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Those Dam Students

Rasta4i's | 20.05.2003 16:39

A protest was heald by the Union of Students in Ireland outside the department of Transport today to show their anger at the intraduction of fees for collage places. As we stood in the rain I asked the students their views of the issue

A protest was heald by the Union of Students in Ireland outside the department of Transport today to show their anger at the intraduction of fees for collage places. As we stood in the rain I asked the students their views of the issue



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20.05.2003 19:41

Can't students spell these days? Perhaps if you spent less time on wanky "acivism" and more on actually studying you wouldn't make such gross errors as collage, dam, intraduction and heald.

Student Grant

Get with the times, grandad

20.05.2003 23:11

OK Mr. Arsey - ever considered English might not be the first language of the contributor, or the contributor might be dyslexic?

If you think any students these days laze around while the poor taxpayer is wrung dry to pay for their beer, you're very sadly wrong. Students from rich families might be able to afford to piss their studies away, but they don't get any money from the taxpayer.

The rest of us have to live in accommodation the government considers unfit to house asylum seekers (and the govt. are hardly spoiling them, are they?) and find enought time to study in between minimum wage shifts.

Don't feel sorry for us, do stop the bitter, unfounded sniping.

Mr Whippy