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Resistance is the same name that Mata Cavalo

Leonardo Gregianin | 24.05.2003 19:54

Lands conflicts in Mata Cavalo, Brazil

The lands conflict in Mata Cavalo in the locality of Nossa Senhora do Livramento (that stayed to 50 km from the Mato Grosso capital, Cuiabá), already it prolongs more of 30 years. The oversight of the State is big and the situation of the quilombolas is dangerous, already had evictions, prisoners and to conflicts armed. Gilson de Barros described the situation, "Probably, there are centuries that the black person, include been born in the place, they face the greed of the white farmers, to any title and by any way, desires occupy of the lands. Many they believe that the area is very rich, in gold, and this increase covets it of the white adventurous. The black person, descending legitimate of slaves, beyond the right of usucapião (case the lands belonged, really, to white sesmaria), healthy seen, also, as true leaseholding and holders, even if they were a matter of wasteland, or be, belonging to the State".

With 495 families, the community lives today in an area reduced stopping cultivate from the land of way that not the agriculture of subsistence guarantees him. The situation of the quilombolas is of misery and of the farmers is of racism. Piled in theirs own lands, the families decided do not expect "the help" of the State and they advance occupying other areas of the quilombo that were invaded by the farmers. Women and men have to same word in the decisions and leadership, trying that everybody has be power. The Mata Cavalo complex is constituted of seven areas of various farms: Ourinhos, Estiva, Aguaçu de Cima, Mata Cavalo, Mata Cavalo de Cima, Mutuca e Capim Verde.

In the article 68 of the Act of the Federal Transitory Constitutional Devices foresees the recognition from the possession from the land to the quilombolas that they are occupying the area remainder of the quilombos. In the state legislation, the article 33 of the Transitory Constitutional Devices of Mato Grosso, of 1989, says that the State will emit, in the term of a year, independently of be supported in complementary legislation, the titles of land to the remainders of quilombos that occupy the lands there is more of 50 years. The community Mata Cavalo was recognized like remainder of quilombo in 1999 and received the title of domain of 11.722 hec of land in July from 2000 from the Cultural Foundation Palmares, that is part of the Department Federal from the Culture. Alone in Mato Grosso more of 20 remaining communities they are in trial of recognition.

In the August 20 of 2002, the farmer Ideberto Martins delivered a letter, personally, in the cabinet of the governor Rogério Salles, affirming that, "Already contact several farmers from the region that do not comply with this farce of quilombo to me help to put on the to run. If there are deaths, the fault will be of the government, that does not solve the problem". The letter said that the term for the quilombolas they will expropriate the areas was of to day the August 31.

The National Union of the Educational of the Upper Education (ANDES) promoted, in the days August 31 and September 1st, a vigil in the quilombo Mata Cavalo, in the programming were debates about occupation of lands in Mato Grosso, sample of short metragens, cultural presentations and the launching of the plebiscite against the FTAA in Mato Grosso. The director from the Association of the Educational from the UFMT, Vinícius Axe, affirmed, "Calling the popular movements it surround the area and guarantee the integrity physics of this community, symbol from the resistance from the black culture in the State. The vigil is a test of the force and from the union of the social movements of Mato Grosso", beyond the ANDES, also they participated from the vigil representatives of the Union of the Workers from the Education in MT (Sintep), Movement of the Rural Workers Without Land (MST/MT), beyond students and activists. The farmer spoke, spoke, but he had not reaction facing the resistance.

In the morning of the May 21 of 2003, polices invaded the Quilombo to fulfill the judicial order sent off by the judges Marcos José Siqueira and Teomaro Corrêa for reintegration of possession of two farms. They were evacuated 35 families and a quilombola was prisoner by disobedience. After all the oppression, "competent authorities" as the minister Matilde Ribeiro, from the Special Office of the secretary of Politics from the Racial Promotion of Equality, the government Blairo Maggi, Federal representative Carlos Abicalil (PT/MT) and senator Serys Slhessarenko (PT/MT), they go to the quilombo do inspection and unite with the federal minister from the Justice, Márcio Thomaz Bastos.

While farmers they use the strategems of the power to justify its invasions, evictions, weapons, autority, burns of home and of plantations, the own State acts with the oversight. The government is not the solution of the problem, the government is the problem.

Leonardo Gregianin
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