Citizens' Initiative Omega | 26.05.2003 15:48
Info request--urgent - Telecoms equipment on mast at Bulls Lane, Wishaw - Press link-cancer street - Zoran-News - The end of the illegal antennae - Mothers of the San Vicente of Paúl refuse that its children go to class
Info request--urgent
Hi Klaus:
I cannot write my request for info below without first focusing on the sad passing over of our stalwarth supporter, Dr Neil Cherry, N.Zealand. and extending my condolences to his family. I do not wish to cause offense to any non-believers in post-death existences when I say that I feel strongly that Neil will continue rooting for our success on the EMR adverse bioeffects issue and perhaps can do so now from an infinitely more advantagous position to help us than is possible from our--mere mortals--restricted perspective.
My info request to your list, Klaus is this: I have been asked to furnish information to questions posed to me by a Human Rights Commission who is investigating the EHS issue.
The information I have been asked to forward quickly to the commission is as follows:
". . .whether there have been any statements or papers issued by the World Health Organisation or any Health Authority in another jurisdiction recognising the condition of "Electrical Sensitivity", or any court decisions in other jurisdictions dealing with the condition (for example, you mention a recent court decision in Spain). If so, I would be most obliged if you could forward copies of the relevant papers and/or decisions to the Commission."
It would help me enormously--plus probably many others on your list--if I could be given accurate and comprehensive responses to those questions as soon as possible.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland
" Do you know of any high profile cases that might be trying to claim damages from the mobile Industry in America?"
The Company Secretary
Our ref: JR/sw/81/080285
Draft 27 January 2003
By Hand
Dear Sir
Telecoms equipment on mast at Bulls Lane, Wishaw
1. We are instructed by (names removed for protection of privacy), all residents of the village of Wishaw, Sutton Coldfield and known as the Wishaw Action Group. Our clients all live in close proximity to the site of a telecommunications base station upon which you have equipment.
2. Our clients have on a number of occasions over the last twelve months or so expressed their concerns to you over the detrimental impact they believe your equipment is having on the health of themselves and other occupants of the village as well as on their properties. We are aware that you have in the past met with our clients and other villagers to listen to their concerns but refused to accept that the presence of your equipment was in any way responsible for these concerns and you were not prepared to remove it.
To summarise those concerns they include:
1. 5 cases of breast cancer,
2. 1 case of cervical cancer,
3. 6 cases of pre-cancerous tumours,
4. 3 cases of unexplained severe skin rashes,
5. 9 cases of unexplained low white blood cell counts,
6. 3 cases of hormonal deficiencies and early menopause,
7. Numerous instances of headaches, dizziness, faintness, tingling sensations, electric shocks and sleep disturbance,
8. Disruption to family life.
9. Devaluation of property.
3. The Action Group has repeatedly drawn to your attention worldwide research linking the pulsing of masts such as yours to the disruption of sleep patterns, causing the breakdown of the melatonin process and subsequent immune problems leading to the inability to fight pre-cancer cells.
Several post Stewart, Scientific reports strongly reinforce this hypothesis, in particular:
· Saltzberg Resolution 2000
· Ishido and Nitta, Japan’s National Institute for Environmental Studies 2001
· Catania Resolution 2002
· Trower Report 2002
· Dr Helen Irvines studies Glasgow Heath Board 2002
· Dr Gerard Hylands Report 2002
· Research Baconnier Lang et al October 2002 (Israel Department Chemical Engineering Negev.)
· Freiburger appeal October 2002
· Professor Dennis L. Henshaw, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University.
Two independent reports on Wishaw have been carried out by Alasdair Phillips of Power Watch and Roger Coghill, Coghill Laboratories and the authors of those reports have described to our clients a "Piggy Back" effect whereby the wrong siting of your equipment gives the microwaves opportunity to ride on radio waves in direct line and penetrate deeper into body cells. The Coghill report recommends that the equipment is urgently moved at least 500 metres from inhabited property and that a therapeutic mode is attached to it to reduce the risk of further related ill health due to the non-thermal effects of pulsed microwave radiation. Copies of all the above reports can be provided to you if required.
4. Our clients are no longer prepared to remain inactive and allow the health of themselves and their families to be threatened in the interests of financial gain and as negotiation has proved unsuccessful we are now advising them on their legal options.
5. As you know it is our clients’ fervent wish that the base station and your equipment be moved to another location but, failing that, they have instructed us to put you on notice, that at such time that these links between your equipment and ill health in the village are firmly established, you will be held totally responsible for the damage to health and devaluation of property and compensation will be duly sought.
Henceforth, we will deem you to have full knowledge of the effects your equipment is having on the local population and your future actions will have to be judged in the light of that knowledge.
We await your response.
Yours faithfully
The John Hughes Law Practice
Informant. Dr. Miguel Muntané
Press link - cancer street
Zoran- leaving the village
Zoran residents: "every several weeks someone dies from cancer and immediately another ill resident is found. Now they intend to leave the houses and move to a protest tent.
Maariv 26.5.2003
by Eitan Rabin
For years Zoran residents cry out about the damages from the antennas near their houses. Every time the issue rises again - the debate about the dangers from the antennas farm. Every month new cancer cases are found.
Now they organize the next protest: Leaving the village and settling in a tent that will be in Dror crossroad. The people of Zoran thought they came to "the Savion of the Sharon" [Savion is one of the most expensive and high quality areas in Israel] They were promised quiet and life quality. Since then, most of the time they are occupied with the war over the antennas. They protested again and again, they cancelled the studies in the village, the state comptroller got involved, the government discussed, and now the issue hangs in the supreme court. "We remove the gloves, the houses leaving act will be dramatic" said Pnina Kanati.
"It can't be that people will die here from cancer, and the government will be indifferent". Michael Akerman said "every several weeks someone dies here from cancer, and immediately another cancer patient is found. Only after dozens of people will die, will people say that we were right, and it will be too late".
"People here are in shock" said Zion Michaeli. "We will close the station here, whether in war or whether by protests. We have children here, and we fight for their health".
The struggle stuff prepared a detailed logistic plan for leaving the village within a week, unless steps for removing the antennas will be taken. They already got permission to erect the tent on an area of 200 dunam in Bnei Dror village. They intend to put in the entrance of Zoran a huge sign that will inform on the back count until they leaving day.
Head of the local council Yossi Malka said to Maariv that in the next days he expects from Ehud Ulmert who is responsible on the broadcast authority, to take measures to remove the antennas of Hillel station. He said that if the situation will not change the residents will make dramatic steps.
My mother died from cancer, and then I got sick too
59 of Zoran residents got cancer in the last 5 years.
"People die here, and nobody does anything"
Maariv 26.5.2003
by Eitan Rabin
Zoran residents escorted yesterday David Golan to his last resting place for forever, he died a day before yesterday from cancer. In the village they say that he is the last victim of the antennas farm. For now.
59 residents from Zoran village got cancer in the past 5 years, part of them died. 59 from 5000 who live in the village.
In the last several months the disease hurt 2 families, in 2 generations.
Frida Zazkin died from cancer several months ago. After her death, also her daughter, A' found that she's sick. "My mother was a very strong woman, a healthy wonan" tells A', 49 years old. A year ago she felt aches and then the cancer was found in the liver and in the bones. We didn't know that it may be from the radiation. After she died, I found that I also had cancer. I had to have a surgery and I am still afraid of the burst of the disease". The checks that A had, prove that it is not from genetic reason. She is afraid that the link between the cases is the radiation from the antennas. A's daughter, a mother for 3 years old child, is a fraid for her own fate. "I am afraid. I go to check myself.
People come here to live in a little quiet village and get hurt from the antennas". The family deals quietly with the suffer and fear. They expect from the struggle heads to do something to remove the radiation threat.
Sarah Sitbon, 47 years old, found several weeks ago that she has a tumor in her foot. A month after that it was found out that her 13 years old daugher was suffering from a tumor in her hand. "There is no doubt that it's the radiation" said the father Aviv. "So that they won't tell stories and present statistics. The fact is that people die here, and nobody does anything. What needs to be done here is Kasach [very strong word for making strong eccentric moves, eccentric war, e.g. breaking things etc] . To close the village, to blow up the antennas. Also my big daughter suffers now from headaches. It's our lives or nothing".
Sitbon family members consider to leave Zoran. They are sick of the war with the government, with Bezeq. Several familes already left. The rumors about every new cancer case move quickly. They all share the fear. Also animals are hurt from the radiation. The situation is unstandable, and one mustn't wait anymore, they say.
[Removing the antennas will probably happen not because of health issues but because of profit interest:]
Bezeq arrangement may hurry evacuation of antennas from Zoran- in favour of building thousands of flats
Haaretz 25.5.2003, Ziv Maor.
The arrangement increases the chances for removing Zoran antennas, the reason is that Bezeq will be able to prepare the land for building and put in its pocket a big sum of money. In Bezeq they say that the antennas area is the natural expansion area of Zoran and so at the end of things the farm will be evacuated, to enable building. There will be a need to find another place for the antennas, less big. In the arrangement, the rights will stay of Bezeq, but the company will have to pay permission fee of 51% from the land expansion because of change in the designation. But also after the payment Bezeq will earn hundreds of millions of dollars profit from preparing the land for buildings.
Informant: Iris Atzmon
The end of the illegal antennae
Sunday, 25 of May of 2003
The City Hall will approve in the next commission of government the demolition of various posts in an initiative that intends to put an end to all the installations that break the regulation
DEMOLITION. The antenna that stirs up the polemics in the school San Vicente of Paúl.
Dangerous antennae yes, dangerous antennae not. That disjunctive one returns to be of present time because of them you complain of the parents of the school San Vicente of Paúl in which ask that they withdraw a post that utilizes a mobile operator of phone system, and that according to them it is originating serious inconveniences in the health of its children.
The municipal answer before this polemics has been, in this occasion, unequivocal: the antenna will be demolished because lacks license and is illegal. But the surprising thing is that is not the unique one that is in the same situation. There is a whose group expedients, after to be studied, the City Hall has resolved to pass them to Commission of Government so that its dismantling be approved, according to municipal sources.
This action against the irregular antennae has its origin in the new regulatory policeman on these installations that obtained the seen good last year. A time limit was supplied so that the different businesses that make use of antennae or stations of base were put al day with regard to the new limitations that marks that new municipal order the one that contemplates the guidelines that of obliged fulfillment, set by the Department of Science and New Technology.
That period of reciclaje expired in March and from that moment proceeded to study the situation of each one of these installations. The result of this poll has carried to determine that a group of antennae it exists - the councilman of Town planning, José Fidel Saura, it did not know to say cuántas were - that in the next months will be destroyed.
The demolitions will not finish here, says Saura, because still there are pending expedients of study and remain antennae by I check.
Despite this initiative, in the air remains for knowing how did they achieve the businesses to be installed and to function during years without problems.
In this situation the one is found that has lit the alarms in the school San Vicente of Paúl. To such an extent that the passed Thursday there was a group of mothers that refused to leave its children in the school, exactly by the presence of said antenna in the immediacies. Although finally they could enter, does nobody be tranquil.
As they report the parents, the installation belongs to the business Amena and despite do not have license, carries various years raised in the same point. Is from the enlargement of the central student, with the transfer of the school San Miguel to this new building, when begins to be looked at of reojo to the antenna; more, still, when leave to the public light the death of two girls by cancer in the last three months and the illness of a third boy, that is entered.
To less than a hundred meters
The antenna is installed, according to the parents, in lands of a gas station situated in the immediacies of the school, to less than a hundred meters of the center, that is what marks the new municipal ordinance approved by the City Hall. Attending to this argument and to that does not have license, the Consistorio the reason in its petition has given them, dealt with before the town council Seat of Town planning the passed day 19, of removing the post.
One of the parents affected because preferred the anonymity, indicated that, because of this problem, the state of tension has arrived al point to be produced strong discussions among parents and member of the direction of the school although, finally, this has opted for being put available to the parents for what these desire.
All the controls of emissions carried out to the antenna have given negatives. But, nevertheless, do not they finish there the fears. As it related the same father, in the same interior installations of the school there is a transformer of average tension, al that also looks herself with certain fear.
Mothers of the San Vicente of Paúl refuse that its children go to class by a cellular antenna
Friday, 23 of May of 2003
Mothers of the San Vicente of Paúl refuse that its children go to class by an antenna
J. A. And. /CARTAGENA ImprimirEnviar
The proximity of a mobile antenna of phone system al school San Vicente of Paúl, best-known as school of the Rambla, has alarmed the parents and mothers of students, to the extent of that a group of them was denied yesterday in the morning to that its children entered to class, by fear to the radiation that said telephone installation emits.
Nevertheless, after some moments of discussion, all the students entered to class. This situation is only an example of the tension that, in the last weeks, is living himself in the center.
The Students Parents Association (APA) of the center has presented before the City Hall a formal petition so that withdraw said antenna that, according to the parents, does not have license. But this solution is not sufficient for all, because the installation continues there.
The fear enlarges when the own parents link, although without medical neither scientific any type of confirmation, the presence of the antenna with the apparition in the last months two two cases of cancer among the students of the center. The direction of the San Vicente of Paúl themselves there is available to position the parents of students, that anticipate to create a commission and to call an assembly of parents, that will take place this afternoon, at 18.00 o'clock hours, in the casino of San Antón, where the actions will be decided to adopt.
To rise to SEEK to Seek in The Truth, today newspaper Library Google + Ozú The Indicate of Murcia newspaper Library
Informant: Gotemf
Hi Klaus:
I cannot write my request for info below without first focusing on the sad passing over of our stalwarth supporter, Dr Neil Cherry, N.Zealand. and extending my condolences to his family. I do not wish to cause offense to any non-believers in post-death existences when I say that I feel strongly that Neil will continue rooting for our success on the EMR adverse bioeffects issue and perhaps can do so now from an infinitely more advantagous position to help us than is possible from our--mere mortals--restricted perspective.
My info request to your list, Klaus is this: I have been asked to furnish information to questions posed to me by a Human Rights Commission who is investigating the EHS issue.
The information I have been asked to forward quickly to the commission is as follows:
". . .whether there have been any statements or papers issued by the World Health Organisation or any Health Authority in another jurisdiction recognising the condition of "Electrical Sensitivity", or any court decisions in other jurisdictions dealing with the condition (for example, you mention a recent court decision in Spain). If so, I would be most obliged if you could forward copies of the relevant papers and/or decisions to the Commission."
It would help me enormously--plus probably many others on your list--if I could be given accurate and comprehensive responses to those questions as soon as possible.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland
" Do you know of any high profile cases that might be trying to claim damages from the mobile Industry in America?"
The Company Secretary
Our ref: JR/sw/81/080285
Draft 27 January 2003
By Hand
Dear Sir
Telecoms equipment on mast at Bulls Lane, Wishaw
1. We are instructed by (names removed for protection of privacy), all residents of the village of Wishaw, Sutton Coldfield and known as the Wishaw Action Group. Our clients all live in close proximity to the site of a telecommunications base station upon which you have equipment.
2. Our clients have on a number of occasions over the last twelve months or so expressed their concerns to you over the detrimental impact they believe your equipment is having on the health of themselves and other occupants of the village as well as on their properties. We are aware that you have in the past met with our clients and other villagers to listen to their concerns but refused to accept that the presence of your equipment was in any way responsible for these concerns and you were not prepared to remove it.
To summarise those concerns they include:
1. 5 cases of breast cancer,
2. 1 case of cervical cancer,
3. 6 cases of pre-cancerous tumours,
4. 3 cases of unexplained severe skin rashes,
5. 9 cases of unexplained low white blood cell counts,
6. 3 cases of hormonal deficiencies and early menopause,
7. Numerous instances of headaches, dizziness, faintness, tingling sensations, electric shocks and sleep disturbance,
8. Disruption to family life.
9. Devaluation of property.
3. The Action Group has repeatedly drawn to your attention worldwide research linking the pulsing of masts such as yours to the disruption of sleep patterns, causing the breakdown of the melatonin process and subsequent immune problems leading to the inability to fight pre-cancer cells.
Several post Stewart, Scientific reports strongly reinforce this hypothesis, in particular:
· Saltzberg Resolution 2000
· Ishido and Nitta, Japan’s National Institute for Environmental Studies 2001
· Catania Resolution 2002
· Trower Report 2002
· Dr Helen Irvines studies Glasgow Heath Board 2002
· Dr Gerard Hylands Report 2002
· Research Baconnier Lang et al October 2002 (Israel Department Chemical Engineering Negev.)
· Freiburger appeal October 2002
· Professor Dennis L. Henshaw, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University.
Two independent reports on Wishaw have been carried out by Alasdair Phillips of Power Watch and Roger Coghill, Coghill Laboratories and the authors of those reports have described to our clients a "Piggy Back" effect whereby the wrong siting of your equipment gives the microwaves opportunity to ride on radio waves in direct line and penetrate deeper into body cells. The Coghill report recommends that the equipment is urgently moved at least 500 metres from inhabited property and that a therapeutic mode is attached to it to reduce the risk of further related ill health due to the non-thermal effects of pulsed microwave radiation. Copies of all the above reports can be provided to you if required.
4. Our clients are no longer prepared to remain inactive and allow the health of themselves and their families to be threatened in the interests of financial gain and as negotiation has proved unsuccessful we are now advising them on their legal options.
5. As you know it is our clients’ fervent wish that the base station and your equipment be moved to another location but, failing that, they have instructed us to put you on notice, that at such time that these links between your equipment and ill health in the village are firmly established, you will be held totally responsible for the damage to health and devaluation of property and compensation will be duly sought.
Henceforth, we will deem you to have full knowledge of the effects your equipment is having on the local population and your future actions will have to be judged in the light of that knowledge.
We await your response.
Yours faithfully
The John Hughes Law Practice
Informant. Dr. Miguel Muntané
Press link - cancer street

Zoran- leaving the village
Zoran residents: "every several weeks someone dies from cancer and immediately another ill resident is found. Now they intend to leave the houses and move to a protest tent.
Maariv 26.5.2003
by Eitan Rabin
For years Zoran residents cry out about the damages from the antennas near their houses. Every time the issue rises again - the debate about the dangers from the antennas farm. Every month new cancer cases are found.
Now they organize the next protest: Leaving the village and settling in a tent that will be in Dror crossroad. The people of Zoran thought they came to "the Savion of the Sharon" [Savion is one of the most expensive and high quality areas in Israel] They were promised quiet and life quality. Since then, most of the time they are occupied with the war over the antennas. They protested again and again, they cancelled the studies in the village, the state comptroller got involved, the government discussed, and now the issue hangs in the supreme court. "We remove the gloves, the houses leaving act will be dramatic" said Pnina Kanati.
"It can't be that people will die here from cancer, and the government will be indifferent". Michael Akerman said "every several weeks someone dies here from cancer, and immediately another cancer patient is found. Only after dozens of people will die, will people say that we were right, and it will be too late".
"People here are in shock" said Zion Michaeli. "We will close the station here, whether in war or whether by protests. We have children here, and we fight for their health".
The struggle stuff prepared a detailed logistic plan for leaving the village within a week, unless steps for removing the antennas will be taken. They already got permission to erect the tent on an area of 200 dunam in Bnei Dror village. They intend to put in the entrance of Zoran a huge sign that will inform on the back count until they leaving day.
Head of the local council Yossi Malka said to Maariv that in the next days he expects from Ehud Ulmert who is responsible on the broadcast authority, to take measures to remove the antennas of Hillel station. He said that if the situation will not change the residents will make dramatic steps.
My mother died from cancer, and then I got sick too
59 of Zoran residents got cancer in the last 5 years.
"People die here, and nobody does anything"
Maariv 26.5.2003
by Eitan Rabin
Zoran residents escorted yesterday David Golan to his last resting place for forever, he died a day before yesterday from cancer. In the village they say that he is the last victim of the antennas farm. For now.
59 residents from Zoran village got cancer in the past 5 years, part of them died. 59 from 5000 who live in the village.
In the last several months the disease hurt 2 families, in 2 generations.
Frida Zazkin died from cancer several months ago. After her death, also her daughter, A' found that she's sick. "My mother was a very strong woman, a healthy wonan" tells A', 49 years old. A year ago she felt aches and then the cancer was found in the liver and in the bones. We didn't know that it may be from the radiation. After she died, I found that I also had cancer. I had to have a surgery and I am still afraid of the burst of the disease". The checks that A had, prove that it is not from genetic reason. She is afraid that the link between the cases is the radiation from the antennas. A's daughter, a mother for 3 years old child, is a fraid for her own fate. "I am afraid. I go to check myself.
People come here to live in a little quiet village and get hurt from the antennas". The family deals quietly with the suffer and fear. They expect from the struggle heads to do something to remove the radiation threat.
Sarah Sitbon, 47 years old, found several weeks ago that she has a tumor in her foot. A month after that it was found out that her 13 years old daugher was suffering from a tumor in her hand. "There is no doubt that it's the radiation" said the father Aviv. "So that they won't tell stories and present statistics. The fact is that people die here, and nobody does anything. What needs to be done here is Kasach [very strong word for making strong eccentric moves, eccentric war, e.g. breaking things etc] . To close the village, to blow up the antennas. Also my big daughter suffers now from headaches. It's our lives or nothing".
Sitbon family members consider to leave Zoran. They are sick of the war with the government, with Bezeq. Several familes already left. The rumors about every new cancer case move quickly. They all share the fear. Also animals are hurt from the radiation. The situation is unstandable, and one mustn't wait anymore, they say.
[Removing the antennas will probably happen not because of health issues but because of profit interest:]
Bezeq arrangement may hurry evacuation of antennas from Zoran- in favour of building thousands of flats
Haaretz 25.5.2003, Ziv Maor.
The arrangement increases the chances for removing Zoran antennas, the reason is that Bezeq will be able to prepare the land for building and put in its pocket a big sum of money. In Bezeq they say that the antennas area is the natural expansion area of Zoran and so at the end of things the farm will be evacuated, to enable building. There will be a need to find another place for the antennas, less big. In the arrangement, the rights will stay of Bezeq, but the company will have to pay permission fee of 51% from the land expansion because of change in the designation. But also after the payment Bezeq will earn hundreds of millions of dollars profit from preparing the land for buildings.
Informant: Iris Atzmon

The end of the illegal antennae
Sunday, 25 of May of 2003
The City Hall will approve in the next commission of government the demolition of various posts in an initiative that intends to put an end to all the installations that break the regulation
DEMOLITION. The antenna that stirs up the polemics in the school San Vicente of Paúl.
Dangerous antennae yes, dangerous antennae not. That disjunctive one returns to be of present time because of them you complain of the parents of the school San Vicente of Paúl in which ask that they withdraw a post that utilizes a mobile operator of phone system, and that according to them it is originating serious inconveniences in the health of its children.
The municipal answer before this polemics has been, in this occasion, unequivocal: the antenna will be demolished because lacks license and is illegal. But the surprising thing is that is not the unique one that is in the same situation. There is a whose group expedients, after to be studied, the City Hall has resolved to pass them to Commission of Government so that its dismantling be approved, according to municipal sources.
This action against the irregular antennae has its origin in the new regulatory policeman on these installations that obtained the seen good last year. A time limit was supplied so that the different businesses that make use of antennae or stations of base were put al day with regard to the new limitations that marks that new municipal order the one that contemplates the guidelines that of obliged fulfillment, set by the Department of Science and New Technology.
That period of reciclaje expired in March and from that moment proceeded to study the situation of each one of these installations. The result of this poll has carried to determine that a group of antennae it exists - the councilman of Town planning, José Fidel Saura, it did not know to say cuántas were - that in the next months will be destroyed.
The demolitions will not finish here, says Saura, because still there are pending expedients of study and remain antennae by I check.
Despite this initiative, in the air remains for knowing how did they achieve the businesses to be installed and to function during years without problems.
In this situation the one is found that has lit the alarms in the school San Vicente of Paúl. To such an extent that the passed Thursday there was a group of mothers that refused to leave its children in the school, exactly by the presence of said antenna in the immediacies. Although finally they could enter, does nobody be tranquil.
As they report the parents, the installation belongs to the business Amena and despite do not have license, carries various years raised in the same point. Is from the enlargement of the central student, with the transfer of the school San Miguel to this new building, when begins to be looked at of reojo to the antenna; more, still, when leave to the public light the death of two girls by cancer in the last three months and the illness of a third boy, that is entered.
To less than a hundred meters
The antenna is installed, according to the parents, in lands of a gas station situated in the immediacies of the school, to less than a hundred meters of the center, that is what marks the new municipal ordinance approved by the City Hall. Attending to this argument and to that does not have license, the Consistorio the reason in its petition has given them, dealt with before the town council Seat of Town planning the passed day 19, of removing the post.
One of the parents affected because preferred the anonymity, indicated that, because of this problem, the state of tension has arrived al point to be produced strong discussions among parents and member of the direction of the school although, finally, this has opted for being put available to the parents for what these desire.
All the controls of emissions carried out to the antenna have given negatives. But, nevertheless, do not they finish there the fears. As it related the same father, in the same interior installations of the school there is a transformer of average tension, al that also looks herself with certain fear.


Mothers of the San Vicente of Paúl refuse that its children go to class by a cellular antenna
Friday, 23 of May of 2003
Mothers of the San Vicente of Paúl refuse that its children go to class by an antenna
J. A. And. /CARTAGENA ImprimirEnviar
The proximity of a mobile antenna of phone system al school San Vicente of Paúl, best-known as school of the Rambla, has alarmed the parents and mothers of students, to the extent of that a group of them was denied yesterday in the morning to that its children entered to class, by fear to the radiation that said telephone installation emits.
Nevertheless, after some moments of discussion, all the students entered to class. This situation is only an example of the tension that, in the last weeks, is living himself in the center.
The Students Parents Association (APA) of the center has presented before the City Hall a formal petition so that withdraw said antenna that, according to the parents, does not have license. But this solution is not sufficient for all, because the installation continues there.
The fear enlarges when the own parents link, although without medical neither scientific any type of confirmation, the presence of the antenna with the apparition in the last months two two cases of cancer among the students of the center. The direction of the San Vicente of Paúl themselves there is available to position the parents of students, that anticipate to create a commission and to call an assembly of parents, that will take place this afternoon, at 18.00 o'clock hours, in the casino of San Antón, where the actions will be decided to adopt.
To rise to SEEK to Seek in The Truth, today newspaper Library Google + Ozú The Indicate of Murcia newspaper Library
Informant: Gotemf
Citizens' Initiative Omega
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