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palestine benefits

palsolidarity | 28.05.2003 21:40

2 nights 4 Palestine...

2 Palestine nights..
this Thursday Drum and Bass at the Underground Bar, London School of Economics, off Aldwych, Holborn tube
featuring DJ Deadlock, MC Ishu + guests
6pm door, £5 waged £3 unwaged- proceeds to Palestine

Arabic Party 7 th June @ Sahara Nights 257 - 259 Pentonville rd, next to Kings Cross Thameslink. 8pm - 4am £8 / £6 concessions all proceeds to Enlighten Charity number: 1076231 and Palestine solidarity projects
Dam- the first Palestinian rap crew
GM Babies- uk hip hop
DJ Zafer - the best of contemporary Arab music
DJ Deadlock - the freshest Drum n Bass
Shisha and Palestinian food
Grassroots Palestinian films…



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29.05.2003 06:57

Will you chronicle that Palestinians, led by the PLO, terrorized Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and other nations so much in the 60's and 70's that those nations stopped wanting to help the Palestinians anymore?

Ever notice that no arab nations grant citizenship to the Palestinians who want it? Ever wonder why that is? Because they've been led by asshole terrorists like Arafat for so long that it's been impossible to accomodate them.

Will you point out that while most nations have different leaders over the years who have different approaches to life, Palesitnians have had one sick bastard, Yasser Arafat, "leading" them for 35 years into nothing but blown opportunities, starting attacks they can't win, and refusing to negotiate anything, ever?

Will you also highlight the fact that Israel made a generous peace offer 3 years ago, and while it wasn't perfect, it was the best in a long time, and Arafat, rather than even consider it, rejected it and urged his people to begin terrorist intifada attacks that RESULTED in ariel sharon being elected and having to clamp down 10 times harder on palestinians then prior to the intifada?

Hey, no offense, I side with regular innocent people on both sides, but while israel's leaders have been left for years and right for years and in the middle for years and change every few years and try different approaches to this, Palestinians have had the same single asshole leading them for 35 years, a guy who used to hijak airplanes and slaughter people on them to show how much he was willing to stop attacking.


Different approaches?

30.05.2003 13:20

i suggest you read Avi Shlaim's history of the confict The Iron Wall to see how different the approaches have been over the years (very little) and for some other reasons why Jordon and Egypt attacked and expelled PLO members in those countries.

The last 'peacemaking' Israeli PM Barak was assassinated by a rightwing lunatic zionist, incited by members of the present government ( Sharon , and Finance Minister 'N')
This is what ended the Oslo process (even though as a deal it gave the Palestinians very little (10% of historic Palestine-no real independence) Arafat signed it.

The Arab leaders-kings and puppets alike- have betrayed the Palestinians for decades, for their own self interest and territorial ambitions, but on the Arab street support for Palestinians is huge and grows with every new israeli atrocity.These also feed the Bin Laden International terror company.

Despite Sharon finally admitting Israel is conducting an 'occupation'and risking himself being assassinated-US economic pressure no doubt-he follows in a long line of revisionist zionists and war criminals stretching back to Jabotinsky who advocated military might, colonisation, and terror over negotiation in order to grab as much land for greater Israel as possible before a settlement with the Arabs is reached.Socialist and Likudite regimes alike have followed this ideological project. The Arabs are dehumanised and provoked into wars they can not win in an excuse to take more land, water, oil, property.

Israel abuses the sympathy we should maintain for the Jewish people. It abuses the horrific memory of the Nazi holocaust and the Jewish history of persecution through centuries to commit crimes against humanity.

Palestinians are made the scapegoats for a crime they did not commit.

It is clearly immoral, illegal, and unjustifiable.

It destroys daily the quest for peace between communities.

Palestine wants peace, but after what has happened after the last fifty years do not expect Palestinians to stop resisting attacks on their homes, families, livelihoods.

They are up against the forth largest army in the world with nukes, chemical weapons, nerve gas, F16s , tanks, helicopters, heavy machine guns, military bulldosers etc etc etc An army who are being trained to consider them as sub-human beasts without any human rights.All they have is their will to survive, a few AKs and M16s, and homemade explosives and rockets.
