An adult attitude towards Enforcement Act
Ake Tyvi | 26.05.2003 13:16
What makes it so different and interesting to other Laws? How can it be used and how it is being used, and what are the possible consequences of abusing it.What makes it so different and interesting to other Laws? How can it be used and how it is being used, and what are the possible consequences of abusing it.
FINLAND - Police and Enforcement Act is build on such phrases as 'if there is any reason to doubt', '...any reason to suspect' or '...any expected reason to doubt'.
Having a law written into this from in west, would mean to western people, that paranoid policemen would suspect all citizen based on their jealous next-door neighbour's false inform.
Using this particular patter also means, that anyone suspecting to have a pink elephant sitting in his living room, would be under Exception Law privileges, and it would be legal to policemen use technical observation (i.e. technical observing and tapping) towards this person.
Like in Russia, East-Germany, North-Korea or in China, this law also means, that Police can suspect or doubt anyone they please based on any suspected reason or doubt what so ever. And Finnish Policemen are know to do their work - incorrectly.
Police is abusing authorisation and Enforcement Act privileges by placing warrants of apprehension to incorrect and innocent persons.
Usually this happens without District Court judgement and for three reasons; by placing illegal warrant to a person, Police is able to tap telephone lines and seek any crucial information on person or his business to be able to use it against citizen, secondly each government bureau and some private sector business checks Finnish Police registers when one is hiring employee, and thirdly because it is the only way to gather any information from their 'imagined' enemy.
Finnish Police is also faking criminal register content, which causes problem to international CO-operation; someone being criminal in Finland may not be the case on abroad. Our Criminal Register Data and data held in Legal Register Centre is partly false.
Anyone seeking information from Finnish Government would and will receive (i.e. is possibly receiving) false information meant for the Finnish political aims focused towards some person and his usage in Finnish policy.
Anyone trying to publish Enforcement Act content and abuse methods educated to the police and layers, are not welcome to live in Finland. These people's scientific value is round nil, when it comes down to Policemen's and Layer's education. Policemen's and Layers' education is non scientific, its content is political, it applies into a certain region and ruling only, and doesn't include a single universal fact.
In fact Layer education should return back to College in stead of having these people in Universities. Layer education without any bases to some real profession is totally meaningless in most professional cases. And if they have sc. 'experts', then at least I'ven't been able to find them yet. Experts however do exist, and there are some scientist working with a layer degree too, but it is almost impossible to explain some cops and layers what kind of cases they are able to handle.
Any nation, who says to have a freedom of word, and in which you can not even publish your own thoughts must so far from democracy. This may be one the reasons, why you are reading this article outside Finland territory.
This is the case only in Finland and circumstances vary in each nation. I'd also like to say, that I don't have anything against Policemen or Layers as long as they do their job and stop acting like crimals.
Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland
FINLAND - Police and Enforcement Act is build on such phrases as 'if there is any reason to doubt', '...any reason to suspect' or '...any expected reason to doubt'.
Having a law written into this from in west, would mean to western people, that paranoid policemen would suspect all citizen based on their jealous next-door neighbour's false inform.
Using this particular patter also means, that anyone suspecting to have a pink elephant sitting in his living room, would be under Exception Law privileges, and it would be legal to policemen use technical observation (i.e. technical observing and tapping) towards this person.
Like in Russia, East-Germany, North-Korea or in China, this law also means, that Police can suspect or doubt anyone they please based on any suspected reason or doubt what so ever. And Finnish Policemen are know to do their work - incorrectly.
Police is abusing authorisation and Enforcement Act privileges by placing warrants of apprehension to incorrect and innocent persons.
Usually this happens without District Court judgement and for three reasons; by placing illegal warrant to a person, Police is able to tap telephone lines and seek any crucial information on person or his business to be able to use it against citizen, secondly each government bureau and some private sector business checks Finnish Police registers when one is hiring employee, and thirdly because it is the only way to gather any information from their 'imagined' enemy.
Finnish Police is also faking criminal register content, which causes problem to international CO-operation; someone being criminal in Finland may not be the case on abroad. Our Criminal Register Data and data held in Legal Register Centre is partly false.
Anyone seeking information from Finnish Government would and will receive (i.e. is possibly receiving) false information meant for the Finnish political aims focused towards some person and his usage in Finnish policy.
Anyone trying to publish Enforcement Act content and abuse methods educated to the police and layers, are not welcome to live in Finland. These people's scientific value is round nil, when it comes down to Policemen's and Layer's education. Policemen's and Layers' education is non scientific, its content is political, it applies into a certain region and ruling only, and doesn't include a single universal fact.
In fact Layer education should return back to College in stead of having these people in Universities. Layer education without any bases to some real profession is totally meaningless in most professional cases. And if they have sc. 'experts', then at least I'ven't been able to find them yet. Experts however do exist, and there are some scientist working with a layer degree too, but it is almost impossible to explain some cops and layers what kind of cases they are able to handle.
Any nation, who says to have a freedom of word, and in which you can not even publish your own thoughts must so far from democracy. This may be one the reasons, why you are reading this article outside Finland territory.
This is the case only in Finland and circumstances vary in each nation. I'd also like to say, that I don't have anything against Policemen or Layers as long as they do their job and stop acting like crimals.
Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland
Ake Tyvi