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Iraqis Riot, Shoot Down U.S. Helicopter

Firas Al-Atraqchi | 29.05.2003 04:41

An American helicopter is shot down and an Iraqui police station is blown up as anti-American sentiments continue to be expressed in Iraq.

TORONTO ( -- Iraqis rioted through the town of Habt in the province of Anbar today, burning police stations, and shouting pro-Saddam slogans, Al Jazeera TV and eyewitnesses reported. The rioters blamed the U.S. presence in Iraq for the mushrooming inflation and lack of services.

Al Jazeera reported that a U.S. helicopter was shot down, killing four U.S. military personnel. Al Jazeera also reported that U.S. service men were seen quickly removing evidence of the downed helicopter. Meanwhile, an Iraqi police station in Anbar was blown up by no less than 20 hand grenades -- a reprisal attack for Iraqis colluding with U.S. forces, says Al Jazeera.

At press time, there was no comment from CENTCOM in Doha, Qatar.

A London Arab daily today published a third letter it says is from Saddam Hussein. The letter calls for resistance against the U.S. invaders. correspondent Firas Al-Atraqchi drafted this report.

Firas Al-Atraqchi
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Victory to the Iraqi People!

29.05.2003 09:23

Well done to the popular air defences of Iraq. Realist, how virtuous do you think the US/UK troops are? Good enough to join up yourself? Go for it! Meanwhile here's a great interview with a Canadian military analyst just back from Iraq:

"The Yanks have really screwed up in Iraq"


Realist Logic strikes again!

29.05.2003 10:19

Before the war all the pro-war folk were saying 'We're doing this all for the poor Iraqi people, they want to be free, they'll be grateful when we win, you'll see!'

Now the Iraqis are 'ungrateful bastards' who ought to shut up and keep out of sight. How kurious...


It's getting worse...

29.05.2003 10:19

Robert Fisk in yesterday's "Independent" thought it was time we started to talk about a "resistance war" in Iraq. I can only speculate, but armed actions against the Americans may have nothing to do with loyalty to Saddam Hussein's regime. During the "official" war, the statements made by people carrying out martyrdom operations against the Americans were more Islamist than Ba'athist in their wording.
The fact is that even if the Americans and British were more benevolent and tactful than they in fact seem to be, they are still invaders and inevitably invaders meet resistance sooner or later. According to Fisk, "Death to America" is becoming a common wall slogan in Baghdad.

The Crimson Repat


29.05.2003 14:44

Let us rejoice every time some of these US and UK forces are shot and killed. They should not be there, and any resistance to their prescense is justified. If you are really anti-imperialist, then you should cheer every time a US or UK soldies comes home in a coffin.

fuck the troops!

the mind boggles

29.05.2003 14:52

Well, again i am stunned that western citizens are happy that some of our own troops have been killed by fanatics, but then i think about it for a minute, and reality sinks in.

Our country has far to many of these people who decry everything decent and good our nation does, and then pats our enemies on the back. I must admit the left wingers in the UK/US who spent the time leading up to comabt being joining saying that "the poor iraq people" shouldnt be attacked, quite these people have never (unlike me) been to iraq. FOr all you polo neck wearing, fashion concious sheep without the capability to think somethign through logically for yourselves, here are some home truths:

1- The Iraqs people, in general, if they dont have thier hand out looking for something for nothing, hate westerners, because, and i founf this strange to, we have a sense of decency. We are polite, freindly and respect other peoples customs, even if we dont agreee with them, all things totally alien to arabs.

2-They also hate our tolerance (which may come as a surprise for you trendy lefties) as they belive it shows weakness, and other "non manly" attributes.

3-They dont just hate, but detest western women. The utter contempt they looked at our woman with was shocking, because our girls had thier heads uncovered and short sleved shirts on- you will find the huge majority of westerners are tolerant of other people who dont understand something, but they have no tolerance of us at all.

4- They hate our religion- british and american troops had our bags searched for bibles on arrival in kuwait, because its a banned book (as it still is in iraq). we dont just tolerate them having their holy books we allow them to vuild places of worship in our lands and WE'RE the facists???

5- Arab men are physical cowards- I have been involved in military training exercises and in the gulf war in 1991, and i saw the utter cowardice of the iraqis first hand, which was surprising considereing when they entered kuwait city, they were strutting about like peacocks waving thier Aks at anyone who looked at them wrongly. It was a VERY differant story when they came up against well trained, well equiped PROFESSIONAL SOLDIERS, they were pathetic, on thier knees crying and wailing. The yshould have at least had the self respect to stand up and be professional and discaplined, we might not have had such utter contempt for them then.

6- No matter what you give them they always want more (not only want more belive they DESERVE more of eveyrthing for nothing)

7- No matter how much you sit around on university campuses, stand in teh rain getting people to sign petetions, go on demo marches, not only do they not appreciate it, they hate you for doing it- they see you as decadent christian westerners and lower than them, and are amazed themselves that people like you support them rather than your own men, even in thier eyes your traitors, and no one likes a traitor

8- George Galloway- The man who went to iraq and called Saddam Hussien a great man on World TV, guilty or innocent, how could you bring yourselves to support a man who would say that?

9- Sad though it is, the only language they understand is strength, i grant you the americans have made a bit of an arse of things in Baghdad, but look at the excellent job the british army have done in basra. The british sentiment which i used myself in Bosnia, Kosovo, northern Ireland and Sierra Leonne of "speak softly but carry a big stick" is the only way to deal with a situation like iraq, and more importantly, do not be afraid to use the stick if you have to.

10- Remember that the world is basically spilt in half, people who are doers and talkers. You people are talkers, who complain moan and gripe, but offer no realistic (important word there folks REALISTIC) alternatives, which as far as i am concerned means you have nothign relvant to say, to use a horrible phrase "put up or shut up" on the ideas front. Saddam had to be dealt with for world stability, and we dealt with him, causing very little collateral damage or civilian casualties.

WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE PEOPLE, and stop this raging against your own country shit- love it or leave it

Kenny Mullen

love it or leave it?!?

29.05.2003 15:49

ok, most of that post is too ridicoulous to even bother about, a mix of racism and contradictions...but..this 'love it or leave it thing' is the most retarded argument i've heard. i thought it was them damn arabs that hated tolerance?

so we're not allowed to debate, have opinions or disagree w/our rulers? just love them?! i'm sure saddam, wherever he is, would be nodding along to that one...

and as for physical cowards..if you really did go over there to take part in the slaughter of '91 then that's one of the sickest things i've heard. brits only go fight in other countries cos they know there's virtually no chance of getting killed. fly a plane push, a few buttons, high-fives, bonding and then come home leaving devastation and death behind you.


Duuh my names Kenny

29.05.2003 17:25

Although its unlikely that a brain dead squaddie like Kenny M would know this, the Arab people have a deeply ingrained culture of politeness and courtesy, which is precisely why they take exception to hairy-arsed lager louts in uniform running about their country shouting at them and shooting them.

He ought to stick to beating up crusties outside Aldershot night clubs and leave the thinking to others. It certainly doesn't agree with him.

I don't "hate my country". In fact I love it so much I reackon it would be a much nicer place without ignorant prannets like Mullen in it.



PS - Puh-lease, not the "trendy lefty" epithet again. If its so trendy to be on the left how come we're not in bloody power?

Mad Monk

point by point reply to kenny mullen

29.05.2003 18:13

fgirst you are jew, second the stink who can not see right from wrong and those who because they are from this country,hence everything we do is all right. The sheep who can not think are the west and is to do with the control of the jewsand the freemasons over their lives.In fact the west people is looked at as a joke not just in the muslim world but any where else.

1- Who are the baggers? It is teh west who when they do not succeed in begging like give us that oil wellor that project,they go and invade. It is because the racism and indifference to the people here your politicians go and destroy. The west are pretty ignorant and not the arab. Your holidays are spent drinking and shaging and the sun is your most popular newspaper.

2-what tolarance he is talking about? who has been tolarting you the british every where? What do you have against the iraqis or the arab in order not to tolarate us?

3- when it come s to women only in the arabian Gulf i can say most women are covered up,every where else in the arab worldis up to her. Had you been in iraq you willknow that jewjew. sex outside marriage is prostituation men and women a like but as every where men get away with it.

4-absoloute bullshit because bibles and including your book are not taken out.what istaken out your instruction sets and you know it. By the way the iraqi foreigen minister is Christian and he represented Iraq in the Islamic organisation meetings.

5-who are the cowards,the professional soldierswho donot dare to fight only after weeks of heavy bombardment and for the slightest resistance they call the air cover or the professional and semi professional soliders who fight with their even hands as had happened when groups of arab fighters explode your tanks? Look at what the palestinians are doing to your rats army.

6- exactly no matter what you give them they want more.Stealing our oil for fifty years and you want more. Western companies rather than getting their expenses plus reasonable profit they want more. foreigen students pay for their study only for the results of their research to be registered for and used by the hosting country ..etc

7- come out with it jewjew,you see even without reaching this point I knew who you are. The petitions are useless and because of the long history of the west we are not sure what is the intention of those people.But on the contrary we talk against each other for the fact "at least they are trying todo some thing good,what about you" this is how we talk among ourselves and not as you put it,you liar. There is the issue of morality and sensitivity.

8- Gallowy knows the size of the crimes of the west so what ever saddam has done isnothing in comparison. This is why he should be supported. Tell them he is married to a Palestinian women.

9- fuck you and fuck the americxans with you. We know who you are, why Bosnia slaughter hasbeen allowed to carry on for three and half yearsbefore it was finished. all lieshasbeen used in order notb to stop the slaughter there. Like wise every where you went. You know what the media are saying are allbullshit. nobody wants you germs.

10- we all; the world know who are the blood suckers are. weall know that the jews and freemasons rule the west. We all know that the traitors are those who sent the british army to fight an illegal war because the jews has told him to do so.




29.05.2003 21:29

Fuck off and die you anti-semitic scumbag.

Thomas J

Yeah, fuck off Jaffer

30.05.2003 09:21

Agreed with Thomas J. Indymedia is no place for this racist garbage. You're doing nobody here any favours, except perhaps those littlegreenfootballs dickheads who keep trying to have us banned from google or wherever.

So fuck off.

Aim Here