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Proof of Iraqs weapons of mass destruction

Realist | 29.05.2003 09:14

Sattallite photos of Iraqs weapons of mass destruction were published before the war. Also Iraqi scientists who fled Iraq before the war confirmed that Iraq definitly did have weapons of mass destruction and was attempting to build nuclear weapons!

Tony Blair is also confident that weapons of mass destruction will be found in Iraq within the next few months thus proving that the war was right. No one can really deny that the Saddam regime had not stockpiled weapons of mass destrution as Sattalite evidence was so damning! Not only that but the Saddam regime had stockpiled chemical and biological protection suits for use by its troops more proof that the regime not only had those weapons but was considering to use them!



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Crackpot Realism!

29.05.2003 09:51

I think the above is a classic case of what was once labelled "crackpot realism"...

Give Up

Wake up and smell the coffee

29.05.2003 10:00

When a left-wing pro-Arab wimp like Donald Rumsfeld is admitting that they may never find the WMDs, the supposed reason for the war of aggression (read this morning's newspapers), then I think we can say there is no "realistic" leg left for you to stand on.

The Crimson Repat

it's all true!

29.05.2003 10:09

Of course there were weapons of mass destruction! Don't you idiots remember Colin Powell showing us artists' impressions of them? What more do you want?

Incidentally I will next week be unveil my own artists' impressions proving once and for all that Atlantis exists and the Earth is flat!

a nonny mouse

Clutching at straws, Realist?

29.05.2003 10:23

Nuclear weapons? Unlikely - Nobody had any serious worries that Saddam was trying to make nukes, although yes, he had tried back in the days when we were still selling him weapons. The possibility that he was making chemical and biological weapons, though, was a wee bit more credible.

As for the satellite photos, Hans Blix did point out that it was likely that the activity was routine, rather than, as Colin Powell claimed, munitions being moved prior to inspections.

And suits to protect people against NBC warfare? Funny you should mention those, our side had those things too. And, unlike the Iraqis, our troops used them - to protect themselves against (DU) munitions that they themselves had fired.

Aim Here

Take a haiku

29.05.2003 10:47





Alasdair Campballocks

There are realists and realists

29.05.2003 10:53

King Canute was one such realists.

And anybody who wants to be adamant, hold his stale breath, and insist there are WMDs can do so.

The person who posted that bit of nonsense knows full well that not only he has no leg to stand on but also he, like Blair, has no bollocks to admit how wrong he is.

And how dishonest in the first place to drag all into the sordid and dishonourable act of civilising the world through mass murder.

I suppose anyone who is of Tony Blair's Canute-like insistent can call himself a realist.

You need that crap "conviction" that Blair has.

He has that because that is the only cover such people can pretend to hide behind.

Even more realistic

Realistically funny

29.05.2003 11:13

Hey Realist, got any more jokes?

Miss Point

The British government has recently found...

29.05.2003 11:21

Download: The British government has recently found... - mp3

That Saddam Hussein recently had nuclear weapons in his ARSE - even while inspectors where in his country!

Thomas J

Give UP

29.05.2003 14:36

Sur Realist, are you actually Geoff Hoon, sat at his computer under an alias?

'Cos all you're doing is tediously churning out the official government spin, none of which is in the slightest but convincing.

If Geoff Hoon told you the moon was made of M&Ms would you believe that too?

I pity you, as you seem incapable of thinking for yourself.

Wait a minute - maybe you ARE Geoff Hoon!


Mad Monk

Tony Blair never lies, does he!

29.05.2003 14:39

Yeah Iraq did use chemical weapons against Iran, and the west did NOTHING about it then. But then came the weapons inspections after the first Gulf War and Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction was dismantled. When Hans Blix and his weapons inspection team went back to Iraq they found nothing!
What is the proof that Realist uses that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction? Tony Blair says so - it must be true!

There is one state that is openly developing bio-chemical weapons and that is the United States. For more on their bio-chemical warfare programme see the sunshine project website.

Miss Point
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29.05.2003 14:47

So why the fuck didn't they use them on the US/UK invaders?


And if they showed up on Satellite images, how come Rumsfeld can't locate them?


And if they destroyed them before the war, then they were in compliance with UN resolutions!


That's all the UN asked them to do!



You are doing yourself no favours

29.05.2003 17:43

Sur Realist, GIVE UP!

That has to be one of the saddest and least convincing ripostes in the history of sad and unconvincing ripostes.

So Saddam spends millions developing so-called "WMDs" (why is being killed by gas worse than being blown to bits by a Cruise missile anyway?) and then can't use them in case he gets nuked!

Your IQ must be in single figures. Saddam was nothing to do with September 11, even your imperialist heroes admit that, and to bring it up at this late stage is the desperate act of someone without a sensible argument.

I am now utterly convinced that you are either in the pay of the government or have some weird sexual thing about Bush and Blair.

Possibly both.


Mad Monk

Realist as thick as pig sh!t

29.05.2003 21:24

Hey Realist, are you thick or do just practice hard?

mail e-mail:
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Realist is a fool

29.05.2003 22:46

Realist do you realise that it's illegal to threaten a non-nuclear country with nuclear weapons? You're right in saying that they threatened Iraq with nukes, but pro-war people and the government can't really admit it because its completely illegal and against international law. And if Saddam had weapons, he would have used them anyway, knowing that the US/UK would never get away with a nuclear attack. Part of the US's strategy is to seem nutty and irrational, so other countries will be intimidated and think they really would nuke/invade them, and what with them now developing mini-nukes and Iran speeding up their nuclear program in the aftermath of the current war, nuclear war is looking more and more likely.

Can't be bothered to go through any of your other points, but you really obviously know you're lying and are some nut or something trying to annoy or confuse people here.


don't be so harsh

30.05.2003 00:28

don't be so hard on surreal'
or whatever the fuck he calls himself

he lives in his reality , and you live in yours
without actaully making him 'the enemy'
how can we do this...?
if we can plan on doing anything...
lets think about the big picture...

it would be reasonable to assume that not long from the present, a lot of us are going to be/are locked up...
whether within our formal ideas of anarchy
or politics or what you just saw on the news
we are all the enemy of the 'elites' potential dreamstate
do we create an army from our prison cells???
do we smash and grab photo oppurtunity for the short term?
or can we reason a new ideology that kills these pig fuckers
for the inside of their own brains????
we can...if we choose, short circuit these pricks....
don't pay taxes for arms...???
organise a tax evasion scheme in your area...????
break the law....then start the real army to rid the world of 'em???
this isn't about creating chaos it's about taking away thier order...

our brains are still just joining up dots

'for this is the matrix!!!!
or am i just stoned....again....
love captain wardrobe

captain wardrobe
mail e-mail:


30.05.2003 09:20

I have absolute conviction this mutant "Realist" smokes some pretty wild stuff most likely from Afghanistan.

No brain can be that unstable.
And the poor guy knows it and has to put up with it.

I csn come up with the proof in six month's time.

Trust me.
