The Liar in Speech, The Bush Lesion Begins to Pus
Lloyd Hart | 21.05.2003 19:09
Just as George Bush and his criminal gang stole election 2000 by committing high crimes and misdemeanors, today the commander and thief in his speech before the Coast Guard commencement class attempted to steal the real answer to "Why do they hate us?".
The Liar in Speech, The Bush Lesion Begins to Pus
By Lloyd Hart
Just as George Bush and his criminal gang stole election 2000 by committing high crimes and misdemeanors, today the commander and thief in his speech before the Coast Guard commencement class attempted to steal the real answer to "Why do they hate us?". As George Bush continued the Carl Rove doublespeak practice of referring to bald faced U.S. Military imperialism as bringing liberty to the world, Bush speak took a leap to new heights of absurdity. While claiming that Europe, Japan and Canada have good intentions but no substance in the global fight against AIDS Bush pulled out the $15 billion AIDS scam bill that just whimpered out of Congress as if he were attempting to prove that his penis was bigger than the rest of the world's and making as if the Bush regime were filling a giant vacuum of lack of leadership in the global fight against AIDS.
The reality is the Bush regime is committing a grand theft larceny that rivals the theft of election 2000, Iraqi oil and the global moral high ground combined. There was not one mention in Bush's speech today of the U.N. Global fund to fight AIDS which embarrassed the Bush regime last year for America's historical and probable racist lack of commitment to fight the disease. If you read the fine print in the AIDS scam bill you'll find out that a special administrator (sounds like a great job for Otto Reich) will be appointed by the president to distribute the funds and in fact the U.N. Global Fund to fight AIDS will more than likely not see very much money from the U.S. AIDS scam bill if any at all. And of course the corporate media have completely avoided telling the general public in the U.S. that one-third of the funds in the AIDS scam bill are to be used to teach abstinence. Because amendments were defeated in the senate that would have improved the House version of the bill including one to automatically release funds to the U.N. global fund to fight AIDS from the U.S. AIDS scam bill it is very clear, coupled with Bush's speech today that the U.S. AIDS scam bill is intended to sideline the U.N. Global fund to fight AIDS putting the U.S. administrator appointed by Bush in the defacto global driver's seat.
By the Bush regime attempting to steal the leadership and administrative roll of the global fight against AIDS from the UN it can only look to the rest of the world as though the Bush regime is really planning to subsidize Christian fundamentalist aid workers in Africa and the Caribbean with the abstinence funds as well as U.S. pharmaceutical companies with the greater the part of the U.S. AIDS scam bill who will deliver the toxic drugs that will finish off those already infected with HIV in Africa and the Caribbean. The other more glaring issue the Bush regime risks exposure to by taking this position is that the Bush regime is really attempting to co-opt the global fight against AIDS to consolidate the diseases use as a population thinning device. Many researchers believe the AIDS came out of a U.S. program called the U.S. Special Virus Program of which the man who attempted to steal the discovery of HIV from the French researchers who really discovered it, Dr. Gallo, was apparently a part of for great number of years. Not to mention the fact the former CIA World Commander John Stockwell in 1989 on C-SPAN told the American public that he was briefed about a lethal disease the CIA was spreading amongst the gay community of San Francisco in 1979 and of course the fact that the AIDS pandemic pathology of, first in America then in Africa, first in gays in America then in African-Americans makes absolutely no sense. So the Bush regime by initiating an imperialist grab of all the marbles in the global fight against AIDS is simply creating more reasons for the rest of the world to hate America, not less.
Things got even more twisted when Bush blamed Europe for starvation in Africa because Europe will not allow genetically engineered food into its market therefore freezing genetically engineered crops that Bush claimed would end hunger in Africa from being excepted in Africa for fear of Africa losing the European market. By Bush blaming Europe for the reason they hate us nearly liquefied my brain with rage. Not once did Bush mentioned the need for land reform in Africa nor the fact that most of the prime farmland is taken up by American and European multinational corporations who drain aquifers to irrigate massive coffee, tobacco and peanut crops etc. while at the same time utilizing massive amounts of child labor to harvest crops and utilizing illegal pesticides and herbicides that these child laborers are covered in from head to toe. . By Bush claiming that our security is tied to genetically engineered crops being grown in so-called developing nations and that these genetically engineered crops will help feed the poor the Bush regime might as well have been the Firestone tire salesman that claimed the Firestone tire was safe. Genetically engineered crops are patented mostly by U.S. based multinational corporations like Monsanto who is out $6 billion in Research Capital. Companies like Monsanto are going to require farmers to buy their seed from Monsanto. As an example, the patent holder who will not allow the farmer to use part of his harvest as next year's seed for crop as farmers normally do. This monopolistic imperialist practice of crops patents and seed purchase contracts will do exactly the opposite of the Bush regimes' claim today that genetically engineered food will save the starving of the world as it increases the very cost of the production of food by forcing the farmer to buy all his seed requirements every year.
I guess internal polling numbers in the Bush regime must be showing that the American public is finally coming out of the fog of 911 and understands a great deal about why the rest of the world despises American imperialism otherwise why would the Bush regime change its rhetoric from "they hate us because we're free" to todays "they hate us because they're starving and they have AIDS". Of course this didn't deter Bush from intimating that Europe and Canada are the reason that AIDS and poverty and despotic regimes exist and that only American ingenuity and Liberty and genetically modified crops could save the world. But this is part of a pattern and practice of propaganda that right wing America and America's imperialist predecessors have always utilized and that is the practice of blaming your enemy for exactly what it is you are doing yourself, deflecting the public that you rule over and their attention away from your blatant practice of imperialist rule.
George Bush looked absolutely ludicrous attempting to stretch the bounds of reality to match the regime's imperialist intent in the world but with Senator Bob Graham the key man in the congressional investigation into 911 accusing the Bush regime of a cover-up surrounding the Bush regime's failure to act on warnings from just about every nation in the Middle East and the rest of the world including Israel. Failed to act on direct to the President briefings from the CIA and FBI concerning massive hijackings within the United States weeks prior to 911. The Bush regime felt it necessary to increase the terror alert and get up there today in front of the Coast Guard graduates and make as if the U.S. had nothing do with creating poverty in the Third World, and nothing to do with the spread of AIDS in Africa while we drink the Nescafe Africa's children pick for us for starvation wages and nothing to do with arming Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction that the U.S. wanted Saddam to use against the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war to prevent the Iranians from taking the southern Iraq oil fields and uniting the Shiites.
George Bush, you are the biggest liar the American and the world public has ever seen.
Economic Sanctions Against the U.S.
Dead and Wounded Iraqi Civilians
By Lloyd Hart
Just as George Bush and his criminal gang stole election 2000 by committing high crimes and misdemeanors, today the commander and thief in his speech before the Coast Guard commencement class attempted to steal the real answer to "Why do they hate us?". As George Bush continued the Carl Rove doublespeak practice of referring to bald faced U.S. Military imperialism as bringing liberty to the world, Bush speak took a leap to new heights of absurdity. While claiming that Europe, Japan and Canada have good intentions but no substance in the global fight against AIDS Bush pulled out the $15 billion AIDS scam bill that just whimpered out of Congress as if he were attempting to prove that his penis was bigger than the rest of the world's and making as if the Bush regime were filling a giant vacuum of lack of leadership in the global fight against AIDS.
The reality is the Bush regime is committing a grand theft larceny that rivals the theft of election 2000, Iraqi oil and the global moral high ground combined. There was not one mention in Bush's speech today of the U.N. Global fund to fight AIDS which embarrassed the Bush regime last year for America's historical and probable racist lack of commitment to fight the disease. If you read the fine print in the AIDS scam bill you'll find out that a special administrator (sounds like a great job for Otto Reich) will be appointed by the president to distribute the funds and in fact the U.N. Global Fund to fight AIDS will more than likely not see very much money from the U.S. AIDS scam bill if any at all. And of course the corporate media have completely avoided telling the general public in the U.S. that one-third of the funds in the AIDS scam bill are to be used to teach abstinence. Because amendments were defeated in the senate that would have improved the House version of the bill including one to automatically release funds to the U.N. global fund to fight AIDS from the U.S. AIDS scam bill it is very clear, coupled with Bush's speech today that the U.S. AIDS scam bill is intended to sideline the U.N. Global fund to fight AIDS putting the U.S. administrator appointed by Bush in the defacto global driver's seat.
By the Bush regime attempting to steal the leadership and administrative roll of the global fight against AIDS from the UN it can only look to the rest of the world as though the Bush regime is really planning to subsidize Christian fundamentalist aid workers in Africa and the Caribbean with the abstinence funds as well as U.S. pharmaceutical companies with the greater the part of the U.S. AIDS scam bill who will deliver the toxic drugs that will finish off those already infected with HIV in Africa and the Caribbean. The other more glaring issue the Bush regime risks exposure to by taking this position is that the Bush regime is really attempting to co-opt the global fight against AIDS to consolidate the diseases use as a population thinning device. Many researchers believe the AIDS came out of a U.S. program called the U.S. Special Virus Program of which the man who attempted to steal the discovery of HIV from the French researchers who really discovered it, Dr. Gallo, was apparently a part of for great number of years. Not to mention the fact the former CIA World Commander John Stockwell in 1989 on C-SPAN told the American public that he was briefed about a lethal disease the CIA was spreading amongst the gay community of San Francisco in 1979 and of course the fact that the AIDS pandemic pathology of, first in America then in Africa, first in gays in America then in African-Americans makes absolutely no sense. So the Bush regime by initiating an imperialist grab of all the marbles in the global fight against AIDS is simply creating more reasons for the rest of the world to hate America, not less.
Things got even more twisted when Bush blamed Europe for starvation in Africa because Europe will not allow genetically engineered food into its market therefore freezing genetically engineered crops that Bush claimed would end hunger in Africa from being excepted in Africa for fear of Africa losing the European market. By Bush blaming Europe for the reason they hate us nearly liquefied my brain with rage. Not once did Bush mentioned the need for land reform in Africa nor the fact that most of the prime farmland is taken up by American and European multinational corporations who drain aquifers to irrigate massive coffee, tobacco and peanut crops etc. while at the same time utilizing massive amounts of child labor to harvest crops and utilizing illegal pesticides and herbicides that these child laborers are covered in from head to toe.

I guess internal polling numbers in the Bush regime must be showing that the American public is finally coming out of the fog of 911 and understands a great deal about why the rest of the world despises American imperialism otherwise why would the Bush regime change its rhetoric from "they hate us because we're free" to todays "they hate us because they're starving and they have AIDS". Of course this didn't deter Bush from intimating that Europe and Canada are the reason that AIDS and poverty and despotic regimes exist and that only American ingenuity and Liberty and genetically modified crops could save the world. But this is part of a pattern and practice of propaganda that right wing America and America's imperialist predecessors have always utilized and that is the practice of blaming your enemy for exactly what it is you are doing yourself, deflecting the public that you rule over and their attention away from your blatant practice of imperialist rule.
George Bush looked absolutely ludicrous attempting to stretch the bounds of reality to match the regime's imperialist intent in the world but with Senator Bob Graham the key man in the congressional investigation into 911 accusing the Bush regime of a cover-up surrounding the Bush regime's failure to act on warnings from just about every nation in the Middle East and the rest of the world including Israel. Failed to act on direct to the President briefings from the CIA and FBI concerning massive hijackings within the United States weeks prior to 911. The Bush regime felt it necessary to increase the terror alert and get up there today in front of the Coast Guard graduates and make as if the U.S. had nothing do with creating poverty in the Third World, and nothing to do with the spread of AIDS in Africa while we drink the Nescafe Africa's children pick for us for starvation wages and nothing to do with arming Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction that the U.S. wanted Saddam to use against the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war to prevent the Iranians from taking the southern Iraq oil fields and uniting the Shiites.
George Bush, you are the biggest liar the American and the world public has ever seen.
Economic Sanctions Against the U.S.

Dead and Wounded Iraqi Civilians

Lloyd Hart
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