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Europe or America

dan_espagna | 27.05.2003 15:12

Where do you think the UK's future should be?

Do you think you should become an American state or a European nation state.Obivously neither probably; do many in the UK consider themselves American first then European or vice versa or do they consider themselves Rupert Murdoch first then British?

europe or America UK?

which one do you prefer?



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none of the above

27.05.2003 16:04

Would I like to be ruled by Blair or Bush or Berlusconi? Hmm let me think...



27.05.2003 16:22

ruled by no-one, but in a united Europe.



27.05.2003 17:05

I'd prefer a fascist, military World Government, presided over by an affable (laughable) front-man, like randy Bill Clinton (cor...) - in which we have no human rights or civil liberties, but perpetual wars and maiming, killing and starving of innocents.

Chosen Few

God Bless America

27.05.2003 19:37

well, let's look at who we REALLY turn to when we need REAL help.

against the Germans (who I hasten to add, are European): we turned to the French for help. when they surrendered 3 weeks later, we realised our HUGE mistake and turned to the USA. only then could we win the war.
against the Russians: the only nation powerful enough to provide our security for 50 years (enabling the loony-left to have their little CND protests) was the USA.
In the Falklands: when we needed an AWACS aircraft to defeat the Argentine aircraft, we turned to the USA.
in the Iraq war: the only other country with the balls to stand up and overthrow the ruthless murderer Hussein, was the USA.

the USA has more military power than the next 27 countries PUT TOGETHER. add to this the fact that 25% of the world's wealth can be found in the USA.

Europe vs. the USA??? pah! Europe is a zit on the face of the Earth compared to the USA. every time we need REAL help, you can guarantee either our 'friends' in Europe will turn their backs on us, or they will be the cause of the problem in the first place. be a part of the Franco/German superstate? NEVER!

God Bless America, our REAL allies.


Loud, proud, and complete pains in the buttt

27.05.2003 21:29

Thanks Jamie, you've certainly helped make MY mind up. You arrogant shit.


nobody's slave

intelligent responses only please

27.05.2003 21:44

> Thanks Jamie

> you've certainly helped make MY mind up.
Well? what is it then? Be sure to justify your answer in a logical, sensible and intelligent manner. Idiotic responses such as "Americans are dumb!" or "Yanks go home!" do not qualify as logical or sensible, and certainly not intelligent.

> You arrogant shit.
What was arrogant about what I said? The irony is that calling me an arrogant shit for simply stating undisputed facts, is itself arrogant.

a) im not American, dumbass, im British. hence the use of the words "we", "our" etc. in my first post, and this being the UK indymedia site. 2+2=4, not 5.
b) go home from where? this is the Internet, people who may happen to be posting from the USA are already at home.

'Arrogant shit'

No Nationalism

27.05.2003 23:57

Nationalism is used as just another tool to divide and rule by those running the planet.

No States!
No Borders!


Turkey is a lot more European..

28.05.2003 10:35

Turkey is a lot more European..than the Brits.
I believe the UK should be kicked out of Europe,
after all they are obviously the 51rst state of the
US of A.

I rather have Turkey as a partner in Europe
than the two faced Brits.

Remember, they had always special concessions
since the beginning (1973)

Of course they want to join the Euro zone
..cause now it is working..Never mind the hard work
and sacrifices the European Countries did have to arrive to this point.

And so on.. They shat on Maastricht but join after
a few golden (European)handshakes..

The Brits are the agent of the Bush brigade and will do whatever they can to disrupt and sabotage the European
process, How can you trust someone taking his orders from
Washington DC?

If you think, this is just my thinking,
you are mistaken, go to any country of the UE and ask arouud.
Of course, you have to do it in a language other than
English; too much to ask ,maybe.

Europe does not need the UK
Unless they begin to think for themselves..
Do not hold your breath.



28.05.2003 11:27

"in the Iraq war: the only other country with the balls to stand up and overthrow the ruthless murderer Hussein,"

What, the one they'd sold chemical weapons to a few years previously, you mean?



intelligent responses only please

28.05.2003 17:48

> What, the one they'd sold chemical weapons to a few years previously, you mean?
yep, that one. is that a problem? i dont quite understand what u're insinuating?

> Retard.
if that is your best attempt at a logical, sensible, intelligent answer, then apparently it's u who is retarded.



29.05.2003 10:59

"yep, that one. is that a problem? i dont quite understand what u're insinuating?"

There's no point asking for intelligent responses if you're going to ask stupid questions now, is there?


ignore them Jamie!

29.05.2003 11:05

These IMC communists don't understand the value of blind patriotic obedience! Their feeble minds can't grasp how sometimes yesterday's Friendly Ally must become today's New Hitler! We, the loyal and sensible, realise that arming dictators and then going to war with them is all part of our brilliant rulers' strategy for world peace, that obviously must be kept secret for security reasons!

Ignore! Obey! Shut up!

a nonny mouse

Jamie the lapdog

29.05.2003 11:59

Sad, innit?

Like a sad little schoolboy with a hard "mate", Jamie wants us to twist history so Amerika is the saviour of the world and then gets upset when the sane rightly flame him for it.

Jamie you fuckwit, we're insulting you 'cos you deserve it. And as someone said, stupid points do not deserve "intelligent" responses.

Soz, but you can't dictate how people respond to you, much as I'm sure you'd like to bomb their houses with F-15 jets and "bunker busters."


Mad Monk

intelligent responses only please

30.05.2003 00:21

> There's no point asking for intelligent responses if you're going to ask stupid questions now, is there?
stupid, no. simple, yes. a straight, simple question that u cannot answer. come on, amaze me with your brilliant explanation as to what this pointless question really meant: "What, the one they'd sold chemical weapons to a few years previously, you mean?"

> These IMC communists don't understand the value of blind patriotic obedience!
duh! i already told u im not american. if im not American how can it be patriotism?

> Their feeble minds
Wahay! you got something right!

> yesterday's Friendly Ally must become today's New Hitler!
well let's analyse that dumb-ass comment shall we? is America a democracy? was Hitler a dictator? did Hitler try to murder an entire race? did America? did Hitler murder well over 10 million innocent people? did America? does America plan to take over the world? (in the loony-left alternate reality, i suppose it does... for the rest of us: no). did Hitler plan to take over the world? did Hitler believe in a "master race"? does America?
well that just about destroys your worthless comparison of America and Hitler, dont ya think? (if u answered factually of course)

> arming dictators and then going to war with them is all part of our brilliant rulers' strategy for world peace
yep, the US/UK governments were resonsible for arming Iraq, as the dickhead above was apparently trying to insinuate. where i come from, if u're responsible for making a mess, u're also responsible for clearing it up, and that's exactly what we did. and despite the fact that the weapons were sold to Hussein by different administrations over 20 years ago in totally different political circumstances. Iraq now has a much rosier future than it did 3 months ago. of course if the loony-left had had its way, Hussein would still be in power. now THAT'S what i call progress!

> that obviously must be kept secret for security reasons!
yea, but u clever folks have foiled the master plan, right?

> Jamie wants us to twist history
no, i want u to acknowledge that everything i said up there was fact. not this baseless, ludicrous, bullshit conspiracy theory gossip bollocks that u loons spew out on a daily basis.

> so Amerika is the saviour of the world
not the saviour of the world, but certainly the saviour of your sorry ass. they've unwittingly given cock-suckers like u the opportunity to spout bucket-loads of concocted outrageous trash.

> when the sane rightly flame him for it.
sane??? lol! why do u think u're called the 'loony-left'?!?!?

> Jamie you fuckwit, we're insulting you 'cos you deserve it.
i think u felt the need to insult me coz my opinion differs from yours. the difference is that i present arguments for my comments, based on facts, something that u are unable to do. that makes u feel threatened. look at what the other guy posted up there about the UK being 2-faced etc. I couldn't disagree with him more actually, but im not gonna flame him and i'll tell u why: he has an opinion and i respect it, coz he at least presented his reasons and arguments. that's in stark contrast to u jerks who just come here and spout shit and insults coz that's all u can do. u're mentally incapable of debate, that's why u walk around with 'cool' banners like 'Down with Blair!'. well DUH! get rid of Blair and the Tories are in, knuckleheads! they wanted the Iraq war more than Blair did, HELLO?????? anyone home??

> Soz, but you can't dictate how people respond to you
i didnt dictate anything, i asked for intelligent responses. u misread that, twice!

> much as I'm sure you'd like to bomb their houses with F-15 jets and "bunker busters."
nope. u're wrong (again).
