Citizens' Initiative Omega | 28.05.2003 09:37
Neil Cherry - Re: Info request--urgent: electrosenstivities - US Defense's DARPA wants you to be indexable and searchable - Current phenomenal astrophysical developments - Is the antenna business just the beginning or part of what the Judge predicts? - Broadband baloons in UK
Neil Cherry
Neil Cherry was remembered and mourned today in Santa Barbara. In our family tradition, we picked journey rose petals from our garden and they were scattered on the ocean in a silent tribute, wishing him safe passage.
He gave the public one of the first coherent overviews of the scientific evidence linking low-intensity ELF and RF exposure to adverse health effects. He was a primary architect of the Salzburg Resolution. He was a compassionate and cheerful man whose works gave us good science that served the public interest.
Cindy Sage
The Sage Family
Santa Barbara, CA USA
and from an email from Libby Kelley to Roy Beavers
Dear Roy,
Neil Cherry's death was not unexpected but today's news brings great sadness here. Those who knew him know full well that he chose to do this work out of love of mankind. He understood there were personal risks but took those risks in order to convey his vast knowledge quickly. Neil's death came 18 months after he was diagnosed by a rapidly progressing motor neuron disease. On the last day of his life, he simply ran out of breath. He was still completing work on a scientific paper. As many of us know, an epidemiological link has been established between motor neuron disease, also known as ALS or "Lou Gerhigs" disease,
His wife, Gae, has asked me to request the international community not continue to use Neil's email addresses. Please do not send any more emails to him as she is not going to be able to respond. Please delete his email addresses from automatic lists, etc. She requests that we people who are looking for information on electromagnetic radiation to Neil Cherry's website, www.neilcherry.com. and that we link our sites to his site. In this way, he will continue to be a guiding light in this work.
The memorial service is scheduled for this coming Friday, May 30, at 2 p.m. Your cards and letters are most appreciated and they will be displayed at the service. much appreciated. Neil's wife, Gae, and his two daughters are Jo and Carla can be reached at the Cherry's home:
46 B Kilmarnock
Christ Church, 1
New Zealand.
Finally, I am resending a tribute to Neil Cherry adopted by many of his peers, at a meeting of independent scientists held in Catania, Sicily in September 2002
Libby Kelley.
Tribute to Neil Cherry
We join together in tribute to Neil Cherry, our esteemed colleague, for his brilliant and passionate work to protect public health from non-ionizing radiation hazards over the past decade. as a scientific investigator in the field of bio-electromagnetics.
Neil has made a unique contribution to the advancement of knowledge in this field by his rare abilities to synthesize the entire body of science in this field and to communicate this information to his peer scientists, to public policy decision-makers and to citizens alike.
We resolve, on this day, which corresponds with the founding of an international association of independent scientists, to pay this tribute to Neil Cherry and we wish him the best in this fight against his illness.
Agreed to and signed September 14, 2002 by:
Signatory to the Catania Resolution:
- Fiorella Belpoggi, Fondazione Ramazzini, Italy
- Carl F. Blackman, President of the Bioelectromagnetic Society (1990-1991), Raleigh, USA
- Martin Blank, Department of Physiology, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Emilio Del Giudice, INFN Milano, Italy
- Livio Giuliani, University Camerino, Italy
- Settimio Grimaldi, CNR-INMM, Roma, Italy
- Lennart Hardell, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Oerebro, Sweden
- Michael Kundi, Institute of Environmental Health, University of Vienna, Austria
- Henry Lai, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, USA
- Abraham R. Liboff, Department of Physics, Oakland University, USA
- Wolfgang Löscher, Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany
- Kjell Hansson Mild, National Institute of Working Life, Umea, Sweden
- Wilhelm Mosgoeller, Institute for Cancer Research, University of Vienna, Austria
- Elihu D. Richter, Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Hebrew-University-Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel
- Stanislaw Szmigielski, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
Others who attended:
- Libby Kelley, Council on Wireless Technology Impacts, Novato, California, USA
- Eva Marsalek, PLATTFORM MOBILFUNK-INITIATIVEN,Klosterneuburg-Kierling, Austria
- Gerd Oberfeld, Federal State of Salzburg, Public Health Department, Environmental Health, Austria
Informant: Colette O'Connell
Re: Info request -- urgent: electrosenstivities
My info request to your list, Klaus is this:
"I have been asked to furnish information to questions posed to me by a Human Rights Commission who is ivestigating the EHS issue. The information I have been asked to forward quickly to the commission is as follows: ". . .whether there have been any statements or papers issued by the World Health Organisation or any Health Authority in another jurisdiction recognising the condition of "Electrical Sensitivity", or any court decisions in other jurisdictions dealing with the condition (for example, you mention a recent court decision in Spain). If so, I would be most obliged if you could forward copies of the relevant papers and/or decisions to the Commission."
It would help me enormously -- plus probably many others on your list--if I could be given accurate and comprehensive responses to those questions as soon as possible.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland"
>>>Note that the thorough working group report, ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH EFFECTS FROM EXPOSURE TO POWER-LINE FREQUENCY ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS, issued by the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health in 1998, devoted a section (4.6.6.) on "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" - pages 314-316. This discussion is well referenced and generally positive. When the peer review came to a vote, it was a tie, which was broken with the intervention of the chair who leaned not against the evidence but on the problematique that there is "no established mechanism" for the fact. It is like saying that though we know that microwave ovens cook food, since we do not know why this happens, let's ignore the whole thing (but let the manufacturers produce the devices and have as many consumers use it as possible)!
May I suggest that the researher contact the Research Group at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in Ottawa, Canada, which has several experts personally familiar with dozens of electrically sensitive persons since at least the last 10 years? A key researcher is my colleague, Chris Ives (613) 748-2312.
Hope that this helps.
US Defense's DARPA wants you to be indexable and searchable
This is a significant and historic development for mankind, which could bring LifeLog to your body soon.
Access to DARPA's webpage at:
Imagine the excitement for US soldiers administering LifeLog to the billions of Chinese, Indian, Central Asian and African individuals.. All this high-tech, microwave technology while a third of the world has no access to electricity. Not to mention such simple stuff as clean water and adequate meals..
But priorities are priorities - in the name of chips,computers, wireless communications and satellites..
Report to Congress Regarding the Terrorism Information Awareness Program
The DARPA Terrorism (formerly "Total") Information Awareness program (TIA) is a research and development project. The program is integrating and testing information technology tools. DARPA affirms that TIA’s research and testing activities are only using data and information that is either
(a) foreign intelligence and counter intelligence information legally obtained and usable by the Federal Government under existing law, or
(b) wholly synthetic (artificial) data that has been generated, for research purposes only, to resemble and model real-world patterns of behavior.
The Department of Defense, which is responsible for DARPA, has expressed its full commitment to planning, executing, and overseeing the TIA program in a manner that protects privacy and civil liberties. Safeguarding the privacy and the civil liberties of Americans is a bedrock principle. DoD intends to make it a central element in the Department of Defense’s management and oversight of the TIA program.
The Department of Defense fully complies with the laws and regulations governing intelligence activities and all other laws that protect the privacy and constitutional rights of U.S. persons.
DoD has expressed its commitment to the rule of law in this endeavor and views the protection of privacy and civil liberties as an integral and paramount goal in the development of counterterrorism technologies.
The Secretary of Defense will, as an integral part of oversight of TIA research and development, continue to assess emerging potential privacy and civil liberties impacts through an oversight board composed of senior
representatives from DoD and the Intelligence Community, and chaired by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics).
The Secretary of Defense will also receive advice on legal and policy issues, including privacy, posed by TIA research and development from a Federal Advisory Committee composed of outside experts (see
http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Feb2003/b02072003_bt060-03.html for list of members).
Subsection 111(b) of Division M of the Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003 (Public Law 108-7) required the submission of a report concerning the Terrorism (formerly "Total") Information Awareness program. The report was jointly submitted to Congress on May 20, 2003 by the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General and the Director of Central Intelligence.
(Note: The program’s previous name, "Total Information Awareness" program, created in some minds the impression that TIA was a system to be used for developing dossiers on U.S. citizens. That is not DoD’s intent in pursuing this program. Rather, DoD’s purpose in pursuing these efforts is to protect U.S. citizens by detecting and defeating foreign terrorist threats before an attack. Therefore, to make this objective absolutely clear, on May 20, DARPA changed the program name to Terrorism Information Awareness.)
How to Find the Answers to Commonly Asked Questions:
Guide to the Report
Report to Congress regarding the Terrorism Information Awareness Program
download Executive Summary [(6 pages, 30Kb, PDF)]
download Detailed Information [(102 pages, 1.3Mb, PDF)]
download Letters Transmitting the Report to Congress
[(8 pages, 90Kb, PDF)]
Last Updated: May 20, 2003
It's a memory aid! A robotic assistant! An epidemic detector! An all-seeing, ultra-intrusive spying program!
The Pentagon is about to embark on a stunningly ambitious research project designed to gather every conceivable bit of information about a person's life, index it and make it searchable.
What national security experts and civil libertarians want to know is, why the hell would the Defense Department want to do such a thing?
The embryonic LifeLog program would take every e-mail you've sent or received, every picture you've taken, every web page you've surfed, every phone call you've had, every TV show you've watched, every magazine you've read, and dump it into a giant database.
All of this -- and more -- would be combined with a GPS transmitter, to keep tabs on where you're going; audio-visual sensors, to capture all that you see or say; and biomedical monitors, to keep track of your health.
This gigantic amalgamation of personal information could then be used to "trace the 'threads' of an individual's life," to see exactly how a relationship or events developed, according to a briefing from the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, LifeLog's sponsor.
Someone with access to the database could "retrieve a specific thread of past transactions, or recall an experience from a few seconds ago or from many years earlier "by using a search-engine interface."
On the surface, the project seems like the latest in a long line of DARPA's "blue sky" research efforts, most of which never make it out of the lab. But Steven Aftergood, a defense analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, says he is worried.
With its controversial Total Information Awareness database project, DARPA already is planning on tracking all of an individual's "transactional data" -- like what we buy and who gets our e-mail.
Aftergood said he believes LifeLog could go far beyond that, adding physical information (like how we feel) and media data (like what we read) to this transactional data.
"LifeLog has the potential to become something like 'TIA cubed,'" he said.
My Wired News article has details on the LifeLog program.
THERE'S MORE: The idea of committing everything in your life to a machine is nearly sixty years old. In 1945, Vannevar Bush -- who headed the White House's Office of Scientific Research and Development during World War II
-- published a landmark Atlantic Monthly article, "As We May Think." In it, he describes a "memex" -- a "device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility."
Minicomputer visionary Gordon Bell, now working at Microsoft, sees his "MyLifeBits" project as a fulfillment of Bush's vision.
There are other commercial and academic efforts to weave a life into followable threads, including parallel processing prophet David Gelernter's "Scopeware" and "Haystack," from MIT's David Karger.
AND MORE: LifeLog may eventually dwarf Total Information Awareness, DARPA's ultra-invasive database effort. But "TIA" could wind up being pretty damn large on its own, with 50 times more data than the Library of Congress, according to the Associated Press.
AND MORE: Lovers of civil liberties, you now have nothing to fear. Henceforth, the creepy "Total Information Awareness" program will be known as "Terrorism Information Awareness."
Feel better?
Current phenomenal astrophysical developments
See the interesting and breathtaking assembly of astrophysical "live data" photos of our turbulent sun and adjacent activity, as well as observations and text from the attachment. It is worth the time and effort to open up each frame:
Electra Briggs wrote:
Andrew-You in all probabilites have all ready received info from this website.
As Ever,
Electra Briggs
Dr. Andrew Michrowski
The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.
100 Bronson Avenue, Suite 1001
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8 Canada
(613) 236-6265
Is the antenna business just the beginning or part of what the Judge predicts?
New technology in hands of irresponsible people while the population is kept ignorant of the possible effects can bring about a great tradgedy.
No one we know is willing to guarantee that these installations are harmless.So why are some businesses allowed to gamble with our lives?
Forget al-Qaeda, it's robots that will get us, says judge
By Matthew Thompson
May 24 2003
Hostile robots and dangerous "quark atoms" dwarf al-Qaeda as the major threats of the 21st century, Justice Michael Kirby said yesterday.
In his keynote address at a Centenary Medal ceremony at Paddington Town Hall, the High Court judge warned of biotechnology running riot.
Reminiscent of a Matrix-style scenario where machines rule the world, Justice Kirby's doomsday fears came from an article by Martin Rees, Britain's Astronomer Royal, in a recent issue of New Scientist magazine - an article he described as "the most important thing I read this year". Rees has claimed humanity has only a 50:50 chance of surviving the 21st century.
The judge quoted Rees's contention that scientific menace is "infinitely more . . . deserving of our attention than al-Qaeda".
After Justice Kirby's speech, Centenary Medals were presented to more than 100 eastern suburbs citizens, including the director of the Art Gallery of NSW, Edmund Capon; the Olympic swimming gold medallist Murray Rose; Nicolle Torda, a volunteer for the disabled; and the showbusiness veteran Jeanne Little.
Little said although she shared Justice Kirby's concerns, the proliferation of advanced robots might benefit humanity. "They could make armies out of robots, which might save lives," she said.
Another medal recipient, the historian Keith Windschuttle praised Justice Kirby's speech, which also celebrated Australian democracy, but added: "Al-Qaeda is more of a pressing issue than robots."
Another recipient, the head of the biotechnology department at the University of NSW, Professor Peter Gray, weighed into the bio-tech banter: "The fact that the SARS virus was sequenced within a week; the recent advances in understanding AIDS: these are coming out of the biotechnical area," he said.
Yet he hesitated to question the Rees doctrine: "I haven't read that article, but I did think Justice Kirby gave an excellent speech."
Informant: Miguel Muntané
Broadband baloons in UK
Informant: azul
Neil Cherry was remembered and mourned today in Santa Barbara. In our family tradition, we picked journey rose petals from our garden and they were scattered on the ocean in a silent tribute, wishing him safe passage.
He gave the public one of the first coherent overviews of the scientific evidence linking low-intensity ELF and RF exposure to adverse health effects. He was a primary architect of the Salzburg Resolution. He was a compassionate and cheerful man whose works gave us good science that served the public interest.
Cindy Sage
The Sage Family
Santa Barbara, CA USA
and from an email from Libby Kelley to Roy Beavers
Dear Roy,
Neil Cherry's death was not unexpected but today's news brings great sadness here. Those who knew him know full well that he chose to do this work out of love of mankind. He understood there were personal risks but took those risks in order to convey his vast knowledge quickly. Neil's death came 18 months after he was diagnosed by a rapidly progressing motor neuron disease. On the last day of his life, he simply ran out of breath. He was still completing work on a scientific paper. As many of us know, an epidemiological link has been established between motor neuron disease, also known as ALS or "Lou Gerhigs" disease,
His wife, Gae, has asked me to request the international community not continue to use Neil's email addresses. Please do not send any more emails to him as she is not going to be able to respond. Please delete his email addresses from automatic lists, etc. She requests that we people who are looking for information on electromagnetic radiation to Neil Cherry's website, www.neilcherry.com. and that we link our sites to his site. In this way, he will continue to be a guiding light in this work.
The memorial service is scheduled for this coming Friday, May 30, at 2 p.m. Your cards and letters are most appreciated and they will be displayed at the service. much appreciated. Neil's wife, Gae, and his two daughters are Jo and Carla can be reached at the Cherry's home:
46 B Kilmarnock
Christ Church, 1
New Zealand.
Finally, I am resending a tribute to Neil Cherry adopted by many of his peers, at a meeting of independent scientists held in Catania, Sicily in September 2002
Libby Kelley.
Tribute to Neil Cherry
We join together in tribute to Neil Cherry, our esteemed colleague, for his brilliant and passionate work to protect public health from non-ionizing radiation hazards over the past decade. as a scientific investigator in the field of bio-electromagnetics.
Neil has made a unique contribution to the advancement of knowledge in this field by his rare abilities to synthesize the entire body of science in this field and to communicate this information to his peer scientists, to public policy decision-makers and to citizens alike.
We resolve, on this day, which corresponds with the founding of an international association of independent scientists, to pay this tribute to Neil Cherry and we wish him the best in this fight against his illness.
Agreed to and signed September 14, 2002 by:
Signatory to the Catania Resolution:
- Fiorella Belpoggi, Fondazione Ramazzini, Italy
- Carl F. Blackman, President of the Bioelectromagnetic Society (1990-1991), Raleigh, USA
- Martin Blank, Department of Physiology, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Emilio Del Giudice, INFN Milano, Italy
- Livio Giuliani, University Camerino, Italy
- Settimio Grimaldi, CNR-INMM, Roma, Italy
- Lennart Hardell, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Oerebro, Sweden
- Michael Kundi, Institute of Environmental Health, University of Vienna, Austria
- Henry Lai, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, USA
- Abraham R. Liboff, Department of Physics, Oakland University, USA
- Wolfgang Löscher, Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany
- Kjell Hansson Mild, National Institute of Working Life, Umea, Sweden
- Wilhelm Mosgoeller, Institute for Cancer Research, University of Vienna, Austria
- Elihu D. Richter, Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Hebrew-University-Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel
- Stanislaw Szmigielski, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
Others who attended:
- Libby Kelley, Council on Wireless Technology Impacts, Novato, California, USA
- Eva Marsalek, PLATTFORM MOBILFUNK-INITIATIVEN,Klosterneuburg-Kierling, Austria
- Gerd Oberfeld, Federal State of Salzburg, Public Health Department, Environmental Health, Austria
Informant: Colette O'Connell
Re: Info request -- urgent: electrosenstivities
My info request to your list, Klaus is this:
"I have been asked to furnish information to questions posed to me by a Human Rights Commission who is ivestigating the EHS issue. The information I have been asked to forward quickly to the commission is as follows: ". . .whether there have been any statements or papers issued by the World Health Organisation or any Health Authority in another jurisdiction recognising the condition of "Electrical Sensitivity", or any court decisions in other jurisdictions dealing with the condition (for example, you mention a recent court decision in Spain). If so, I would be most obliged if you could forward copies of the relevant papers and/or decisions to the Commission."
It would help me enormously -- plus probably many others on your list--if I could be given accurate and comprehensive responses to those questions as soon as possible.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland"
>>>Note that the thorough working group report, ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH EFFECTS FROM EXPOSURE TO POWER-LINE FREQUENCY ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS, issued by the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health in 1998, devoted a section (4.6.6.) on "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" - pages 314-316. This discussion is well referenced and generally positive. When the peer review came to a vote, it was a tie, which was broken with the intervention of the chair who leaned not against the evidence but on the problematique that there is "no established mechanism" for the fact. It is like saying that though we know that microwave ovens cook food, since we do not know why this happens, let's ignore the whole thing (but let the manufacturers produce the devices and have as many consumers use it as possible)!
May I suggest that the researher contact the Research Group at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in Ottawa, Canada, which has several experts personally familiar with dozens of electrically sensitive persons since at least the last 10 years? A key researcher is my colleague, Chris Ives (613) 748-2312.
Hope that this helps.
US Defense's DARPA wants you to be indexable and searchable
This is a significant and historic development for mankind, which could bring LifeLog to your body soon.
Access to DARPA's webpage at:
Imagine the excitement for US soldiers administering LifeLog to the billions of Chinese, Indian, Central Asian and African individuals.. All this high-tech, microwave technology while a third of the world has no access to electricity. Not to mention such simple stuff as clean water and adequate meals..
But priorities are priorities - in the name of chips,computers, wireless communications and satellites..
Report to Congress Regarding the Terrorism Information Awareness Program
The DARPA Terrorism (formerly "Total") Information Awareness program (TIA) is a research and development project. The program is integrating and testing information technology tools. DARPA affirms that TIA’s research and testing activities are only using data and information that is either
(a) foreign intelligence and counter intelligence information legally obtained and usable by the Federal Government under existing law, or
(b) wholly synthetic (artificial) data that has been generated, for research purposes only, to resemble and model real-world patterns of behavior.
The Department of Defense, which is responsible for DARPA, has expressed its full commitment to planning, executing, and overseeing the TIA program in a manner that protects privacy and civil liberties. Safeguarding the privacy and the civil liberties of Americans is a bedrock principle. DoD intends to make it a central element in the Department of Defense’s management and oversight of the TIA program.
The Department of Defense fully complies with the laws and regulations governing intelligence activities and all other laws that protect the privacy and constitutional rights of U.S. persons.
DoD has expressed its commitment to the rule of law in this endeavor and views the protection of privacy and civil liberties as an integral and paramount goal in the development of counterterrorism technologies.
The Secretary of Defense will, as an integral part of oversight of TIA research and development, continue to assess emerging potential privacy and civil liberties impacts through an oversight board composed of senior
representatives from DoD and the Intelligence Community, and chaired by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics).
The Secretary of Defense will also receive advice on legal and policy issues, including privacy, posed by TIA research and development from a Federal Advisory Committee composed of outside experts (see
Subsection 111(b) of Division M of the Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003 (Public Law 108-7) required the submission of a report concerning the Terrorism (formerly "Total") Information Awareness program. The report was jointly submitted to Congress on May 20, 2003 by the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General and the Director of Central Intelligence.
(Note: The program’s previous name, "Total Information Awareness" program, created in some minds the impression that TIA was a system to be used for developing dossiers on U.S. citizens. That is not DoD’s intent in pursuing this program. Rather, DoD’s purpose in pursuing these efforts is to protect U.S. citizens by detecting and defeating foreign terrorist threats before an attack. Therefore, to make this objective absolutely clear, on May 20, DARPA changed the program name to Terrorism Information Awareness.)
How to Find the Answers to Commonly Asked Questions:
Guide to the Report
Report to Congress regarding the Terrorism Information Awareness Program
download Executive Summary [(6 pages, 30Kb, PDF)]
download Detailed Information [(102 pages, 1.3Mb, PDF)]
download Letters Transmitting the Report to Congress
[(8 pages, 90Kb, PDF)]
Last Updated: May 20, 2003
It's a memory aid! A robotic assistant! An epidemic detector! An all-seeing, ultra-intrusive spying program!
The Pentagon is about to embark on a stunningly ambitious research project designed to gather every conceivable bit of information about a person's life, index it and make it searchable.
What national security experts and civil libertarians want to know is, why the hell would the Defense Department want to do such a thing?
The embryonic LifeLog program would take every e-mail you've sent or received, every picture you've taken, every web page you've surfed, every phone call you've had, every TV show you've watched, every magazine you've read, and dump it into a giant database.
All of this -- and more -- would be combined with a GPS transmitter, to keep tabs on where you're going; audio-visual sensors, to capture all that you see or say; and biomedical monitors, to keep track of your health.
This gigantic amalgamation of personal information could then be used to "trace the 'threads' of an individual's life," to see exactly how a relationship or events developed, according to a briefing from the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, LifeLog's sponsor.
Someone with access to the database could "retrieve a specific thread of past transactions, or recall an experience from a few seconds ago or from many years earlier "by using a search-engine interface."
On the surface, the project seems like the latest in a long line of DARPA's "blue sky" research efforts, most of which never make it out of the lab. But Steven Aftergood, a defense analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, says he is worried.
With its controversial Total Information Awareness database project, DARPA already is planning on tracking all of an individual's "transactional data" -- like what we buy and who gets our e-mail.
Aftergood said he believes LifeLog could go far beyond that, adding physical information (like how we feel) and media data (like what we read) to this transactional data.
"LifeLog has the potential to become something like 'TIA cubed,'" he said.
My Wired News article has details on the LifeLog program.
THERE'S MORE: The idea of committing everything in your life to a machine is nearly sixty years old. In 1945, Vannevar Bush -- who headed the White House's Office of Scientific Research and Development during World War II
-- published a landmark Atlantic Monthly article, "As We May Think." In it, he describes a "memex" -- a "device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility."
Minicomputer visionary Gordon Bell, now working at Microsoft, sees his "MyLifeBits" project as a fulfillment of Bush's vision.
There are other commercial and academic efforts to weave a life into followable threads, including parallel processing prophet David Gelernter's "Scopeware" and "Haystack," from MIT's David Karger.
AND MORE: LifeLog may eventually dwarf Total Information Awareness, DARPA's ultra-invasive database effort. But "TIA" could wind up being pretty damn large on its own, with 50 times more data than the Library of Congress, according to the Associated Press.
AND MORE: Lovers of civil liberties, you now have nothing to fear. Henceforth, the creepy "Total Information Awareness" program will be known as "Terrorism Information Awareness."
Feel better?
Current phenomenal astrophysical developments
See the interesting and breathtaking assembly of astrophysical "live data" photos of our turbulent sun and adjacent activity, as well as observations and text from the attachment. It is worth the time and effort to open up each frame:
Electra Briggs wrote:
Andrew-You in all probabilites have all ready received info from this website.
As Ever,
Electra Briggs
Dr. Andrew Michrowski
The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.
100 Bronson Avenue, Suite 1001
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8 Canada
(613) 236-6265
Is the antenna business just the beginning or part of what the Judge predicts?
New technology in hands of irresponsible people while the population is kept ignorant of the possible effects can bring about a great tradgedy.
No one we know is willing to guarantee that these installations are harmless.So why are some businesses allowed to gamble with our lives?
Forget al-Qaeda, it's robots that will get us, says judge
By Matthew Thompson
May 24 2003
Hostile robots and dangerous "quark atoms" dwarf al-Qaeda as the major threats of the 21st century, Justice Michael Kirby said yesterday.
In his keynote address at a Centenary Medal ceremony at Paddington Town Hall, the High Court judge warned of biotechnology running riot.
Reminiscent of a Matrix-style scenario where machines rule the world, Justice Kirby's doomsday fears came from an article by Martin Rees, Britain's Astronomer Royal, in a recent issue of New Scientist magazine - an article he described as "the most important thing I read this year". Rees has claimed humanity has only a 50:50 chance of surviving the 21st century.
The judge quoted Rees's contention that scientific menace is "infinitely more . . . deserving of our attention than al-Qaeda".
After Justice Kirby's speech, Centenary Medals were presented to more than 100 eastern suburbs citizens, including the director of the Art Gallery of NSW, Edmund Capon; the Olympic swimming gold medallist Murray Rose; Nicolle Torda, a volunteer for the disabled; and the showbusiness veteran Jeanne Little.
Little said although she shared Justice Kirby's concerns, the proliferation of advanced robots might benefit humanity. "They could make armies out of robots, which might save lives," she said.
Another medal recipient, the historian Keith Windschuttle praised Justice Kirby's speech, which also celebrated Australian democracy, but added: "Al-Qaeda is more of a pressing issue than robots."
Another recipient, the head of the biotechnology department at the University of NSW, Professor Peter Gray, weighed into the bio-tech banter: "The fact that the SARS virus was sequenced within a week; the recent advances in understanding AIDS: these are coming out of the biotechnical area," he said.
Yet he hesitated to question the Rees doctrine: "I haven't read that article, but I did think Justice Kirby gave an excellent speech."
Informant: Miguel Muntané
Broadband baloons in UK
Informant: azul
Citizens' Initiative Omega