European Constitution: free market compulsory
... | 26.05.2003 11:48
Despite euro-sceptic propaganda about a 'Soviet Union of Europe', the draft European Constitution is a generally right-wing document.
The revised draft has just gone on-line at
The draft Constitution specifies the values of the European Union, it is one of the first constitutions in history to define values so explicitly. Although the Pope's lobby for a reference to Christianity was politely ignored, the values are those of the conservative-liberal tradition - "...respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights."
The politics is more evident if you look at the values which are *not* included - equality, non-conformity and innovation, for instance. See the Alternative Declaration of European Values:
The draft defines the Unions objectives - which also include certain values. One objective is the imposition of a free market based on pure competition. It will no longer be possible to have any other economic system in Europe. All forms of market regulation will be unconstitutional - a victory for the neoliberal lobby:
"The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, and a single market where competition is free and undistorted."
It is true that the draft includes provisions for 'social justice', but the order implies that they are subsidiary to the objective of a free market. (This would not be the first constitution with contradictory sections).
Since the Union objectives include the 'promotion' of its values, it will be an ideological body. Conservative dogma's lsuch as 'the rule of law' will be actively promoted, without any provision for opposition or conscientious objection.
Secession or realignment of borders is apparently prohibited by section I-5, 1, which obliges the EU to respect the territorial integrity of existing states.
In effect, the draft Constitution is the announcement of a political-ideological crusade for conservative values. It is historically comparable to the Counter-Reformation, where the catholic Church tried to re-assert control over Europe after the Reformation. As such, violence will be the inevitable result. There are enough political and values conflicts in Europe, to fight 10 civil wars. It just needs one faction to announce that intends to completely enforce its values - and that is what the European Convention has done with its draft.

The draft Constitution specifies the values of the European Union, it is one of the first constitutions in history to define values so explicitly. Although the Pope's lobby for a reference to Christianity was politely ignored, the values are those of the conservative-liberal tradition - "...respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights."
The politics is more evident if you look at the values which are *not* included - equality, non-conformity and innovation, for instance. See the Alternative Declaration of European Values:

The draft defines the Unions objectives - which also include certain values. One objective is the imposition of a free market based on pure competition. It will no longer be possible to have any other economic system in Europe. All forms of market regulation will be unconstitutional - a victory for the neoliberal lobby:
"The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, and a single market where competition is free and undistorted."
It is true that the draft includes provisions for 'social justice', but the order implies that they are subsidiary to the objective of a free market. (This would not be the first constitution with contradictory sections).
Since the Union objectives include the 'promotion' of its values, it will be an ideological body. Conservative dogma's lsuch as 'the rule of law' will be actively promoted, without any provision for opposition or conscientious objection.
Secession or realignment of borders is apparently prohibited by section I-5, 1, which obliges the EU to respect the territorial integrity of existing states.
In effect, the draft Constitution is the announcement of a political-ideological crusade for conservative values. It is historically comparable to the Counter-Reformation, where the catholic Church tried to re-assert control over Europe after the Reformation. As such, violence will be the inevitable result. There are enough political and values conflicts in Europe, to fight 10 civil wars. It just needs one faction to announce that intends to completely enforce its values - and that is what the European Convention has done with its draft.
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