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Brit RIR officer toff investiaged for war misconduct

GI Jones | 21.05.2003 21:10

Brit RIR officer and gentelman toff Timothy Collins is under military investigation after US officers allegations of brutality and unsporting sadistic bullying of Iraqi civillains.

US officers and soldiers who served alongside blundering buffon 'nice but dim tim collins', have alleged that toff timothy put the boot into cowering Iraqi deserters and had great fun pistol whipping iraqi civillians and shooting wildly at passing Iraqi civillians. Kind American soldiers were clearly disgusted and appalled at RIR toff timothy's wanton displays of unsporting behaviour towards Iraqi civillians they were supposed to 'liberating'. At least us yanks had the discipline and empathy to treat the liberated iraqi citizens with respect and courtesy, unlike stuck up toff RIR officer Tim who saw the liberation of Iraqis as just another chance to degrade and belittle a people who've suffered so much 'talk about kicking a man when he's down', officer Tim's misbehaviour and lack of self control gave new meaning to this phrase.

GI Jones


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of course ....

21.05.2003 21:18

I'd forgotten how nice and kind and gentle and empathic these American soldiers are ... thanks for the reminder!


RIR dustbin of brit army

21.05.2003 21:19

So thats why the brits had to leave Basra so suddenly. Thank god for the integrity of Americans soldiers who alerted those in control about Officer Collin's disgraceful behaviour. The RIR are the dustbin of the brit army, other british army divisions hate them, because they take on all manner of scum/losers/druggies/peadophiles/ that aren't tolerated in the mainstream brit army, the real brit army. Thats why they're based in northern ireland in the arsehole of nowhere, we wouldn't have scum like that near the regular brit army, to contaminate us.


I hear

22.05.2003 00:21

the sound of axes grinding.


Depends if we like him

22.05.2003 07:39

Ok listen everyone how can we critisise this guy and make it sound like he's already been proven guilty, make WILD accusations about him enjoying pistol whipping people without sounding like hypocrites because we wanted George Galloway to be innocent before proven guilty. I'm stumped as to how we can do it. Sod it lets just presume he's guilty only certain people have the right to be presumed innocent till proven guilty. Can this false post be removed please, it contains innacurate statements which are not based on fact?

MOD Spokesman


22.05.2003 09:50

Unfounded accusations? He was a soldier - an officer even - taking part in an illegal and unprovoked invasion. He deserves everything that's coming to him, as do all of the soldiers who are now facing a life of Gulf War Syndrome. No sympathy for the hired murderers.


what else do you expect a chappie to do

22.05.2003 20:14

Golly Gosh, poor old Timothy. To understand Timmy's behaviour we must examine the context and circumstances which gave rise to his violent outbursts. During operation Zulu towelheads, Timmy was merely showing off to impress both his rabble and disobedient natives, with his mistimed acts of binky old boy bravado and bullying. Timmy was trying to prove he was Mr big bossman white desert masser, to the natives and also to the low bred rabble he was in charge of. Also we must take into consideration Timothy was away from his little lady wife, so it was lucky the natives were there to take the regular beatings, instead of Timmy's horsy faced wife.