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ISM Reports: The Latest Arrest Update

ISM Media Office (c.) | 25.05.2003 17:56


Osama Qashoo has been released. After being taken to the Tulkarem
DCO handcuffed and blindfolded, he was beaten. He didn't see his
aggressors because of the blindfolds. No interrogation took place.
He was held for over 6 hrs before his release.

Urgent Call to Action
Please help us put pressure on the Israeli authorities to release
both Mike and Matteo. Call the Ariel police station to protest this
abuse of human rights observers and to demand their unconditional
release. Please be polite in all your conversations with them.

+972-3-906-5530 (Prisoner information)
+972-3-903-5444 (General information)
+972-50-374-237 (Ariel police spokesman)

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