ISM Reports: Israeli Army Kills Unarmed Palestinian Boy, Wounds Three Others
ISM Media Office c. | 27.05.2003 09:18
Israeli Army Kills Unarmed Palestinian Boy, Wounds Three Others
27 May 03
Israeli forces shot and killed sixteen-year-old Mohammed Nazim Amin
Mahmoud, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates while he was coming
home from school at approximately 10:30AM in downtown Tulkarem
today. ISM volunteers witnessed the soldiers denying passage to the
ambulance until the boy bled to death. Minutes later, Israeli
Forces shot Achmed Aatef Abu Zena, aged 16, with a live bullet in
the head. Doctors report no brain damage but he remains in critical
condition. Seven-year-old Moyad Barakat sustained rubber-bullet
wounds to his stomach and is currently undergoing treatment at
Thabit Thabit Hospital in Tulkarem. Again at 11:20AM soldiers shot
15-year-old Anass Eyad Farhanen the eye.
Tulkarem has been under heavy curfew for the past four days during
which time Israeli Forces have invaded the refugee camp, conducted
house-to-house searches and occupied refugees' homes. Three
families, including two infants and an elderly woman with a heart
condition have reported being locked in a kiosk unable to receive
medical care or milk for the children.
For more information call: Radhika 052 475 663
Sharon 059 737 118
Related photo on
Jenin Incursion
ISM volunteers report that the entire city of Jenin is currently
under curfew. M
ilitary forces entered the camp roughly around 5 AM this morning.
There are at least
8 tanks and 6 armored personnel carriers in Jenin. There are two
tanks located on Haifa street and one tank in the city center. A
greater presence is stationed throughout the city but witnesses are
unable to assess the extent of the occupation at this time. The
has been firing shots as a means of imposing the curfew and have
checkpoints in various locations of the city.
26 May 03
[Maaseyahu Prison, RAMLE] Americans Mike Johnson, aged 52 from
Seattle, Washington and Matteo Bernal from Louisville, Kentucky are
currently in transit to Ben Gurion, Airport awaiting deportation as
of 7:15PM Monday evening. This in spite of the freeze Attorney
Yohanna Lerman received on their deportation orders at a procedural
hearing with the Ministry of Interior earlier this morning. The men
stated that they intend to resist any illegal attempt to deport them.
The two men, along with a local Palestinian who was later released,
were detained on Saturday, May 24 after escorting schoolgirls home
during an invasion of the Tulkarem Refugee Camp by Israeli Forces.
About fifteen girls between nine and eleven years old were stranded
on their on way to school, crying and paralyzed in fear from the
Army's sound grenades and random firing of rubber bullets. The ISM
volunteers informed the Israeli Military of their decision to escort
the girls out of harms way. The army agreed to let the volunteers
take the children home and did not instruct them to leave the area.
Upon leaving the refugee camp, after having led the girls out of
harm's way the ISM volunteers were detained by the Israeli Army and
later arrested, then imprisoned.
Please help us put pressure on the Israeli authorities to release
both Mike and Matteo. Call the Ministry of Interior to protest the
deportation of human rights activists and to demand their
unconditional release. Please call or fax the Ministry of Interior:
phone- 972 26701402 fax- 025666376
For more information call: Radhika Sainath 972 52 475 663
Sharon Wallace 972 59 737 118
(Palestine) (502) 643-4714 (Calling from U.S.)
27 May 03
Israeli forces shot and killed sixteen-year-old Mohammed Nazim Amin
Mahmoud, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates while he was coming
home from school at approximately 10:30AM in downtown Tulkarem
today. ISM volunteers witnessed the soldiers denying passage to the
ambulance until the boy bled to death. Minutes later, Israeli
Forces shot Achmed Aatef Abu Zena, aged 16, with a live bullet in
the head. Doctors report no brain damage but he remains in critical
condition. Seven-year-old Moyad Barakat sustained rubber-bullet
wounds to his stomach and is currently undergoing treatment at
Thabit Thabit Hospital in Tulkarem. Again at 11:20AM soldiers shot
15-year-old Anass Eyad Farhanen the eye.
Tulkarem has been under heavy curfew for the past four days during
which time Israeli Forces have invaded the refugee camp, conducted
house-to-house searches and occupied refugees' homes. Three
families, including two infants and an elderly woman with a heart
condition have reported being locked in a kiosk unable to receive
medical care or milk for the children.
For more information call: Radhika 052 475 663
Sharon 059 737 118
Related photo on
Jenin Incursion
ISM volunteers report that the entire city of Jenin is currently
under curfew. M
ilitary forces entered the camp roughly around 5 AM this morning.
There are at least
8 tanks and 6 armored personnel carriers in Jenin. There are two
tanks located on Haifa street and one tank in the city center. A
greater presence is stationed throughout the city but witnesses are
unable to assess the extent of the occupation at this time. The
has been firing shots as a means of imposing the curfew and have
checkpoints in various locations of the city.
26 May 03
[Maaseyahu Prison, RAMLE] Americans Mike Johnson, aged 52 from
Seattle, Washington and Matteo Bernal from Louisville, Kentucky are
currently in transit to Ben Gurion, Airport awaiting deportation as
of 7:15PM Monday evening. This in spite of the freeze Attorney
Yohanna Lerman received on their deportation orders at a procedural
hearing with the Ministry of Interior earlier this morning. The men
stated that they intend to resist any illegal attempt to deport them.
The two men, along with a local Palestinian who was later released,
were detained on Saturday, May 24 after escorting schoolgirls home
during an invasion of the Tulkarem Refugee Camp by Israeli Forces.
About fifteen girls between nine and eleven years old were stranded
on their on way to school, crying and paralyzed in fear from the
Army's sound grenades and random firing of rubber bullets. The ISM
volunteers informed the Israeli Military of their decision to escort
the girls out of harms way. The army agreed to let the volunteers
take the children home and did not instruct them to leave the area.
Upon leaving the refugee camp, after having led the girls out of
harm's way the ISM volunteers were detained by the Israeli Army and
later arrested, then imprisoned.
Please help us put pressure on the Israeli authorities to release
both Mike and Matteo. Call the Ministry of Interior to protest the
deportation of human rights activists and to demand their
unconditional release. Please call or fax the Ministry of Interior:
phone- 972 26701402 fax- 025666376
For more information call: Radhika Sainath 972 52 475 663
Sharon Wallace 972 59 737 118
(Palestine) (502) 643-4714 (Calling from U.S.)
ISM Media Office c.
Hide the following 9 comments
The truth about the ISM fascists
27.05.2003 14:24
The ISM are as bad as Hamas or Islamic Jihad, two organisations they openly acknowledge supporting.
Reports of the numerous times the ISM have actively participated in massacres of Israeli civilians (weapons smuggling, concealing weapons and notorious mass murderers in ISM offices, providing practical support to suicide bombers) have been desperately censored by IMC, but they can't hide the truth forever. The ISM has also directly contributed to the deaths of Palestinians and exacerbated their misery.
The ISM should be recognised for what it is, a paramilitary organisation (albeit a laughably incompetent one). Any ISM trustafarian returning alive should be charged with crimes against humanity.
The truth about the ISM fascists
27.05.2003 14:24
The ISM are as bad as Hamas or Islamic Jihad, two organisations they openly acknowledge supporting.
Reports of the numerous times the ISM have actively participated in massacres of Israeli civilians (weapons smuggling, concealing weapons and notorious mass murderers in ISM offices, providing practical support to suicide bombers) have been desperately censored by IMC, but they can't hide the truth forever. The ISM has also directly contributed to the deaths of Palestinians and exacerbated their misery.
The ISM should be recognised for what it is, a paramilitary organisation (albeit a laughably incompetent one). Any ISM trustafarian returning alive should be charged with crimes against humanity.
27.05.2003 16:12
The lunatic pro-Sharon right wing can go on and on about how anyone who supports the human rights of non-Jewish Arabs is a terrorist, but it don't make it so.
idiot --^
27.05.2003 17:43
ISM Repsonse To Israeli Smear Campaign
27.05.2003 19:58,10551,963971,00.html
How Rachel died (cont)
Tuesday May 27, 2003
The Guardian
Even Comical Ali would have been impressed by the brazen attempt to spin the truth by Shuli Davidovich of the Israeli embassy (Letters, May 24). Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer. She was not killed by a slab of concrete. Slabs of concrete do not reverse over people leaving bulldozer tracks and their bodies crushed into the earth; bulldozers do. To anyone who has seen the photos of the incident, it is perfectly clear what happened and all the witnesses attest to it.
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) does not support terrorists. Ms Davidovich resurrects a discredited story that a "wanted terrorist" was found hiding in an ISM office in Jenin.
What actually happened was that the Israeli army chased a Palestinian into a building housing the ISM Jenin office, where they arrested him. They invented a story (later retracted) that they found weapons there. According to the army the man was a "terrorist". Well, like the invented gun story, we have their word for it.
It is true that the two British suicide bombers turned up to a memorial service for Rachel Corrie and to a meeting beforehand. But you cannot prevent people attending public events, even those whose views and actions you abhor. The Israeli army also turned up to the memorial service (in a tank) but ISM is certainly not working with them.
Israel is becoming increasingly embarrassed at the spotlight peace activists are shining on their grim activities. They've tried to invent links between activists and terrorists and unlikely stories where people are killed by independently minded concrete blocks. It won't work, Ms Davidovich.
Chris Dunham
ISM, London,10551,963971,00.html
For Non-Guardian Readers
level of abuse shows their worried
27.05.2003 21:29
wot a shame (sham) that it's left to a few brave kids to monitor the disgusting behaviour of the the Israli security forces and the Israeli government.
It's amazing that such a great responsibility falls on the shoulders of such a small group of people with such limited resources.
I suppose their were similar groups, during the late 1930's, who probably tried to help the victims of the nazis but their voices were ignored, history is repeating itself all over again with new nazis and new victims ..
sticka dude
*Insidious *Sophistry and *Mendacity
27.05.2003 22:15
"to dramatise the terrible conditions under which Palestinians live"
The ISM lie. They invent. They twist the truth so much, so often, that black becomes white. RPGs wielded by hardened terrorists become stones in the hands of children. A Palestinian boy 'shot by the IDF' dies in his father's arms, only to reappear, full of life, without a mark on him.
"even those whose views and actions you abhor"
I've noticed the recent updates of ism-london and palsolidarity websites and the quiet removal of your express support for violent so called 'resistance'. The fact is we all know the ISM actively and fervently supports attacks on Israeli men, women and children.
Prove the ISM don't incite riots, aid terrorists, support murder, encourage and enjoy the deaths of unarmed civilians. Prove internationally wanted terrorists weren't or aren't harboured in ISM offices. Prove Corrie wasn't smuggling weapons and explosives.
The word of the ISM is not good enough - they have been exposed as liars too often. Prove it - you demand unreasonable proof from the Israelis, why don't the rules apply to you?
As for believing the mounting disgust for the ISM is somehow proportional to your effectiveness as an organisation, let me say this.
All you have ever achieved, all the ISM is known for, is recklessly endangering the lives of two young people. One died and one suffers a living death because of the twisted evil of the ISM.
I'm disappointed that doesn't sicken you more than it sickens me. If the Israeli and Palestinian blood on your hands doesn't shame you, maybe the blood of Corrie and Hurndall should.
The ISM Mission Statement Remains The Same
28.05.2003 12:43
ISM Mission Statement
As enshrined in international law and UN resolutions, we recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence and occupation via legitimate armed struggle. However, we believe that nonviolence can be a powerful weapon in fighting oppression and we are committed to the principles of nonviolent resistance.
We support the Palestinian right to resist the occupation, as provided for by International Law;
We call for an immediate end to the occupation and immediate compliance and implementation of all relevant UN resolutions;
We call for immediate international intervention to protect the Palestinian people and ensure Israel's compliance with International Law.
ISM Mission Statement
Supporting Palestinian legal rights is not supporting terrorism.
Supporting and being committed to Palestinian nonviolent actions against the occupation is not supporting terrorism.
Supporting Israel in its continual illegal, immoral and unjustified attacks on Palestinians is far more clearly supporting terrorism.
If you really think ISM lies, then join us and see for yourself what is happening.
The ISM as they effect us Israelies.
28.05.2003 20:55
I am muddled by these claims that the ISM support violence - smuggle arms and/or support terrorists because I see few or no such references in the Israeli Hebrew main-stream media. It is true that government officials did claim that the ISM incited the Palestinians population - but even they, as far as I know, made no claim that the ISM incited the population to ARMED revolt.
My own contact with ISM people (a little of it in the occupied territories) gives me the impression that they are a bunch of idealists with a remarkable sense of responsibility. The ISM people seemed MORE aware, than I and some other Israelies, that directly confronting settler violence would leave the local Palestinian farmers exposed to even more violence when we had left the area.
I often disagree with some ISM people about how to end the occupation - but I cannot doubt or underate the value of the work they do - for us Israelies. We in Israel have no institutions to review and control army and settler actions in the occupied territories. Our Knesset committees are powerless - our Media by and large ignorant, and the few local NGOs understaffed. We desperately need the mirror that the ISM holds up to our faces. Reports that I first hear originating from the ISM - sometimes,later, much later, appear in the main stream media. Without their on-the-ground actions I doubt if many of those reports would have got out. Like it or not - a foreigner-generated report is more likely to get investigated than a Palestinian generated report.
There is something terribly wrong about foreigners paying such a horrendous price for doing what we should be doing ourselves - we have no right to expect them to - but we should definitely not underestimate its value.
Jonathan Sivan