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Reject Nomination of the Terrorists Bush and Blair for Nobel Prize

H Paus | 25.05.2003 21:16 | Terror War

Thought you've seen it all? Harald T. Nesvik, a Right-wing Norwegian Member of Parliament, has nominated the war criminals Tony Blair and George W. Bush for the Nobel Peace Prize for their "decisive action against terrorism".

Reject this nomination by signing this petition.

H Paus
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Junior Mossad, shouldn't you be at school?

26.05.2003 17:19

Junior Mossad, shouldn't you be at school?
Junior Mossad, shouldn't you be at school?

The idea that the ISM are "fascist terrorists" is just the sort of nonsense that suits war criminal Sharon. His logic says "if you're not giving Israel billions of dollars to kill and ethnically cleanse Palestinians, build apartheid walls, or buy still more gunships - you are a terrorist".

Have the ISM blown anyone up, like Menachem Begin did when his terrorists murdered over 90 Britons in the King David Hotel?

Er, no.

Or presided over the slaughter of thousands of unarmed civilians, like Sharon has?

I don't think so.

Mossad's moronic minions are JUST like the demented thugs that supported white minority rule in South Africa - contrary to reality, they keep bleating "we are the victims".

We're not fooled.