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Text of Israels 14 (unpublished) Roadmap conditions

Observer | 28.05.2003 02:25

...Yesterday's Cabinet vote in favor of the Road Map made it contingent upon 14 "comments" that Israel submitted to the Americans...The Prime Minister called them "red lines beyond which we cannot and will not withdraw." Despite this, he has yet to publicize them......

Here is the text of these officially unpublished 14 points. These are it seems not all the objections, just the 14 most important that Sharon describes as the "red lines beyond which we cannot and will not withdraw."

I give them to you impartially and without comment. I suggest a full and careful reading would be worthwhile.

My sources are:


1) There must be no terrorism during the process. The Palestinians will dismantle the existing security organizations and will form new organizations to combat terror, violence and incitement (incitement must cease immediately and the Palestinian Authority must educate for peace).
In the first phase of the plan and as a condition for progress to the second phase, the Palestinians will complete the dismantling of terrorist organizations (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front, the Democratic Front, Al-Aqsa Brigades and others) and their infrastructure, collect all illegal weapons and transfer them to a third party, cease weapons smuggling and weapons production inside the Palestinian Authority, activate the full prevention apparatus and cease incitement. The security plans to be implemented are the Tenet and Zinni plans. [As in the other mutual frameworks, the Roadmap will not state that Israel must cease violence and incitement against the Palestinians].

2) Full performance will be a condition for progress between phases and for progress within phases. The first condition for progress will be the complete cessation of terror, violence and incitement. Progress between phases will come only following the full implementation of the preceding phase. Attention will be paid not to timelines, but to performance benchmarks (timelines will serve only as reference points).

3) The emergence of a new and different leadership in the Palestinian Authority within the framework of governmental reform; this is a condition for progress to the second phase of the plan. New elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council.

4) The Monitoring mechanism will be under American management.

5) The character of the provisional PA state will be determined through negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. The provisional state will have provisional borders and certain aspects of sovereignty. It will be fully demilitarized, will have only police and internal security forces of limited scope and armaments, and will not have authority to undertake defense alliances or military cooperation. Israel will control the entry and exit of all persons and cargo, as well as of its air space and electromagnetic spectrum.

6) Declared references must be made to Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and to the waiver of any right of return for Palestinian refugees to the State of Israel.

7) The end of the process will lead to the end of all claims, and not only the end of the conflict.

8) The future settlement will be reached through agreement and direct negotiations between the two parties, in accordance with the vision outlined by President Bush in his 24 June address.

9) There will be no involvement with issues pertaining to the final settlement. Among issues not to be discussed: settlement in Judea, Samaria and Gaza (excluding a settlement freeze and illegal outposts), the status of the Palestinian Authority and its institutions in Jerusalem, and all other matters whose substance relates to the final settlement.

10) The removal of references to UN Resolution 1397, the Saudi Initiative and the Arab Initiative adopted in Beirut. A settlement based upon the Roadmap will be an autonomous settlement that is valid on its own. The only possible reference should be to Resolutions 242 and 338, and then only as an outline for the conduct of future negotiations on a permanent settlement.

11) Promotion of the reform process in the Palestinian Authority: a transitional Palestinian constitution will be composed, a Palestinian legal infrastructure will be constructed and cooperation with Israel in this field will be renewed. In the economic sphere: international efforts to rehabilitate the Palestinian economy will continue. In the financial sphere: the American-Israeli-Palestinian agreement will be implemented in full as a condition for the continued transfer of tax revenues.

12) The deployment of IDF forces along the September 2000 lines will be subject to the absolute quiet noted above, and will be carried out in keeping with the new circumstances and needs.

13) Subject to security conditions, Israel will work to restore Palestinian life to normal: promote an improved economic situation, cultivation of commercial connections, encouragement and assistance for the activities of recognized humanitarian agencies. No reference will be made to the Bertini Report as a binding source document within the framework of the humanitarian issue.

14) Arab states will assist the process through the condemnation of terrorist activity. No link will be established between the Palestinian track and other tracks (Syrian-Lebanese).

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A road wired for instant destruction.

28.05.2003 04:49

On doesn't need a degree in law to realize that what we have here is a set of terms which give Israel the opportunity to blow up the process any time and blame the Palestinians to boot while making no concessions on their part. But, isn't that what happened after Oslo and after.....etc?

Spring Hope

Waste of time

28.05.2003 08:39

There are only two options:

1. Be religiously scrupulous, honest and stand tall - Return stolen property;

2. Be utterly dishonest and disgraceful and cling on to stolen property.

Option 1 would be closer to the better side of humanity and even closer to the heart of religious practice.

Option 2 requires repeated lifting of rocks to drop on one's own feet. And it won't be much longer before Daddy Uncle Sam gets bored and drops that crucial support that State of Stolen Land depends on.


Excellent idea

28.05.2003 22:44

Return stolen property means:
*Arabs leave Egypt and an independent Christian Coptic land is established
*Arabs Morrocans leave Western Sahara and end the occupation of the Sharawis.
*Arabs of Lybia,Tunisia,Morroco and Algeria return to their ancestral land and let the Berbers rule their lands.
*Arabs from Iraq leave the Assyrian territories and an independent Assyrian state created in North Iraq
*Arabs from Syria and Lebanon return to Arabia and enable the descendants of the Phoenicians and the Aramaneans live peacefully in Lebanon[Phoenicia] and Syria[Aram]
*Arabs from Oman return to Saudia and help the South-Arabian peoples to preserve their Semitic languages[Mehri,Jiballi,Harsusi]instead of trying to Arabize them.
*Arabs leaving in Judea and Samaria should return to the Arab peninsula and stop terrorizing the Hebrews.
*Arabs in Gaza should return to Saudia and if there are descendants of the Philistines in Greek,then they are welcome to live in Gaza.

I support your first option

I think that all of YOU live on stolen land

28.05.2003 23:17

Let's face the facts,The "England" part of the UK is occupied Celtic land.You live on Cornish land and responsible for the linguacide of one of the Celtic languages,so if you are serious about returning stolen property then please buy flight tickets to Denmark,and go live there with your Germanic brothers,and let the decent people who revived the Cornish language recently to live in their land without you,a Saxon invader.



29.05.2003 07:06

About half the planet lives on what can be described as "stolen land."

(Given the loose definition these days of "stolen.")

Yet for some reason, Israel, which is not even remotely close to being 1% of the middle east, is expected to give up about 25% of itself, while the 99% of the middle east that muslims own apparently isn't big enough.

ALso, it's interesting how people demand that israeli jews return "stolen land" to muslims, yet those same people do NOT demand that arab muslims in the 20 or so muslim countries that "stole land" from jews return it as well.

In other words, the israeli jews are expected to do favors for people who want to kill them, yet the arabs of iraq, iran, lebanon, syria, kuwait, egypt, jordan and yemen have no obligation to give "stolen land/homes/etc." back to the jews that wound up having to flee to israel for safety.

THe double standards that exist against israel are gross.

No, this isn't about "playing the victim" as the closet anti-semites like to accuse. This is about being FACTUAL, BALANCED and LOGICAL. If you call for one side to be given reparations, those on the other side should be given the same. If you want to make israeli jews give things to palestinian muslims, you should also demand that arab muslims outside of palestine give things to the jews who used to be a part of those countries but had to flee to israel. THe fact is, there's hoards of history to be undone everywhere. Why was pakistan stolen from india and turned into it's own country? Should americans all leave and hand back the entire country to native american indians?

The world has no sense of balance in this at all. For example, isn't it interesting how no one minds that in saudia arabia, it's illegal to even BE a jewish citizen? THat's fine, right? Yet in Israel, 20% of citizens are muslim, there are muslims in israel's government as we speak, yet israel gets all the attention.

And consider this. Not a single jew lives in palestine, except for ones called "illegal settlers." In other words, if a jew tries to live in the west bank, it's illegal! And the world is fine with that!

I call for nothing other than BALANCE. Unfortunately, 99% of the world doesn't seem interested in such a thing.


There are a number of big differences...

29.05.2003 13:51

Here are the main reasons why the Palestine/Israel problem calls for world action more urgently than the others mentioned.

1. Recency - land is being grabbed now.
2. Hypocrisy - grabbed whilst negotiating. By a democratic state which has signed, and is daily violating, the Geneva convention.
3. Importation of unrelated populations. Only a tiny minority of Israeli settlers are people from the local region expanding and seeking better land. They are deliberately collected from round the world, motivated by subsidies, and chosen on racial/religious grounds.
4. International responsibility. The international community (UN) created Israel, and decided its boundaries, at the expense of the local population. It therefore had responsibility to ensure those boundaries were not expanded to their further detriment.
5. British responsibility. As 4 but more so.
6. US responsibility. Financial and military support on a huge scale without which none of this could have happened. Creating such a huge imbalance of power in the region that Israel can commit any atrocity it likes. Political support to prevent international intervention.
7. Massive flouting of international law (thus reducing its power).
8. Israels huge inventory of weapons of mass destruction. 200+ nuclear warheads, submarine missiles, etc. This makes the conflict a danger to the entire world, therefore the business of the entire world.
9. Scale of the population shift. From 6000 jews in the mid 1800's to over 6 million now. Largely from outside the region.. A 1000 fold increase.
10. Damage to the credentials of democracy, that it can lead to such violations of the rights of others.
11. Bad precedent. The west should not acquiesce in land grabs based on reversing population movements completed thousands of years ago, or on "god's promises".
12. Overt racism. South Africa's apartheid pales into significance. Huge Jew-only roads dividing up the country ?

Last but I think most important of all, and this alone would justify Israel's expulsion from the civilised international community, and the imposition of stringent sanctions:

13. It is my opinion, and increasingly the opinion of the world that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THE PALESTINIANS HAVE EVER DONE COULD JUSTIFY THE CRIMES AND INHUMANITY BEING DAILY PERPETRATED AGAINST THEM COLLECTIVELY. Totally against clause after clause after clause of the Geneva Convention. But put that aside. It is just down-and-out old-fashioned evil and wrong and immoral. No argument, no lengthy explanations. UTTERLY IMMORAL. Offence against humanity. No excuse accepted. Simple. Finish.

Peter Gambini

regarding excellent idea...

09.06.2003 03:57

Regarding the "excellent idea" posting. Are you:

1) Joking? If so, fine, but I could not detect the humour.

2) A racist bigot?

not so