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30/5 geneva: wipe out IOM, WTO and WIPO

f | 22.05.2003 09:39

pre-g8 demos

30/5 geneva: wipe out IOM, WTO and WIPO

Call for a demonstration on May 30th in Geneva - Start: 11.A.M. near the railway station (watch out for more infos)

20.May.03 - In the days preceding the mass protests of June 1st against the G8, we hope thousands of people will converge in the region in order to take part in the camps, conferences, workshops and help prepare the large demonstration and mass civil disobedience of June 1st.

In the framework of these activities we call for a demonstration in the "institutional quarter" of Geneva on Friday May 30th. Our intention is to politically express our fundamental criticism of capitalist development and our clear rejection of more and more transnational instruments of exploitation, control and exclusion.

Freedom of movement is our demand when we gather in front of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), an intergovernmental institution, which claims the leadership in socalled "global migration managment", which means to combine programmes of deportation and internment of migrants, the destruction of flightroutes and recruitment-projects for cheap labourforces.

At the World Trade Organisation (WTO), we will "reject the idea that so called "free" trade creates employment and increases welfare, and the assumption that it can contribute to the alleviation of poverty. But we will also very clearly
reject the alternative of a stronger national capitalism and authoritarian state to take over central control from corporations. Our struggles aim at taking back control of the means of production from the hands of both transnational and national capital, in order to create free, sustainable and community-controlled livelihoods, with equal rights and opportunities for women and men, based on solidarity and people's needs and not on exploitation and greed."

Freedom of communication will be our slogan as we'll face the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). What is recently known as "information society" appears as a wave of expansionist intellectual property laws. Companies are able to exercise biopolitical control that takes to new extremes the tendency of liberating capital by restricting individual and collective freedom and rights - even the right to life itself.

IOM, WTO and WIPO symbolize three central pillars of global governance and the three combined demonstrations in front of their respective headquarters will highlight this context.

We refuse and reject both capitalist exploitation and racist exclusion, border managment and digital rights managment, restrictions of freedom of movement and constraints of the freedom of communication. This demonstration will be a further step to strengthen an interconnected struggle of anticapitalist and anti-racist movements, of net activists and free access campaigns to shape a global movement of movements.

The character of the demonstration will be selfdetermined in its contents, but peaceful in its running. We will be coloured and noisy, but we will avoid any confrontations with the police. We will accuse the transnational agencies and maintain our daily and longterm struggle against them. But we will not occupy or´attack their barrickaded buildings. Two days before the beginning of the G8 summit and the announced mass protests we do not want to give the police a pretext to start a dynamic of repression and play their logic of war.

In the evening before the demonstration, on Thursday May 29th, there will be a public information event and debate about our approach and the topics mentioned. It will take place in L'Usine, place des volontaires, Geneva.
- with Frank Düvell from the anti-racists office in Bremen, related to the noborder network, about the global migration-regime;
- hopefully with somebody from anti-wto-struggles...;
- with Alan Toner from Autonomedia about the demand for freedom of communication.

L'usine will be the indymedia center during the days of protest and will offer a livestreaming of this event in the camps in Annemasse and out to the world. In addition to that a new video film about the role and function of the IOM will be presented in the camps and in other public spaces in Geneva.

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