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Demonstrate at "buy land in Israel" Exhibition

JB | 20.05.2003 10:17

No Platform for supporters of the Occupation of Palestine!

10:30 Sunday June 1st at the Marriott Hotel in Swiss Cottage London
Please pass on details to anyone and everyone so we can disrupt or blockade this event

the event itself starts at 11am and finishes at 6pm but hopefully wont take place at all if we can manage it...

the letter advertising the event says:
" there has never been a better time to buy"

tickets cost £5 if anyone fancy getting in :0)

Pretty sick huh?!

can't make it to the demo? why not call the Zionist Federation on 020 8343 9756 and tell them what you think or e-mail them on

End the Occupation!!!!!!!!!!



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20.05.2003 10:46

If the land is not in the Occupied Territorites will you still protest, or do you believe that all of Israel is occupied. And why not actually buy the land and give it to Palestinians? Muslims control most of the world's oil wealth - it should be easy for them to scrape up the money to buy the land.



20.05.2003 11:18

Of course the land is in the Occupied Territories you nitpicking prannet - there's no room left in Israel proper, that's why they insist on building illegal settlements all over Palestine.

As for your privatised solution - piss off. Its no substitute for Palestinian self-determination and Israel honouring the squillions of UN resolutions telling it to get behind its pre-1967 borders.

And do you really think that Sharon's mob would let some dodgy consortium of oil sheikhs buy huge swathes of Israel anyway? Do you?

Grow up and stop supporting the wrong side.



20.05.2003 11:57

I could not believe the title of the upcoming exhibition at the Marriott Hotel in Swiss Cottage London - "buy land in israel".
This is just as sick as Hitler using the hair of your people for german's pillows, if not even worse, cos the world today is aware of the atrocities Israel is committing in the occupied territories of Palestine.
I dare say, you might struggle to crush the palestinian resistance and roll over kids with your bulldozers, but -
jeeziz, the world HATES you and your american friends.
Don't believe me?
Visit the jewish gymnasium in Grosse Hamburger Strasse in Berlin and see the policemen watching it day and night and the parents, who have to pick their kids up every day.
shame on Israel
shame on jewish people


shame indeed

20.05.2003 12:56

shame indeed. but when the shit hits it won't be rich jews that pick up the tab it will be the poor as usual .
I guess it's easy to say "hey look whats happening are you blind are you ignorant" while most people in the UK read newspapers like the sun and live half their lives in soap opera's .. at some time or other it will all come on top and
the poor will be delighted to pick up the bill ..
reminds me of John Cleese as Robin Hood ..

sticker dude

What a big con!!!!!!!

20.05.2003 13:48

I was in Israel only a few days ago and the place was literally deserted - no tourists, nobody, zilch. Hotels, restaurants etc empty. In Eilat some hotels give their staff 6 months leave (forever).

And whoever is left there wants to leave like yesterday. And those who can have already buggered off to Australia, Canada etc.

Now why is there this "buy land in Israel" thing going on? Those wanting out wanting to get the max out of land they don't really own???

And why was I there? I used to live there but with all the truth of the occupation, the sheer embarrassment and indignation I feel of the genocides by the Israeli government, I have a good choice - throw away the "Israeli" citizenship and live here. In other words, I have returned back to the human race. I will not return and to hell with all the crap propaganda about the sick country.

The sooner the rest of my relatives join the side of the right the better. And all my friends also want to piss off.

Israel is bankrupt, both morally and economically.

Dumb Shirley Porter


20.05.2003 15:46

Arabs are forbidden from owning land in 'Israel' Its in their constitution. Why the international conference a couple of years ago in South africa, on Racism, declared Israel a racist state



20.05.2003 19:13

It is one thing to dislike Israel for what it does, it is yet another to hate Israel based on lies. There are over a million Arab citizens of Israel - they are allowed to own land, vote, practice their religion and enter any profession. There is land for sale in Israel proper, just as there is in England. And Jews are moving to Israel by the thousand every year - many from France, Argentina and the UK - many escaping the hatred and racism that is expressed on the streets and in the media. The comment that Jews in Germany need to be protected by the police becuase of Israel's behavior shows the level of discourse here. Perhaps it was from one of the BNP's many supporters, but more likely from a "lefist" who shares the BNP's bigotry.



20.05.2003 20:38

If this is an event to buy occupied land, then surely you can contact the police as this is supporting racial hatred.

The police will make a difference, they must under UK law on inciting racial hatred.

I'm not naive in making these statements, the UK police will act upon any incident of inciting racial hatred.

eric and tony


20.05.2003 21:50

"go back home to the UK, Australia, Poland, France and whereever you came from! "

York? Auschwitz? Yemen? Take a look at what happened in those places and you will see why Israel is.

And there ARE Israeli-Arabs who live in Israel proper. And there are Druze and Bedouin who would be insulted if you grouped them together with the Israeli Muslims, and even more so if you grouped them with the Palestinians. Its not a matter of where they were in '48, there are a whole load of ethnic divisions in Israel that you living here in your smartarse pussy English lifestyle have no idea about. Go buy some land in Israel, live there, and then talk out your mouth.

shivim achuz tzioni


21.05.2003 16:15

The BNP have won a handful of local council seats in a very few towns on the basis of 10-15% of locals voting for them. Worrying, yes. Apocalyptic, no. Let's not get paranoid; anti-racists remain a large majority, we just need to organise and mobilise against these Nazis.

And whoever told you there are 'constant race riots thoughout England' was yanking your chain, mate!

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moop neek

22.05.2003 11:53

That was a reply to a comment that's been deleted, so it doesn't make much sense now. Still true though!
