backed up by decades of research, a hybrid movement - wrongly labelled by mainstream media as 'anti-globalisation'- gained momentum. One of the particular features of this movement lies in its apparent inability and unwillingness to answer the question that is typical of any kind of movement on the rise or any generation on the move : what's to be done ?
There was and there is no answer, no alternative - either strategic or tactical - to the existing world order, to the dominant mode of globalisation. And maybe this is the most important and liberating conclusion : there is no way back to the twentieth century, the protective nation state and the gruesome tragedies of the 'left'. It has been good to remember - but equally good to throw off - the past. [S¹] "
" Our investigations focus on the concrete experiences of non-representationist practices, the constituent activities particularly in the movements against economic globalization. It is about experimental forms of organizing, which develop in precarious micro-situations for a limited period of time, testing new modes of self-organization and interplays with other experiments. The 'organizing function' of art creates new spaces in the overlapping zones of art practices, political activism and theory production."
What opportunities and practices are there for these emerging art forms ? Is it still relevant for auhors / producers to aim at a balance between the art market and political activism ? How can one create a new base, parasite of the existing system ?
Beyond individual issues the necessity to congure a threshold between Fine Arts, critical activism and real intentions of social change becomes apparent.
load of bollocks? well some, but lots of interesting stuff and good discussion of emerging battle lines and new alliances like those forming at the digital frontline :)