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Citizens' Initiative Omega | 26.05.2003 21:15

Sad news for us-and for mankind - Neil Cherrys passing - Cellular Phones: Are They Safe to Use?

Sad news for us - and for mankind - Neil Cherrys passing
Hello Don, Just received the sad news of Neil Cherrys death yesterday from Motor Neuron disease. Despite his illness he has been working hard on his EMR research and also, despite his handicaps caused by the illness, assisting as much as he can to help people like me who have been badly affected by the emissions of RF. The world has been a better place for his living with such integrity and courage and fighting for the health of the people regardless of the communication industry trying to discredit him. We were lucky to have him with us even though his life has been snuffed out before he had achieved all he wished to. His manner of living and
courage in facing this horrific illness is a candle of light to us all.

With best wishes

Message from Penny Hargreaves to Don Maisch

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Cellular Phones: Are They Safe to Use?
By Allan H. Frey
Frey's Article -2nd Version

I've just found a more detailed version of Frey's article, good points: He sharpens the point about thermal vs. non-thermal and gives a good illustration about the SAR.
He also gives a solution about to which model we have to refer instead of the toxicology model, and gives another illustration to prove that the "real truth" science is far than true. These are very clear illustrations, useful for the public.

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Omega: see also

Citizens' Initiative Omega
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