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Two American soldiers killed by Iraqis

The Crimson Repat | 27.05.2003 09:42

AP reports two American soldiers killed in a clash at Fallujah this morning, as well as two Iraqis.

By JIM KRANE, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two U.S. soldiers and two unidentified attackers were killed and nine other American troops were injured in a firefight early Tuesday in the troubled town of Fallujah, a hotbed of support for Saddam Hussein's fallen Baath Party, the U.S. military said.

Six Iraqis were captured and were being interrogated Tuesday afternoon, said Maj. Randy Martin, a spokesman for the U.S. Army's V Corps. The attackers used rocket-propelled grenades and small arms in the attack, a statement from U.S. Central Command said, but Martin said the grenade was thrown by hand.

All the U.S. soldiers hit were from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, Martin said.

"Who knows what they were thinking when they engaged U.S. soldiers?" Martin said. "I know we suffered casualties, and the enemy paid a price for those casualties."

Initial reports said the attackers fired from a mosque within in the city, 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of Baghdad.

But Martin said the Americans hit were at a traffic-control point just after midnight with gunfire from occupants of one of two vehicles that had pulled into the checkpoint together.

U.S. soldiers were searching the first vehicle and had just found weapons inside when the occupants of the accompanying vehicle opened fire and threw a grenade.

"Fire opened up from all directions," Martin said.

U.S. troops responded with fire from Bradley Fighting Vehicles, machine guns and small arms. They killed two of the attackers and captured six others, the statement said.

An Army helicopter landed during the firefight to evacuate the wounded and was damaged when a Bradley struck it while maneuvering into a firing position.

The wounded soldiers were evacuated to a military aid station in the area. The names of the two dead soldiers were not immediately released.

U.S. occupying forces have run into trouble before in Fallujah, whose 200,000 people benefited greatly from Saddam Hussein's Baath regime. Saddam built chemical and other factories that employed Fallujah's young men and gave others places in his elite Republican Guard.

"Fallujah has been an area of concern for us," Martin said. But he said conditions had been improving before Tuesday.

Protests against the Army's presence in Fallujah turned violent when U.S. soldiers fired on crowds on April 28 and April 30, killing 18 Iraqis and wounding at least 78.

The soldiers said then that they were defending themselves and the crowd fired first, but Iraqis said no shots were fired at the Americans. No Americans were wounded by gunfire.

Meanwhile, a U.S. soldier died Tuesday and two others were injured in a road accident near the town of Talil, when their tractor-trailer collided with another vehicle. Another man drowned after diving into an aqueduct in northern Iraq, the Central Command said.

The deaths came after one of the most violent days for U.S. troops in recent weeks.

A soldier was killed Monday and another wounded when their convoy was ambushed in northern Iraq, and four soldiers were hurt in what appeared to be a land-mine attack in a Baghdad neighborhood.

On Sunday, a U.S. soldier was killed and another injured in southern Iraq when a munitions dump they were guarding exploded. The blast was not thought to be a result of hostile action, Central Command said.

The Crimson Repat


Hide the following 4 comments

Great news!

27.05.2003 12:06

Good! I hope more get killed, and some UK troops too. Fuck the troops!

Fuck the troops

ah, obviously a man of peace

27.05.2003 13:17

wishing people to their deaths.


Hardly surprising

27.05.2003 15:44

I have never considered the presence of US/British troops in Iraq to be anything other than a military occupation, not the "liberation" it was touted as being. So the fact that American troops are being killed seven weeks after Baghdad fell and four weeks after the Americans declared the war to be over is not a surprise at all.
Supposedly the British are running their security zone better than the Americans because they have so much experience occupying places like the north of Ireland, but I expect that the longer they stay, the more people they too will lose.

The Crimson Repat

The more the merrier!

27.05.2003 16:50

I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree, I too hope more soldiers are attacked and killed, after all they have no business in that country, they are an occupying force who are there to steal Iraq's oil wealth on behalf of our greedy leaders.

The attackers will be called terrorists by western politicans and media, but to the Iraqi people and those who do not support this crime, they are freedom fighters or resistance (like in France when the Germans occupied their land).

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