Citizens' Initiative Omega | 24.05.2003 19:48
Adey papers on web site - National League Endorses Legislation - FCC may fine carrier for site violation - Appeals court pushes brain cancer suit to September - Public-safety interference resolution likely drawn out - Effects of the EMF - Notes of Cyril Smith - Showing Videos in Berkeley, California - Recent planetary system interfaces
Adey papers on web site
New postings on our Research Page -
http://www.emrnetwork.org/research/research.htm Two new articles from EMF Researcher W. Ross Adey, M.D., Distinguished Professor of Physiology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, will be published in upcoming issues of International Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Third Edition; B. Smith and G. Adelman, editors. Elsevier, New York.
"Electromagnetic fields, the modulation of brain tissue functions - A possible paradigm shift in biology." and
"Brain interactions with RF/microwave fields generated by mobile phones."
National League Endorses Legislation
FCC may fine carrier for site violation
May 19, 2003
WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission has proposed fining a carrier for building a tower without seeking the proper authorization. The FCC wants to fine Western Wireless Corp. $200,000 for constructing
and continuing to operate a 180-foot tower in Medora, N.D., on a ridge overlooking a historic area.
The proposed fine-known as a notice of apparent liability-is the first time the FCC has enforced its historic preservation environmental rules. "Enforcement action, where necessary, will be an integral part of this approach as demonstrated by our action today," said FCC Chairman Michael
Powell, referring to his recently announced environmental action plan.
In addition to the proposed monetary fine, the FCC also warned Western that it must either stop operating the tower or bring the tower into compliance within 30 days. Finally, Western must file an environmental assessment.
The tower in question is a "visual intrusion" on the Chateau de Mores State Historic Site, the de Mores Packing Plant State Historic Site, the Theodore Roosevelt Maltese Cross Cabin and the Peaceful Valley Ranch, Michael Simonson told the FCC in 1999. Simonson is the review & compliance coordinator for the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
The tower was built without getting the necessary FCC approval, said the agency. The FCC has tried to work informally with Western and the State Historical Society of North Dakota all to no avail. "We are currently reviewing the NAL and look forward to resolving this matter at the FCC. We are confident that our actions and continuing
service to the public is consistent with existing environmental regulations and with the public interest," said Gene Dejordy, Western's vice president of regulatory affairs.
In other tower news, a federal appeals court heard more on towers vs. birds. The FCC is better suited to determine the cumulative impact of towers on migratory birds than individual licensees, the Forest Conservation Council, the Friends of the Earth and the American Bird Conservancy told a federal appeals court last week.
"The FCC-not applicants for individual towers who now prepare [environmental assessments]-is best suited to assess the cumulative impact of the tens of thousands of towers registered and soon to be registered," said the groups in a filing at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The groups are trying to have the D.C. Circuit force the FCC to undertake an environmental impact statement on whether migratory birds are killed by flying into towers.
The research is not conclusive as to whether the towers kill the birds by the birds flying into them or whether the lighting-required under Federal Aviation Administration rules-for towers over 200 feet attracts and then confuses the birds.
The groups were not impressed by a notice of proposed rule making. "The FCC persists in its refusal to comply with (certain laws). Instead it proposes an amorphous undefined, and yet to be issued `Notice of Inquiry' and to `clarify' the ESA's consultation process-a process used daily by numerous agencies. It seeks to justify this continuing
violation of (the law) by arguing that it is under no deadline, that scientific uncertainty prevents compliance and that it has more important priorities. These arguments have no merit. In the meantime, communications towers would continue to proliferate at a breakneck pace," said the groups.
Appeals court pushes brain cancer suit to September
May 21, 2003 1:11 PM EST
WASHINGTON-The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rescheduled for late September oral argument in the $800 million brain cancer suit against Motorola Inc. and others. U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake of Baltimore dismissed the lawsuit last fall. Oral argument in Christopher Newmans appeal was to have taken place next month. The court gave no reason for the change.
The 4th Circuit, located in Richmond, Va., also is handling the appeal of five health-related, class-action lawsuits against the mobile-phone industry that Blake threw out in March.
Public-safety interference resolution likely drawn out
May 20, 2003 12:27 PM EST
ARLINGTON, Va.-It will probably take the Federal Communications Commission until the end of the year to decide what to do about public-safety interference in the 800 MHz band, said Jill Lyon, general counsel for the United Telecom Council.
If Lyons prediction is correct, it will mean that FCC will have wrestled with the thorny 800 MHz issue for more than two years, even after saying that it was on a fast track. Lyon made her comments during a regulatory issues panel at the annual conference of the National Spectrum Managers
Association on Tuesday.
The latest wrinkle is that Motorola Inc. recently said interference problems can be solved by technical modifications. This is an approach favored by Lyon's group of utilities and most mobile-phone carriers.
Nextel Communications Inc. and public-safety groups have expressed concern regarding the Motorola proposal.
Entire contents © 2003 Crain Communications, Inc.
Messages from Janet Newton, President The EMR Network
Effects of the EMF
I have some cell culture microscopic photos, before the exposure and after the exposure of the EMF in the certain specific parameters: I think, if you are agree, it can be a good demonstration for to people, who like to see effects of the EMF by their eyes. If you want to publish, please inform me. For publishing there is no problem, because, owner of the microscopic photos are mine. I had this microscopic photos, when I was working in the lab of the University of Hannover.
With my best regards.
Omega: see:
The notes of Cyril Smith on the topic An "Alternative Medicine"...
See the notes of Cyril Smith on the topic An "Alternative Medicine" View of Mobile Phones from EMF-Omega-News from yesterday under
Showing Videos in Berkeley, California
Dear Fellows:
It appears that people are getting so attached to their cell phones that they have no concern of the possible health hazards of these devices or base station antennas. Many do not even know what base station antennas are.
In order to educate the public, we have decided to show several excellent videos in Berkeley, California in the next two weeks. One video is by a group in San Francisco, called SNAFU, which defeated Sprint in 2002. Now, they have a video called "Bad Reception" that shows their struggle in keeping Sprint out of their neighborhood. Also, we will show two videos by Libby Kelley.
The videos will be shown in Berkeley. The schedule and locations are posted below. Of course, you folks are quite knowledgeable about radio frequency devices, but if you are in town, please join us. These videos are must see.
Main Albany Public Library, Edith Stein Room
Free Parking
Saturday, May 31st, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
YogaKula Studio
1700 Shattuck Avenue (Upstairs), on the corner of Shattuck and Virginia Sunday, June 1st, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Fertile Grounds Cafe
1796 Shattuck Avenue
Wednesday, June 4th, 7:00 - 8:30 PM (Coffee is on us!)
Elephant Pharmacy
On the corner of Shattuck and Cedar
Sunday, June 8th, 4:30 - 6:00 PM
Message from Radi
Recent planetary system interfaces
You may find these recent astrophysical and planetary images quite thought provoking. Also, the notes on the Tesla tower/ionosphere interface do not seem, however, to correspond to what Dr. Nikola Tesla left as documentation - but are, nevertheless suggestive.
Andrew Michrowski
New postings on our Research Page -

"Electromagnetic fields, the modulation of brain tissue functions - A possible paradigm shift in biology." and
"Brain interactions with RF/microwave fields generated by mobile phones."
National League Endorses Legislation

FCC may fine carrier for site violation
May 19, 2003
WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission has proposed fining a carrier for building a tower without seeking the proper authorization. The FCC wants to fine Western Wireless Corp. $200,000 for constructing
and continuing to operate a 180-foot tower in Medora, N.D., on a ridge overlooking a historic area.
The proposed fine-known as a notice of apparent liability-is the first time the FCC has enforced its historic preservation environmental rules. "Enforcement action, where necessary, will be an integral part of this approach as demonstrated by our action today," said FCC Chairman Michael
Powell, referring to his recently announced environmental action plan.
In addition to the proposed monetary fine, the FCC also warned Western that it must either stop operating the tower or bring the tower into compliance within 30 days. Finally, Western must file an environmental assessment.
The tower in question is a "visual intrusion" on the Chateau de Mores State Historic Site, the de Mores Packing Plant State Historic Site, the Theodore Roosevelt Maltese Cross Cabin and the Peaceful Valley Ranch, Michael Simonson told the FCC in 1999. Simonson is the review & compliance coordinator for the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
The tower was built without getting the necessary FCC approval, said the agency. The FCC has tried to work informally with Western and the State Historical Society of North Dakota all to no avail. "We are currently reviewing the NAL and look forward to resolving this matter at the FCC. We are confident that our actions and continuing
service to the public is consistent with existing environmental regulations and with the public interest," said Gene Dejordy, Western's vice president of regulatory affairs.
In other tower news, a federal appeals court heard more on towers vs. birds. The FCC is better suited to determine the cumulative impact of towers on migratory birds than individual licensees, the Forest Conservation Council, the Friends of the Earth and the American Bird Conservancy told a federal appeals court last week.
"The FCC-not applicants for individual towers who now prepare [environmental assessments]-is best suited to assess the cumulative impact of the tens of thousands of towers registered and soon to be registered," said the groups in a filing at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The groups are trying to have the D.C. Circuit force the FCC to undertake an environmental impact statement on whether migratory birds are killed by flying into towers.
The research is not conclusive as to whether the towers kill the birds by the birds flying into them or whether the lighting-required under Federal Aviation Administration rules-for towers over 200 feet attracts and then confuses the birds.
The groups were not impressed by a notice of proposed rule making. "The FCC persists in its refusal to comply with (certain laws). Instead it proposes an amorphous undefined, and yet to be issued `Notice of Inquiry' and to `clarify' the ESA's consultation process-a process used daily by numerous agencies. It seeks to justify this continuing
violation of (the law) by arguing that it is under no deadline, that scientific uncertainty prevents compliance and that it has more important priorities. These arguments have no merit. In the meantime, communications towers would continue to proliferate at a breakneck pace," said the groups.
Appeals court pushes brain cancer suit to September
May 21, 2003 1:11 PM EST
WASHINGTON-The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rescheduled for late September oral argument in the $800 million brain cancer suit against Motorola Inc. and others. U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake of Baltimore dismissed the lawsuit last fall. Oral argument in Christopher Newmans appeal was to have taken place next month. The court gave no reason for the change.
The 4th Circuit, located in Richmond, Va., also is handling the appeal of five health-related, class-action lawsuits against the mobile-phone industry that Blake threw out in March.
Public-safety interference resolution likely drawn out
May 20, 2003 12:27 PM EST
ARLINGTON, Va.-It will probably take the Federal Communications Commission until the end of the year to decide what to do about public-safety interference in the 800 MHz band, said Jill Lyon, general counsel for the United Telecom Council.
If Lyons prediction is correct, it will mean that FCC will have wrestled with the thorny 800 MHz issue for more than two years, even after saying that it was on a fast track. Lyon made her comments during a regulatory issues panel at the annual conference of the National Spectrum Managers
Association on Tuesday.
The latest wrinkle is that Motorola Inc. recently said interference problems can be solved by technical modifications. This is an approach favored by Lyon's group of utilities and most mobile-phone carriers.
Nextel Communications Inc. and public-safety groups have expressed concern regarding the Motorola proposal.
Entire contents © 2003 Crain Communications, Inc.
Messages from Janet Newton, President The EMR Network
Effects of the EMF
I have some cell culture microscopic photos, before the exposure and after the exposure of the EMF in the certain specific parameters: I think, if you are agree, it can be a good demonstration for to people, who like to see effects of the EMF by their eyes. If you want to publish, please inform me. For publishing there is no problem, because, owner of the microscopic photos are mine. I had this microscopic photos, when I was working in the lab of the University of Hannover.
With my best regards.
Omega: see:

The notes of Cyril Smith on the topic An "Alternative Medicine"...
See the notes of Cyril Smith on the topic An "Alternative Medicine" View of Mobile Phones from EMF-Omega-News from yesterday under

Showing Videos in Berkeley, California
Dear Fellows:
It appears that people are getting so attached to their cell phones that they have no concern of the possible health hazards of these devices or base station antennas. Many do not even know what base station antennas are.
In order to educate the public, we have decided to show several excellent videos in Berkeley, California in the next two weeks. One video is by a group in San Francisco, called SNAFU, which defeated Sprint in 2002. Now, they have a video called "Bad Reception" that shows their struggle in keeping Sprint out of their neighborhood. Also, we will show two videos by Libby Kelley.
The videos will be shown in Berkeley. The schedule and locations are posted below. Of course, you folks are quite knowledgeable about radio frequency devices, but if you are in town, please join us. These videos are must see.
Main Albany Public Library, Edith Stein Room
Free Parking
Saturday, May 31st, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
YogaKula Studio
1700 Shattuck Avenue (Upstairs), on the corner of Shattuck and Virginia Sunday, June 1st, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Fertile Grounds Cafe
1796 Shattuck Avenue
Wednesday, June 4th, 7:00 - 8:30 PM (Coffee is on us!)
Elephant Pharmacy
On the corner of Shattuck and Cedar
Sunday, June 8th, 4:30 - 6:00 PM
Message from Radi
Recent planetary system interfaces

You may find these recent astrophysical and planetary images quite thought provoking. Also, the notes on the Tesla tower/ionosphere interface do not seem, however, to correspond to what Dr. Nikola Tesla left as documentation - but are, nevertheless suggestive.
Andrew Michrowski
Citizens' Initiative Omega